After talking for so long, it turns out that they want him to pay, Mo Xun muttered in his heart.

Although it is not what he wants, he can still accept it reluctantly.

He is not an unreasonable person. As long as he is not targeted alone, these things can be discussed.

But asking Tianjian Sect to send people is a bit tricky.

Xunyang Zhenren said "a token of appreciation", but how much can be called "a token of appreciation"?

Mo Xun took a deep breath.

"If you two Taoist friends have any requests, just say it directly. Mo has never liked beating around the bush. As long as it can be done, I will try my best to meet it."

He always felt that the two had other intentions, perhaps not just as simple as asking for money and people.

Sure enough, the next words of Shengling Zhenren began to refer to something else.

"The last time I saw Daoyou Mo take action, he was not only powerful but also steady. If the two of us hadn't stopped him in time, Mu Congnan and Ye Fengling would have been in danger. So in my opinion, Daoyou's methods should be more than that, right?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly, not quite understanding the meaning of this for a moment.

The Holy Spirit smiled and stroked his beard, looking at him with a very strange look.

"The Tiandao League also wants to thank Daoyou for sending the evil spy last time, but as far as I know, Daoyou Mo seems to have another connection with the Situ family."

Mo Xun immediately raised his eyes and looked directly at the other party.

Only to hear the Holy Spirit continue to say: "More than two hundred years ago, Situ Peng and his entire clan, young and old, collectively defected from the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path. A nine-star soul-sucking formation almost killed tens of thousands of scattered cultivators, and fellow Daoist, happened to be one of the only survivors at that time. I wonder if what I said can bring back memories for fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xun's eyes condensed, and his aura also changed slightly in an instant.

But soon, he relaxed again.

Perhaps it was the first time that he was discovered by an unexpected person after returning to Southern Xinjiang, which caught him off guard.

But thinking carefully, even if someone knew his past, it would not be a big deal.

In addition to offending a few small figures, he had never come into contact with other high-level cultivators.

And with his current strength, he has nothing to fear.

The Tiandao League leads the entire Southern Xinjiang, and it is not difficult to investigate a person's past.

Since taking the anti-aging pill, his appearance has never changed. As long as you take his portrait and ask, what secrets can't be found out?

It seems that his actions during this period have indeed attracted some attention.

Many people have developed a strong interest in his Nascent Soul that suddenly appeared.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, the Holy Spirit looked into the darkness and whispered something.

Then, there was a sound of a stone door opening in the invisible place.

Then a vague figure walked out from inside and gradually became clear.

When this person appeared, Mo Xun's pupils shrank.

The man first came to the Holy Spirit tremblingly and knelt down with a plop.

"Disciple greets the ancestor. May the ancestor live a prosperous life!"

The Holy Spirit waved his hand.

"You stand up and speak first!"

This person was dressed in Taoist clothes and looked to be in his sixties, which seemed to be three points older than the Holy Spirit.

However, his cultivation was only at the false elixir realm.

The Holy Spirit looked at Mo Xun meaningfully, and then said to the man: "Raise your head and see if you know this senior."

The man nodded in surprise, and when his eyes fell on Mo Xun's face, the whole person froze.

"You... you are..."

Halfway through the words, the man hurriedly stopped talking.

His expression was even more suspicious.

Because he felt the completely unfathomable cultivation of Mo Xun.

At this moment, he finally understood why the ancestor asked him to come here.

Just a few days ago, the elders of the sect took a portrait and secretly investigated the details of the person in the portrait, and he happened to see it.

With the ability of photographic memory for many years, he recognized it at a glance.

Because this person happened to be very similar to the young man he met at the foot of Si Nan Mountain that year.

The two even walked together for a while, and finally entered Si Nan Mountain together.

After careful recollection, he did not remember the other person's name.

He only vaguely remembered that there was a young female cultivator next to the young man, and they called each other brother and sister.

Of course, he would not associate it with the current Tianjian Sect Master who was in the limelight.

After all, when they first met, Mo Xun's realm was not as high as his!

He suddenly remembered the word "senior" mentioned by the Holy Spirit.

Could it be that this young man in front of him, who looked like his old friend, also survived the great changes in Si Nan Mountain and had already formed a pill?

The more he looked, the more he felt that it was the same person.

Except for the completely different aura on his body, they were almost exactly the same.

Of course, Mo Xun finally remembered him.

Although he was a little unrecognizable, he could still vaguely see his eyebrows.

This person's name was Luo Qingbei!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's face calmed down.

On the way to Si Nan Mountain, he and Li Qingying had taken a beast cart.

After getting on the car, there were already two men and one woman sitting inside.

One of them had the highest cultivation level, dressed in a Taoist robe, and called himself Yuan Zhenzi.

The woman was his sister, named Yun Muqiu, and the other man was the woman's husband, the person in front of him.

There was no grudge between the group at the beginning.

It could even be said that there was some affection between them. It was because of the enthusiasm of the three that he and Li Qingying settled in Wengcheng.

Since then, there has been no intersection.

I didn't expect that after so many years, I would meet in this place.

A smile suddenly appeared on Mo Xun's lips.

"It turned out to be Brother Luo. I haven't seen you for more than two hundred years. I almost didn't recognize you. I wonder if Taoist Yuan and Fairy Yun are doing well?"

Upon hearing this, Luo Qingbei's original 70% certainty immediately became 100%.

If it weren't for the people back then, how could he say these two names?

Luo Qingbei quickly recovered from his surprise. Because he couldn't figure out Mo Xun's background and cultivation, he could only bow respectfully.

"Seeing you again, I am also a little dazed. I am grateful for your concern, but my brother and wife have long been buried at the foot of Sinan Mountain. I was lucky to survive that year."

Hearing the exchange between the two, Shengling Zhenren and Xunyang Zhenren looked at each other, and saw a touch of shock in each other's eyes.

Originally, after hearing the news about Mo Xun from Luo Qingbei, the two of them only asked with a tentative attitude.

In their opinion, there may be other clues to this matter.

After all, it has only been two hundred years. How can a Qi Refiner grow to Yuanying?

This speed of advancement is not unprecedented, but looking at the thousands of years of history in Southern Xinjiang, it is definitely rare.

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