Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 985: Hundred Illusionary Heavenly Crystals

With Mo Xun's strength, he believed that if he was careful, he could sneak into the Demon Sect silently.

Even if he grasped the timing well, there was a high chance that he could plot against the Demon Ancestor.

But what next?

If he went deep alone, could he escape unscathed?

This point did not seem to be within the consideration of the two old guys.

If he was not careful, he would not only be sniped by the Demon Yuanying, but when the Demon Ancestor reacted, his life would be over.

But Mo Xun did not rush to refuse, but asked: "What's the benefit for me?"

He knew that no one would be willing to do such a task, and if the two wanted to carry out the plan, they would not be empty-handed.

The Holy Spirit laughed, and with his sleeves brushed, he took out the other three things.

"I wonder if these rewards can impress fellow Daoist?"

A red crystal stone and two jade slips.

The crystal stone was only the size of a baby's fist, extremely crystal clear, with a soft halo on the surface.

Mo Xun was surprised for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he blurted out

"Hundred Illusion Heavenly Crystal? There is such a thing in the world!"

Mo Xun was really a little surprised!

During the last Nascent Soul exchange, he proposed to exchange a treasure that could make Xuantian True Fire upgrade. Who would have thought that it would be seen with his own eyes only half a month later.

And this thing is the most top-level existence in the legend.

There are many ways to make True Fire upgrade. Most of the general fire attribute spiritual objects have this effect.

It can even be said that swallowing other kinds of True Fire can also achieve upgrade.

But it is very rare to make True Fire after Nirvana upgrade again, and each one is almost a peerless treasure.

After the surprise, Mo Xun frowned slightly again.

The thing is good, but it's a pity that there are not enough.

If he can get a few more pieces, his Chi Li can definitely turn into Burning Sky White Flame.

But what about the Nanming Lihuo?

Mo Xun thought to himself that he could let Chi Li swallow the Nanming Lihuo first, and then refine the Hundred Illusion Heavenly Crystal, maybe there would be a chance to advance.

But Mo Xun was not sure about the details.

After the short-term enthusiasm subsided, he gradually calmed down.

To be honest, this treasure did make him tempted, but it was obviously not so easy to get.

Then, he picked up two jade slips and looked at them separately.

In comparison, these two things were slightly more ordinary, two different Yuanying early stage pill recipes.

In other words, the things in front of him were all mentioned by him at the exchange meeting last time.

The more pill recipes, the better.

According to his previous experience, the efficacy of a single pill will gradually decrease after taking a certain amount, and even become almost zero in the end.

In order to maintain efficient cultivation, multiple pills must be taken in combination.

He silently calculated in his heart that if he could get these two pill recipes, plus the one he exchanged from Bai Xiangjun, there would be a total of three.

It would be enough for him to practice for a long time.

In fact, the cultivation of the Yuanying stage is no longer as dependent on pills as before.

On the one hand, the spiritual herbs involved in the recipe are rare spiritual medicines. I dare not say every one of them, but most of them are rare spiritual medicines, and they often need to be two or three thousand years old to meet the requirements, which makes it difficult to match them.

Even if Mo Xun has a green gourd, it will take decades to collect a furnace of pills.

On the other hand, the efficacy is no longer so satisfactory.

In the past few years, he has obtained two spiritual pills from various channels.

Originally, when he was building the foundation and forming the pill, every time he refined a pill, he could clearly feel the improvement of his cultivation.

But now, it is like catching water drops in a wooden bucket.

One drop down, there is almost no feeling.

These Nascent Souls who have been famous for a long time rarely use pills to improve their cultivation.

Either they meditate for years or through some kind of opportunity.

Things like opportunity are particularly important after the Nascent Soul.

Especially the breakthrough of bottlenecks!

Moreover, the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul is not just the node from the early to the middle stage, or from the middle to the late stage, but it will be encountered at any time.

If the opportunity or understanding is not there, perhaps for the rest of his life, he will be stuck somewhere and unable to move forward.

From the many Nascent Souls in Wuliang Mountain, it can be seen that there are nearly twenty people, but only four are mid-stage cultivators.

When these four people advanced, some of them were natural, and some broke through with external objects.

But it can be said that no one's path to advancement is exactly the same, or can be copied.

Even many people can't tell the reason after the breakthrough.

This is called thousands of ways, each different!

In Mo Xun's opinion, it is definitely unrealistic for him to break through with his qualifications, so he can only find a way to find an opportunity.

This elixir is the fastest way he can get.

Mo Xun held the jade slip in his hand and fell into deep thought again.

True Saint did not urge him, and just sat quietly with True Saint Xun Yang.

This deal is not a loss if you want to say it.

For twenty years, he only had to stay in the heart of the Demon Sect, and what he really had to do was just wait for the opportunity to make a move once.

As for the way out, we can think about it slowly.

The key point is that if we take on this task, the Tianjian Sect will not have to contribute manpower.

And he only needs to deal with a demon Yuanying after the war begins, and he will not have to participate in the battle between the heavens and the demons.

In addition, there is a reward!

It seems that from any angle, this is a good deal.

After a moment, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "I wonder where you got this Hundred Illusion Sky Crystal?"

Master Holy Spirit seemed to have expected it, and threw a jade slip again.

Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness was immersed in it and he immediately realized that it was a map.

Moreover, the map pointed to the Nine Demonic Sects.

Mo Xun's face immediately showed something strange. If it weren't for the late-stage great monk in front of him, he would have even suspected that the other party was lying to him.

There are such coincidences in the world!

"Fellow Daoist Mo, you don't have to doubt that this crystal stone does come from the devil's way, and it was obtained from a captured pill-forming monk during the war between demons two hundred years ago. As for whether that person was lying at that time, I dare not vouch for it. , but as far as I know, there is indeed an underground fire pool in that place, which can breed hundreds of magic heaven crystals, which is reasonable. "

Mo Xun nodded understandingly.

With the status and realm of the real Holy Spirit, he should not be able to lie.

When he thought of this, Mo Xun flicked his sleeves and immediately put away everything in front of him.

"Deal! And as you two wish, Mo swore on his inner demons that once he takes on this task, he will not back down in the middle."

The two people looked at each other with knowing smiles on their faces.

Master Xunyang said: "Fellow Taoist is a sensible person. Who should I talk to about this matter and who should not know about it. The two of me will not say more. When to enter the Huoling Desert is also decided by fellow Taoist. I will also give you the contact information of a hidden stake. If you need anything, you can contact this person. "

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