Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 986: Thunder Spiritual Root

In the green gourd, Mo Xun looked at a place in the medicine garden covered by the formation. The black soil was bare and there was nothing!

Inside, the dead branches of the immortal tree obtained last time were planted.

There was a strange gray fog in the formation.

The gray fog did not condense or disperse, like a wandering ghost, constantly drifting in the formation.

This gray fog was the chaotic turbid air.

If a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage was here, he would notice that in addition to the gray fog, there was another kind of breath inside.

It was the vitality that was slowly derived under the effect of the formation.

Of course, Mo Xun could not detect this breath, he could only vaguely feel that it was somewhat different from the formation.

After this period of cultivation, this thing seemed to have a little more vitality.

Although it was very weak, there was indeed a change.

After a long time, Mo Xun retracted his consciousness again.

If he could really plant this immortal tree alive, it would be a great opportunity.

But when it comes to chance, his recent luck is really good.

First the immortal tree, then a piece of Zhengyang Leijiao wood!

While thinking, a jade box appeared in his hand.

In it, it was the purple thunder arrow!

When the jade box was opened, Bai Ze in the distance immediately came up.

During this period of time, Mo Xun had nothing to do, so he threw the little guy into the green gourd again to help him take care of several spiritual objects recently planted in the medicine garden.

Looking at the arrow emitting thunder power in front of her, the little girl opened her eyes curiously.

But perhaps she felt the heart-pounding power of the thunder arrow, and quickly hid behind Mo Xun.

"Uncle, what is this?"

Mo Xun did not answer, but wondered if this thing could be planted?

He had only heard of Leijiao wood.

But he did not expect that a piece of wood the size of a finger could have such an amazing thunder and lightning power.

But in his opinion, this thing should have been refined.

It must not be so small originally, but a product of condensation.

Otherwise, how can a small piece of Lei Jiao wood contain such strong energy?

But if that's the case, the possibility of survival after planting is not very high.

Because it is likely to be mixed with other materials.

Just like the chessboard and chess pieces he made with Tongtian Jianmu, can they grow again after being buried in the soil?

In any case, he still wants to give it a try.

If he survives by chance, won't he have another thunder attribute killer?

He saw his mind move, carefully controlled with his spiritual consciousness, and took the thunder arrow out of the jade box with spiritual power in the air.

Although he has not tried it, this thing gives him a feeling that it is extremely dangerous.

It may not be realistic to kill a god with one arrow, but ordinary Yuanying will definitely not be able to bear it.

If it is unexpected, even a late-stage great cultivator will suffer a great loss.

The two old guys are really stingy. They only gave him arrows but no bows, and asked him to find a longbow of good grade.

Fortunately, he was an equipment refiner, so this was not difficult.

He first spent an incense stick of time to clear a place in the medicine garden and set up a small barrier.

In the barrier, he set up several isolation formations in succession, and then carefully buried the lightning arrow in the black soil.

Bai Ze looked at the busy Mo Xun, and her mouth almost opened into a circle.

This suddenly reminded her of a secular book she had read before, which said that there was a stupid cat who loved to eat fish, so he buried the small fish in the soil, hoping to harvest a basket of fish meat next year.

Isn't this what Mo Xun is doing now?

Could it be that the uncle's black soil is really so magical that you can get what you plant?

Thinking of this, she immediately looked at a pill in her palm.

This was what she had just refined. Not only was it delicious, but after eating it, she could dream about what she wanted like dreaming.

She gave it a nice name, called "Dream Pill"!

Then, her eyes fell on the black soil under her feet again.

Then he squatted down and secretly dug a hole in the ground.


In the formation, Mo Xun looked at the lightning that was already buried deep in the soil, but still overflowed. He didn't know whether the result of this experiment was good or bad.

But he didn't care. Even if the Purple Sky Divine Thunder Arrow was damaged, the worst thing would be to find some other treasures that could restrain the demons.

As long as he could sneak attack and severely injure the Demon Ancestor, he would have fulfilled his promise to the Holy Spirit.

He was afraid that this thing would have some impact on other spiritual objects after being planted, so he arranged a lot of formations inside and outside.

Leaving the green gourd, Mo Xun looked inside himself and pondered again.

As early as a few months ago, he discovered some changes in his body.

Because of the long-term storage of chaotic turbid air in his body, his spiritual roots have not only become five elements mixed spiritual roots, but also unknowingly derived thunder system.

This made him a little bit laughable!

It seems that his qualifications are getting worse and worse!

However, as the saying goes, fortune and misfortune go hand in hand. After having the thunder spirit root, although the cultivation will become slower, it also means that he will have one more means.

There are two different ways of thunder attribute attacks that we usually see.

One is that thunder attribute cultivators practice thunder-related skills.

The other is to use some thunder-related magic weapon.

Just like the wind and thunder stick he used before, using external objects to perform thunder-related magic.

However, this method is obviously not as handy as the former, and the power will be greatly reduced.

If he has the thunder spirit root, he can transform thunder and lightning with his own spiritual power.

So after discovering his thunder spirit root, he had an idea, that is, to practice thunder-related skills.

And he happened to have a copy of "Five Thunders" in his hand!

But once he started practicing, it would take up a lot of his energy.

Mo Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Back then, he was so scared that he didn't dare to buy a skill even if he participated in a small auction of Qi Refining Stage.

Now, there are too many skills to practice.

And each one is beyond this world.

If there is no such thing as the magic way, he would not have to get involved in any thunder-related skills.

His ambition is not how strong his strength is, but to practice to the top of this world and then find a way to ascend.

But now he has to think more.

If he can't stop the demons this time, then it is obviously necessary to master a magical power that specifically restrains demons.

With this thought, Mo Xun has taken out the "Five Thunders" and swallowed the chaotic turbid air at the same time.

Although the thunder spiritual root has been derived, it is not mature and needs to be nurtured for a while.

Sometimes he even wonders if he will grow all the spiritual roots in the future?

After so many years in the world of immortal cultivation, he has never heard of anyone who has five elements spiritual roots and a mutant spiritual root at the same time.

Because this kind of aptitude is almost too bad.

Let alone cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, I am afraid there will be problems in building the foundation.

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