Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 987: Xuanwu Spirit Fight

After thinking for a while, he began to study the new recipes.

His recent luck was indeed good. In addition to the cultivation recipe, Qiu Linwan also helped him find a recipe for the spirit pill.

When the realm is higher, it is really different.

The spirit pill that has troubled him for many years, he didn't expect that a Yuanying exchange meeting would solve it.

Just when Mo Xun was about to start refining the pill, the Zhengyuan Sword Sect far away in Xuanwu Country was holding a unique martial arts meeting.

This martial arts meeting was jointly hosted by the three major sects, which is an old tradition in Xuanwu for more than a thousand years.

These three major sects include Zhengyuan Sword Sect, Shendan Sect, and Jiuli Palace.

Among the thirteen sects in the five countries of Southern Xinjiang, Xuanwu alone occupies three, which shows the prosperity of the local cultivation atmosphere.

This martial arts meeting, called "Xuanwu Spirit Fight", is limited to cultivators below the Jindan stage.

It is held every thirty years, and it is also a redistribution of resources from the three major sects.

Of course, the participants were not limited to the three sects, but also included the major families and small sects in Xuanwu.

Even independent cultivators came, and many of them came.

Because the winners could not only win the title for the sect, but also get corresponding personal rewards.

However, compared with previous sessions, the number of participants in this conference was obviously much less.

The main reason for this was that most people rushed to the front line of Wuliang Mountain.

There were only two Yuanying cultivators in charge.

In order to create an atmosphere, the three sects also sent invitations to other sects.

Inviting foreign cultivators was definitely not to participate in the fight, but just to watch the battle.

Even the Tianjian Sect received an invitation a year ago.

However, Dong Qianxue, who was in charge of the sect affairs at that time, only sent two foundation-building cultivators to participate because of limited manpower.

One of them was Sun Ku!

More than 30 years later, Sun Ku has already established his foundation.

Among the cultivators sent by various sects to watch the battle, Sun Ku was undoubtedly the one with the lowest cultivation, but in terms of status, he was not bad at all.

With the reputation of being Mo Xun's direct disciple, he was not treated coldly.

Mo Xun naturally didn't know that Sun Ku was here.

Even the so-called "Xuanwu Spirit Fighting Conference" was not reported by Dong Qianxue because Mo Xun was in seclusion at that time.

Sitting on the viewing platform with a group of Jindan cultivators, Sun Ku was quite proud.

Next to him was a male cultivator named Zhang Ce in the early stage of foundation building.

This person was the first batch of cultivators to join the Tianjian Sect. When he joined the sect, he was just a casual cultivator with perfect Qi training.

When Zhang Ce first joined the Tianjian Sect, he was naturally gambling.

After all, Mo Xun had just fallen out with Wang Boshan at that time, and no one was optimistic about this newly established sect.

Even if it was not good, he might be buried with the sect.

What happened afterwards was indeed frightening.

When Wang Boshan and his clan invaded, many people thought it was over, and even Zhang Cong was ready to fall.

But now it seems that he obviously made the right bet.

Because he was one of the first to enter, he received a precious foundation-building pill, and then the god of luck descended, and he succeeded in building his foundation.

Not long after he came out of retreat, he was entrusted with an important task and accompanied Sun Ku to carry out this easy task.

Zhang Ce also had a luxury in his heart, that is, to be able to worship under a certain Jindan cultivator.

According to the general tradition of the sect, any disciple who successfully builds his foundation can choose a Jindan cultivator to be his master.

But there are too few Jindan elders in Tianjian Sect.

Since Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi retreated, only Yin Lixi and Dong Qianxue were left.

Because of all kinds of things, the two have only accepted one disciple each so far.

His fellow disciples who successfully built their foundation with him also have no master.

The reason why casual cultivators are willing to worship in the sect is, on the one hand, the attraction of cultivation resources, and on the other hand, they hope to have someone to guide their cultivation.

If there is no master, what is the difference between casual cultivators?

Fortunately, on the way here, he did his best to build a good relationship with the uncle Sun next to him, and now he has been promised that after returning to the sect this time, uncle Sun will help him introduce Elder Dong.

Therefore, he wanted to complete this mission beautifully.

Looking down from the viewing platform, there is an extremely wide square not far away.

There are more than 20 formation arenas on the square, and at this moment, there are cultivators fighting on each arena.

Next to the arena, there are Jindan stage referees.

Such a fight is said to last for more than a month.

Today is only the second day, and the difference from yesterday is that there is an additional Yuanying on the main stage.

Originally, only the ancestors of Jiuli Palace and Zhengyuan Sword Sect were in charge of this grand event.

As for Shendan Sect, because all the Yuanying in the sect went to Wuliang Mountain, only the sect master of the middle stage of Jindan was sent this time.

Zhang Ce quietly approached Sun Ku and whispered, "Uncle Sun, I heard that the ancestor of Gu Yue Sect is here today."

Sun Ku raised his head and his eyes fell on a high platform in the distance.

There was a group of people there, but because of the formation, only a vague outline could be seen.

Gu Yue Sect?

Sun Ku pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Although he came from Xihezhou, he had been familiar with the distribution of local sects in Nanjiang for several years.

This is also a big sect in Nanjiang, belonging to Shengguo, but in terms of strength, it can only be ranked at the bottom.

It is said that since the great battle between the gods and demons more than two hundred years ago, there is only one Yuanying ancestor left.

But it is strange that this Yuanying did not go to Wuliang Mountain.

Other sects would at most send a Jindan, but the Guyue Sect really valued it, and even sent a Yuanying in person.

In the main stage barrier, four people were sitting in the first place at this time.

Three Yuanyings, one Jindan!

On both sides, there were several Jindan cultivators standing on the left and right.

The reason why the Jindan could sit with the three Yuanyings was mainly because he represented the Shendan Sect.

Although the Shendan Patriarch did not come, his position could not be moved.

However, this person was obviously aware of his identity. When the three Yuanyings were talking and laughing, he could only listen carefully with a smile like the cultivators on both sides.

"Meng Laoguai, what do you think of my disciple?"

The speaker was the Guyue Sect Patriarch, Fang Xinghe!

This was a strong old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties, with a bit of majesty between his eyebrows.

The one called Meng Laoguai was named Meng Bolei, and he was the Supreme Elder of Jiuli Palace.

Fang Xinghe was referring to a young man standing behind him.

This person's cultivation is really extraordinary. Judging from the fluctuations of mana flowing on his body, he is almost at the false infant realm.

If the three Yuanyings are not counted, this person should be the best in the field.

Seeing Meng Bolei turn his head, Fang Xinghe immediately shouted with a smile.

"Wuji, stand up and let the two seniors see, maybe today will be your good fortune."

The man named "Wuji" immediately walked out, saluted the two Yuanyings, and clasped his fists to the people around him.

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