Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 997: The Battle of the Demons

As soon as the restriction was lifted, an overwhelming rumbling sound was heard from the outside world.

A group of people flew out one after another, and what immediately appeared in front of them was endless smoke and the sound of fighting.

As far as the naked eye can see, there is already boundless melee.

Waves of mana fluctuated, and the ground shook with deafening rumblings.

The first thing that caught the eye were nearly a hundred tall light and shadow giants.

These giants are condensed by illusory light and shadow, each one is about a hundred feet long.

Under the light and shadow, hundreds of monks were sitting cross-legged, with a black array disk suspended under each of them.

The top of the giant's head is controlled by ten foundation-building monks with swords.

As for the magic path, there are also similar light and shadow giants, but they are all gray and black, as if they are condensed from black mist.

At the front of the battlefield, the two giants were like puppets who couldn't fight, attacking each other clumsily and mechanically.

This kind of magic circle giant condensed by low-level monks is not only extremely shocking to look at, but also earth-shattering in its attack.

One punch and the earth will tremble.

In the light and shadow, a ball of blood mist shoots out from time to time.

In addition to these, there is also an attack square composed of hundreds of people. Under the superposition of hundreds of attack magic weapons, they emit bursts of dazzling light pillars and bombard the demonic monks coming from the opposite side.

As for foundation building and pill formation, they are more of a solo battle.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, hundreds of battlefields have been opened up, and both on the ground and at high altitudes, they are all involved in melee.

The mana fluctuations and the magic weapon's rays of light spread out, enveloping the sky with smoke and blood mist.

The air was filled with a strong smell of burning, and even more disgusting smell of blood.

The rubble-like land was full of huge craters created by the bombardment, and the splashing sand was also dyed reddish-brown.

This was not the first time Mo Xun had seen such a grand war scene.

But even so, it still made him feel a little shaken.

The combined manpower dispatched by both sides was at least 70,000 to 80,000. From the beginning, the entire war seemed to be in a stalemate.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the ancestor of Nascent Soul has not yet taken action.

Even among the alchemy monks, there are only a few.

More importantly, the Qi Refiners who were building the foundation and condensing the magic circle were still fighting.

Among those fighting teams, there was also a battlefield specially opened for spiritual beasts. Hundreds of strange beasts roared endlessly.

There seems to be some kind of tacit understanding between the two parties. The Qi Refiner monk must be facing off against the Qi Refiner monk.

As for foundation building and pill formation, they must be equal opponents.

This tacit understanding is naturally not an agreement between the two parties, but determined by the war itself.

Whenever high-level monks break into low-level monks, strong men of the same level will intervene to stop them, and then a new battlefield will be opened up.

The Red Flame Army that Mo Xun was assigned to before played this role.

"Everyone, please return to your positions. If you encounter the Demonic Nascent Soul taking action, try to protect the disciples of our army. If the opponent's Nascent Soul has not moved, you don't have to take the initiative to fight. This battle is still going to be fought!"

After the Holy Spirit said this, everyone turned into escaping light, looking for the army of monks they needed to protect.

The last war between the demons lasted for decades or hundreds of years, and the Tiandao Alliance also had no intention of ending this counterattack in a short time.

As soon as Mo Xun arrived at the Red Flame Army, he saw that at least nearly a hundred people on his side had been killed or injured.

Although the seven or eight light and shadow giants are still intact, more or less disciples have fallen inside.

As for the pill-forming monks, a small number have already gone on to fight.

Several alchemy monks, including Liu Changqing, noticed Mo Xun's arrival immediately.

There are a total of seven pill-forming members within the Red Flame Army, most of whom are early-stage monks.

Now, there are only four people left watching the game on the sidelines.

As for the other three, they were obviously involved in the melee.

"Senior Mo!"

Led by Liu Changqing, several people quickly flew over and came to Mo Xun's side.

Mo Xun nodded slightly, and his eyes immediately fell on a blurry figure on the opposite side who had also just arrived.

This person is the Nascent Soul who is the leader of the demonic army.

The formations of the two sides were similar, each led by one or two Nascent Soul monks.

According to the wishes of the Holy Spirit, as long as the Demonic Dao Yuanying does not take action, they do not need to take the initiative to provoke.

Even when fighting, the main thing is to hold off the opponent.

There is no need to risk your life unless absolutely necessary.

The main reason why Holy Spirit made such arrangements was because the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Tiandao Alliance were too weak.

Regardless of their superiority in quantity, their strength is down a notch.

If the Yuanying monks suffered heavy damage from the beginning, the army of monks at the bottom might not have the confidence to fight.

But Mo Xun didn't think so. He came to Wuliang Mountain more to complete a mission, and he didn't have much time to spend here.

In the agreement reached with the Holy Spirit, he only needs to kill a middle-stage Demon Dao Nascent Soul.

Next, there are still many things waiting for him to do!

Judging from the jade slips given by Mu Congnan, the blood-colored coral came from the boundless sea, so before sneaking into the Nine Demonic Sects, he planned to go here first.

Just on the way, let's go to Jiuli Palace.

As for protecting the entire southern border, he doesn't think he has the ability.

If the evil calamity really comes, he will lead the disciples of Tianjian Sect to find a hidden place to build the sect again.

It's just that the Demonic Nascent Soul opposite is only in its early stages, and some of it is not in line with what he promised in front of the real Holy Spirit.

Mo Xun thought for a while, and thought that if it didn't work, he would use the heads of two early Yuanying to counter the middle stage!

Thinking of this, he immediately jumped up.

This surprised Liu Changqing and others.

According to the battlefield logic formulated in advance, the order of attack is from low level to high level, and because of the passive strength, they will only send out strong men of the same level to kill when the low-level disciples are in trouble or the demons take action first.

But there are still a few Jindan waiting by the side, and the Yuanying ancestor went on the field first.

Did the tactics change?

While several people were puzzled, the demons also noticed Mo Xun's actions.

The demon Yuanying was also a little confused.

The battle a few days ago was a test attack provoked by the Tiandao League. The two sides fought relatively restrained, and no Yuanying cultivators intervened.

Today's battle is a revenge action of the Demon Zun Hall.

The Demon Zun Hall actually thought about the same as the Tiandao League, and did not plan to use Yuanying in the early stage.

Their reason was not because they felt that they were too weak, but because many of the nine sects' ancestors had not yet arrived.

Without much confidence in winning, the Demon Lord Hall also chose to temporarily preserve its strength.

Moreover, the Demon Dao dispatched many Jindan cultivators this time, and they wanted to consume some of the backbone forces of the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the early stages of the war.

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