Mo Xun's move obviously disrupted the battlefield situation where the Red Flame Army was.

The demon Yuanying sneered and flew up the next moment.

Mo Xun raised his hand and threw it, but in his sleeve was not his most skilled magic weapon, but a white jade pot that he didn't know where he got from.

A large group of ice crystals spurted out of the jade pot and swept towards a black fog giant of the demon.

The temperature of the entire battlefield dropped suddenly.

Those ice crystals bombarded the giant, like thousands of swords flying, and immediately tore the black fog formation.

The mana of the low-level cultivators in the black fog giant stagnated, and everyone just felt the pressure of the vast sky, and then they turned into dozens of blood mists and exploded in the air.

The Yuanying cultivator's move was indeed extraordinary.

With just one move, he killed dozens of people.

The original black fog giant also collapsed immediately because of the death of a small half of the disciples.

Those who survived by chance also fell from the sky with injuries.

But the next moment, the demon Yuanying also approached.

This was a man in a black robe. Although he was still in the early stage of Yuanying, his cultivation was extremely solid.

It would take at least several decades to advance to Yuanying.

This man was wearing a strange glove with a silver glow. After seeing Mo Xun's surprise attack succeed, his whole face turned pale.

"Looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the demon Yuanying grabbed through the air.

The silver glove turned into an illusory big hand in the air, covering the sky and the sun, with a range of dozens of feet.

The sky above Mo Xun's head seemed to become dim under this big hand.

But when the big hand fell, Mo Xun's figure faded and disappeared from the spot.

Although the big hand grabbed nothing, the powerful true energy fluctuations seemed to pull the space slightly distorted.

The impact of the magic power even knocked many low-level cultivators around away.

After stabilizing himself in the air again, Mo Xun put his two fingers together and pointed them at the jade pot above his head. Another large group of ice crystals that were chilling to the bone flew out, but this time, it swept towards the demon's Yuanying.

The ice crystal fragments like a gust of wind reflected brilliant light in the sun and shot out in unison.

The next moment, it surrounded the demon's Yuanying and quickly condensed into ice around it.

But before it took shape, the illusory silver hand grabbed again, and with a bang, the ice crystals turned into nothingness in an instant.

As soon as Mo Xun made a move, the Jindan cultivators on the demon's side also moved.

Although Liu Changqing and others did not react for a while, they all flew up and pounced.

The attack formation that seemed to be in an orderly manner suddenly became messy.

Whether it was Qi Refining, Foundation Building, or Jindan, they all fought into a ball.

A series of magical rays of light suddenly shot out, and various magical instruments, treasures, talismans and flags filled the entire space. The flying mud and dust submerged the area of ​​dozens of miles.

Shouts and screams came one after another!

Thousands of troops from both sides were directly involved in a chaotic battle without any rules.

Under the sweep of the magic Yuanying's illusory hand again, Mo Xun was blown away, and even a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The magic Yuanying smiled grimly.

At the same time, he thought to himself, with just this little trick, he dared to show off in front of him, Wu Bu.

But just when Wu Bu was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, Mo Xun's figure flashed and turned into a light to fly away.

Wu Bu frowned, and after a brief pause, he hurriedly chased after him.

"Tell me your name, and I may consider sparing your life."

Mo Xun's body trembled, causing the aura around him to dissipate, pretending to be unstable.

He fled in mid-air, and when passing by another battlefield, he deliberately brushed past another demon Yuanying, leaving a wave of mana in the air.

This person is also in the early Yuanying stage, but judging from his cultivation, he seems to be slightly inferior to that Wu Bu.

As soon as he saw this person, Mo Xun recognized him.

This guy is called Shi Xian, and he belongs to the Tiansha Sect.

As for that Wu Bu, he was from the Moyan Sect.

Before the war, the Tiandao League had distributed the images of many demon Yuanying to everyone.

In addition to the images, there are also the means by which those strong men became famous.

Mo Xun thought about it for a while, and he had a plan in mind.

As expected, after seeing Mo Xun who seemed to be seriously injured, Shi Xian also caught up.

"Shi Xian, this big fish is mine, get out of my way!"

The guy named Shi Xian looked fierce, with a face full of flesh under long hair, and he was obviously not a character that was easy to mess with.

Shi Xian chuckled.

"Since it is a fish that slipped through the net, it will definitely belong to whoever catches it!"

Listening to the two people's unscrupulous fight, Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

He has spent enough time in this place.

After this battle, there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

The policies of the two sides of the demons are similar, and both calculate the merits of war according to the number of heads.

If you can catch or kill a Yuanying cultivator, the reward you get is almost crazy.

The three Yuanyings chased each other in the air without any hesitation, which immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the people on the battlefield.

This naturally includes Wang Boshan, Mu Congnan, and Su Yunshang's master Xuan Jing.

It's just that the speed of the few people is too fast, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wang Boshan frowned, as if he didn't quite understand what was going on.

"He's actually injured!"

After a silent groan, Wang Boshan noticed the two demonic Yuanying chasing behind Mo Xun, and he was even more confused.

It shouldn't be like this!

Although he didn't dare to say that he knew Mo Xun's strength in detail, he still knew a thing or two.

How could two Yuanying in the early stage let this person get hurt?

Those who had this question naturally included Mu Congnan and Xuan Jing.

But even so, no one came forward to help.

Perhaps in the hearts of several people, they wished that Mo Xun would die sooner!

After an incense stick, Mo Xun finally slowed down in a remote canyon.

This place is thousands of miles away from the battlefield of the demons, and it is almost completely isolated from the fighting, except for the faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

While the two hadn't caught up, Mo Xun fled while scattering formation flags around.

Although it was hasty, with his level of formation, he could quickly set up a level 5 formation.

The purpose of this formation is not to strangle, but to siege, and there is also a restriction hidden inside to prevent the escape of the Nascent Soul.

He then waved his robe sleeves and threw the two Xuantian True Fires into the dark.

In addition, his demonic incarnation and the Wulu Nebula Disk were all hidden in the clouds.

He planned to capture the two guys behind him, including the Nascent Soul.

After a few breaths, Wu Bu and Shi Xian caught up.

At this moment, Mo Xun had already arranged all the back-up plans, just floating in the air, with his hands behind his back, calmly watching the two flying lights, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

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