Mo Xun's face was completely free of the panic he had before.

As for his aura, it was also stable and restrained, without any trace of injury!

As soon as Wu Bu and Shi Xian stopped, they knew they had been fooled.

However, the two were not worried. With their eyesight, they could naturally see that Mo Xun had not concealed his cultivation.

Of course, there was chaotic turbidity on Mo Xun's body. If he wanted to hide it, the two could not really see it.

In this case, why should they worry?

Two against one at the same level, if the other party still ran away in this situation, it can only be said that they were not good enough in cultivation.

As for losing, the two had never thought about it.

"Wub, let's talk about it in advance, how to divide it?" Staring at Mo Xun not far away, Shi Xian did not hide the greed in his eyes.

At this moment, the two people could indeed be greedy.

Since the start of the war, no Nascent Soul cultivators have died on either side.

Whoever can catch this first big fish, obviously in addition to the reward, also has extremely important symbolic significance.

"I think those old guys in the Demon Lord Hall will not be stingy." The two saw this temptation at almost the same time.

Wu Bu was naturally unhappy about Shi Xian's sudden intervention.

But since the incident has already happened, he can't continue to eat alone.

"How else can I divide it? I want this person's Nascent Soul body, and all the treasures on him belong to you!"

The means of refining the Nascent Soul incarnation are not only known by Mo Xun.

This Wu Bu probably has this plan.

In addition, the Nascent Soul also has unparalleled benefits in many aspects, such as assisting in cultivation.

Let alone the Demonic Path, even the Tiandao League, which claims to be the orthodox Taoist, also has this kind of evil skills in many sects.

Shi Xian nodded, probably satisfied with this distribution.

"The reward is also half for each person, but you'd better not play tricks when you make a move."

Wu Bu sneered.

"Of course, don't blame me for not reminding you. This person is good at ice-attribute attacks, but the power is just so-so. There are formation fluctuations around here, so you need to be alert."

Even if you can reach the level of Yuanying, no matter how weak you are, your sensitivity to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extraordinary.

The first move that Mo Xun arranged in advance naturally could not escape the eyes of the two.

But they only paid a little attention to it. After all, how sophisticated formation can be arranged in a hurry?

Even if it was a level 7 trap formation, the two were not afraid at all.

Listening to the two people's plan to attack him in person, Mo Xun's expression remained calm.

Since the existence of the formation was discovered, he simply did not cover it up. He pinched the Dao formula in his hand and directly closed the trap formation.

Ubu glanced around and smiled calmly: "It's actually level 5. I underestimated you. Tell me, what is your name and which sect are you from?"

Before killing someone, these things must be asked clearly.

From the information given by the Demon Lord Hall, they did not have any information about the person in front of them.

There can only be one reason, this person has just advanced.

And from the fluctuations of mana emanating from Mo Xun's body, it seems that he has just stabilized his realm.

Asking for his identity and background, they can report it when they go back.

Otherwise, if they kill an unknown person like this, they may have to argue with those old guys again.

Seeing that the time is almost right, Mo Xun didn't want to delay any longer. With the blood in his body condensed, he rushed to Shi Xian like lightning.

At the same time, he had already taken out the Tongtian Bloodthirsty Sword in his hand.

Facing Mo Xun's attack without any signs, the two seemed to be prepared.

Wu Bu's illusory big hand wearing a silver glove grabbed it the next moment.

As for Shi Xian, he spit out a black bead from his mouth.

The bead rotated rapidly in a ball of black air, emitting a thick demonic energy from it, and quickly condensed into a huge black dragon, wrapped in a gust of wind, sweeping out a huge force and rushing towards Mo Xun.

At the same time, the two people's Nascent Soul Spirit Realm also spread out.

Under the suppression of two different auras, the surrounding space suddenly seemed to be compressed and deformed by some invisible force.

Being in it, people feel like being in a quagmire.

Mo Xun's figure stagnated, and both his speed and movements were 70% slower than before.

At this moment, the illusory Zhen Yuan hand and the black dragon came to him at the same time.


There was a deafening explosion, and the valley was filled with black demonic energy and mud in an instant.

However, in the center of the explosion, a golden light flashed.

Wu Bu and Shi Xian, who had been confident, just showed a little joy, and their faces changed at the same time.

This attack came from the hands of two people, so they naturally knew how powerful it was.

As for the effect, it can also be perceived at the first time.

What surprised them was that under such an attack of such intensity, Mo Xun, who was at the center of the magic power, seemed to be blocked by a circle of golden light. Most of the impact was blocked outside, and even if there was a bombardment on his body, it seemed that he didn't even hurt his skin.

But how is this possible?

Although the two did not use their full strength, they still had 60% or 70%.

In addition, Mo Xun, who was in the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm after they overlapped, seemed to have only paused for a while.

When the two reacted, it was too late.

Especially Shi Xian, who was the first to bear the brunt!

Seeing Mo Xun approaching, Shi Xian spit out a mouthful of blood in a hurry.

The bright red blood sprayed on the black beads in front of him, causing the originally thick demonic energy to surge out more violently.

When Mo Xun arrived, a black shield was finally condensed in front of him.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty sword in Mo Xun's hand had already stabbed out.

With a sizzling sound, the black shield cracked a hole in the red light, and the powerful mana and true essence bombarded Shi Xian.

Shi Xian hurriedly wanted to retreat, but Mo Xun's Yuanying Spirit Realm had locked him tightly.

In panic, Shi Xian burned his blood and essence frantically, trying to break free from the restraints of his body.

But don't look at Mo Xun as only in the early Yuanying stage, because he had condensed the golden elixir with several times the cultivation through the five elements, and because he had practiced the attributeless exercises for these years, his true essence condensation was more than one or two percent higher than that of the same level?

Before Shi Xian could break free, the bloodthirsty sword had already broken through the demonic shield and stabbed into his body.

Shi Xian's pupils suddenly shrank, and his momentum began to wilted rapidly.

"What kind of sword is this?"

Mo Xun did not answer him, but continued to inject magic power, urging the bloodthirsty sword to continuously absorb the essence and blood in the opponent's body.

In the blink of an eye, the blood color on Shi Xian's body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This sudden change made Shi Xian horrified, and he directly spit out a large mouthful of blood, and at the same time wanted to activate the Yin Demon Pearl in front of him again.

But Mo Xun would never give him a chance. He suddenly raised his left hand and slapped the opponent's crown with force.

At the same time, he rolled up his robe sleeves and forcibly took away the black bead between the two of them and threw it into the green gourd.

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