Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1022 A sect that does all evil

Law Enforcement Peak.

Jiang Hao came very early.

This mission is extremely important to him.

It's not because of the chief preselection, but because of the possibility of being targeted by the Fallen Immortal Clan.

If he really entered, it would be equivalent to entering a trap, which would have a huge impact on him.

If you don't know clearly now, whether the other party can directly lock on you, or whether you can be sure that you have entered the lake.

If it is the rear, then the space is huge and there is enough reaction time.

If it is the former...

Very dangerous.

Just be extremely careful.

If you really feel that you are being noticed, you can only escape first.

You must leave before the other party finds out.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Hao saw Zheng Shijiu.

"Senior Brother Zheng."

"Junior Brother Jiang."

Zheng Jiujiu looked at Jiang Hao and smiled: "I heard that my junior brother has become the chief preselector. It's really amazing."

"It was just a fluke." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said politely.

"Is this a specific mission for Junior Brother?" Zheng Shijiu asked.

Regarding the chief pre-selection task, everyone in the sect can basically know.

Some people even want to find some outstanding people to travel with.

The purpose is to successfully complete the task.

"If there are no accidents, it should be fine." Jiang Hao replied.

Normally, he only has this one sect mission within three years.

So it should be.

"Not to mention the chief preliminaries, they seem to have secretly found some fellow disciples, junior brother..." Zheng Shijiu hesitated to speak.

Jiang Hao smiled and said:

"Senior brother, there is no need to pay attention to this matter, just let it happen."

Whether it is completed or not is of certain importance to Jiang Hao, but compared to the dangers posed by the Fallen Immortals, the success or failure of the Chief Preliminary Mission is not that important.

Of course, the danger brought by the Tianji Dream Bead made him have to take a look.

It's just ahead of schedule now.

Zheng Jiu nodded and said nothing.

A few moments.

The other three people also arrived long before the appointed time.

They also knew that this time it was a certain chief preselection leader and they did not dare to neglect.

But despite being so far in advance, she still arrived late.

Liao Jin lowered his head and apologized: "We were late and kept Senior Brother Jiang waiting for a long time."

Soon, Jiang Hao got to know them.

The senior brother in front of me who had a close relationship with him once was named Liao Jin, and he had perfect cultivation of the golden elixir.

Next to him was a woman in black clothes with extremely bright red lips. She was Cheng Yuchen of Tianhuan Pavilion, a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

The last strong man is Hengliu Waterfall Ludong, who has perfected the golden elixir.

㩙Among individuals, three golden elixirs are perfect, one is in the late stage of golden elixir, and one is in the middle stage of golden elixir.

It's a very impressive team.

This is still the advance team. If nothing is gained in a short period of time, there should be Yuan Shen or Lian Shen to advance.

If the degree of danger is discovered, appropriate measures will be taken to proceed.

"Come on." Jiang Hao said.

Because he is the chief pre-selector, these classmates who have never been masked before are all his senior brothers.

Because in terms of status, I will be promoted faster than them.

After all, when the golden elixir is perfect, you are the strongest.

So no one dares to challenge his junior brother unless they know him from the beginning.

This is the impact of identity changes.

Although there may be some disadvantages, they are all within the tolerance range.

As long as he continues to stay in the Duanqingya Spiritual Medicine Garden, there will be fewer and fewer people who dare to make trouble for him.

And since he has no intention of competing with others, he won't have any fellow students to keep an eye on him.

A few moments.

Jiang Hao came to the mountain gate.

It has been a long time since he left the Tianyin Sect in an upright and upright manner.

In the past, I used various methods to avoid going out, but now I have to go out because of the sect's mission.

When I came in when I was 10 years old, I rarely went out again.

Jiang Hao felt quite sad for a while.

Then take one step forward.

This time he went out in public.

I don't know how much trouble will come.

Whether the people of the Luoxia Sect have really let go of their hatred will be known this time.

Even if Senior Sister Yun Ruo died, her influence on him would still be there, which was really amazing.

No wonder someone rescued Meishen after she was killed.

Jiang Hao couldn't understand those people's emotions.

When he left the sect, he felt that he was being watched.

Jindan cultivation level, not sure who he is from.

There is no discernible aura around him.

But he doesn't care what the other party wants to do.

You can even tell the person behind the scenes.

Now that we have come out, we must face a problem with all our strength.

If you are lucky enough to meet the people behind the scenes, you can persuade them to let go of their hatred.

"Senior Brother Jiang, I heard that there are many people going to the Dark Lake this time, including people from all sects.

"And this time, it is the Shenyu Sect. It is said that they can gather the eyes of the sky, peer into the darkness, and find the source of all things." Liao Jin thought for a moment and said:

"Although it sounds very powerful, it seems that they don't know how to use the clairvoyance, or the rumors are exaggerated.

"Anyway, they are just assisting in peering into the darkness and looking for clues to the source."

Jiang Hao nodded, he knew this sect.

Shenyu Sect, the name sounds very much like an immortal sect.

Unfortunately, it is a demon door to the core.

The reputation is much stronger than that of Tianyin Sect.

In recent years, the Tianyin Sect has become more famous, and in the past it was far inferior to the Shenyu Sect.

Wherever they go, their bodies will be strewn across the fields.

No matter how big or small the sects are, they will be bullied whenever they meet their people.

Xuantian Sect fought against you several times, but failed to gain any benefits.

This is also why Xuantian Sect was originally arranged by Tianyin Sect to redeem people who were killed, but was unable to conquer the cause.

Tianyin Sect is not the only demon sect, nor is it the strongest demon sect, nor is it the most trouble-making demon sect.

Xuantian Sect, Luoxia Sect, these sects all have their own enemies.

Shenyu Sect is one of them.

This is a first-class sect that can be close to a large number of sects.

At this time, Zheng Jiujiu followed up and said: "Whether it is us or other sects, all teams approaching the lake this time will have two Shenyu Sect disciples.

“They need to help lead the way.

"So based on the answers given by each sect, the core of this exploration is the Shenyu Sect."

"Who are they?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Some people have their own personalities." Zheng Jiu replied.

Jiang Hao nodded.

In other words, he is not very good at cooperating with other people.

This is a bit troublesome.

If an important person in the team keeps singing the opposite tune, it will have a big impact on him.

Big tree peak.

There were already many people here when Jiang Hao arrived.

And the lake has more than doubled in size in less than a month.

If it continues to expand exponentially, the Tianyin Sect will be involved in it within a few months.

There is no recovery.

At this time, a middle-aged man looked at Jiang Hao and others and said, "Tianyin Sect?"

This time I was asked to wear sect clothes when I went out.

So it can be recognized at a glance.

The middle-aged man in front of him is a senior of Tianmen Sect.

This exploration is sponsored by the Tianmen Sect. After all, they are the only large sect in the south.

But they came so quickly.

Jiang Hao was quite emotional.

Then the meeting ceremony was made: "Jiang Hao of the Tianyin Sect, I have met my senior."

Others followed suit and saluted.

"Golden elixir team?" The middle-aged man nodded and said: "This time I will assign three people to you. I hope you can put aside your prejudices against each other and work together.

“If you find anything, you can come to this area and let us know.

"The reward is to receive resources from all the major sects.

"Not one, but each sect gives one."


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