Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1023 Just listen to us

Under the blue sky and white clouds.

The breeze is gentle.

There are some people gathering in the woods and there are temporary shelters.

Flying swords often appear in the sky.

Some bonfires were blazing in the corner, and the smell of barbecue and wine could be heard.

Occasionally there are figures scattered on the branches.

They all seemed to be waiting for something.

Jiang Hao led the people through the crowd.

Now there are eight of them.

In addition to the first person, there were three more strangers.

Two males and one female.

The man is a young man with a sharp mouth, and the other has a confused and cautious look in his eyes, as if he is worried that he has done something wrong and brought trouble to others.

The girl is dressed in white and looks like a fairy in a painting.

Among them, the sharp-mouthed young man and the white-clothed fairy were disciples of the Shenyu Sect, while the rather hesitant young man was a disciple of the Xuantian Sect.

The former was said to be false at the beginning, while the latter was an accident.

It is said that he came here accidentally and was dragged into doing things in a daze.

This person came unexpectedly, which made Jiang Hao very concerned.

From the current point of view, it is indeed the late stage of gold.

The aura is not weak, but compared to Junior Brother Han Zi, it is far behind.

It's just that this person is a little different. His talent exudes colorful brilliance, and he should have a special physique.

"When will we enter the Black Lake? Even though it is a lake over there, there is actually a universe inside.

"The surrounding twisted space is extremely vast, and there are even monsters appearing." The sharp-mouthed young man said.

Zuo Ming, a disciple of the Shenyu Sect, is a perfect person.

"Not only that, the visibility inside is extremely low, and there is darkness just a foot away. If we weren't there, we wouldn't even be able to get out, let alone find the source." The fairy in white was a little proud.

Lonely Jinxiu, a disciple of the Shenyu Sect, has a perfect golden age.

"Oh my god." Jiang Hao looked into the distance and said:

"Observe for one night first."

He needs to prepare, not only that, but also to try the situation again with Wanliao Senluo.

Because it is only controlled as a puppet, there is no way to know what you will see after entering.

There is indeed no danger.

It would be much more convenient if the field of view could be shared.

at night.

The eight people sat beside the campfire and introduced their special abilities.

This was brought up by Zuo Ming of the Divine Feather Sect, who said that he needed to know the general situation after entering, and he would make unified arrangements for any problems.

Jiang Hao knew from listening that this man wanted to take the lead.

He didn't care about it. If someone wanted to take the lead, he would let the other person take the lead.

As long as everything goes well.

As for what he is good at, he is naturally good at perception and attack.

As the chief qualifier, it makes no sense that he is not good at attacking.

And perception has been there very early.

Senior Brother Zheng is good at ice attribute magic, Liao Jin is good at refining and healing, Hengliu Waterfall Ludong is good at physical magic, and Cheng Yuchen from Tianhuan Pavilion is good at charm magic.

Xuantianzong, on the other hand, is a bit simple and Ertao is good at injuries. He said that he has a special talent, which is recovery.

Broken arms can be reattached, injuries can be recovered, and as long as the head is not completely severed, you can recover bit by bit.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Jiang Hao frowned slightly, did he actually say such a thing?

"I, I really don't know how to do it, but I will try not to cause you any trouble.

"If something happens to me, you don't have to worry about me. I'll usually be fine." Diao Ertao finished these words nervously.

It seems that others looking at him make him nervous.

"Fellow Daoist Daoist is really great, why would you cause us any trouble?" Zuo Ming said with a smile: "By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. What we are good at is actually the Sky Eye. Of course, command ability is also our talent.

"So I hope you can trust our arrangements.

"Complete the task as soon as possible."

Jiang Hao had no objection, and so did everyone else.

Zheng Jiujiu felt something unusual, but he had cooperated with Jiang Hao many times, so he was waiting with peace of mind.

Wait for subsequent changes.

If nothing changes, everyone is probably happy.

If there is, I won't say it.

After the introductions, it was time for a shift vigil.

Zheng Shijiu was first, Kui Ertao was second, and Jiang Hao was last.

"We two are not keeping vigil. We must save our energy just in case. Thank you for your hard work." Zuo Ming said with a smile.

"Remember to protect us if there is danger." Lonely Jinxiu said.

Jiang Hao and the others could only nod.

So far it has to be them.

After that, everyone began to rest. Jiang Hao closed his eyes and adjusted his state, waiting for his vigil period.

After a long time.

He slowly opened his eyes and headed towards the bonfire.

Diao Ertao was staring at his surroundings attentively to prevent anyone or monsters from approaching.

When Jiang Hao came over, he noticed it immediately and was about to take action.

"It's me." Jiang Hao said softly.

"Jiang, Fellow Daoist Jiang." Diao Ertao immediately withdrew his strength and said reluctantly, "I didn't know it was you."

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded to express his understanding: "It's time for me to keep vigil. You can go and rest."

He spoke calmly and had no unnecessary emotions.

Diao Ertao nodded, then took out another fool and handed it out: "Eating this can make you energetic."

Brown, with abundant spiritual energy.

It's a good joke.

"It's edible." Seeing that Jiang Hao didn't move, Diao Ertao immediately put the egg in his mouth and took a bite: "Look, it's edible."

The other party's movements seemed to be saying it was not poisonous.

Then he took out another lie and handed it out.

After just a moment, he suddenly realized that this one was not available for tasting.

But when I tried it and gave it to the other person, it didn’t suit me.

I was trapped in an endless loop for a while.

Thinking of this, he felt that no one would eat the food he gave him, which was indeed the right thing to do.

"Yes, I'm sorry." He apologized awkwardly and wanted to take back his excuse.

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand, but he didn't expect the other party to take it back so quickly.

He said somewhat helplessly: "Won't you give it to me?"

Hearing this, Diao Ertao hurriedly handed the lie to Jiang Hao: "No, no."

After taking the lie, Jiang Hao wiped it with his hands twice and took a bite.

It's not sweet, but it tastes great and has a slightly sweet finish.

The more I eat, the more I feel tired.

"It's delicious." He praised it without hesitation.

Hearing this, Diao Ertao also laughed: "I also think it's a shame."

"How did you embark on the path of cultivation?" Jiang Hao asked as he sat down.

The personality of the person in front of me is not very suitable for cultivation.

"I don't know either." Kui Ertao said blankly: "I remember being taken care of by my master when I was a child. When I could go down the mountain, my parents were gone.

"I miss them. Although Master cares for me, I want to stay with my parents more.

"I remember before I met Master, my father said he would take me to the market in the city and buy me candied haws.

"But I never saw him again after that, and I never had him buy me candied haws."

Jiang Hao didn't speak, but listened quietly.

Sometimes, you don't have to choose anything.

But there is no choice.

What we can do is face various situations and strive to make these situations have a positive impact.

After Diao Ertao finished speaking, Jiang Hao reminded him: "Sometimes you don't have to feed others with your lies. Sometimes others won't notice if you mean it."

Diao Ertao was quite confused and didn't quite understand.

Jiang Hao took advantage of the excuse and didn't explain too much.

One's own understanding comes from one's own knowledge, and there are thousands of people in the world, and one person cannot represent them all.

What you can do is just a reminder, rather than forcing the other party to act according to their own thoughts.

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