Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1095 Looking back on the Tao, creating the Tao

In half a year, Hailuo's cultivation level returned to the middle stage of god refining.

The speed seems fast, but it is far from enough.

This is still refining the gods.

Above the refining spirit there is Return to the Void, above the Return to the Void there is the Ascension, and above the Ascension there is the nine-step Immortal Ladder.

It takes half a year in the front and two to three years in the back.

How can fifteen years be enough?

Returning to the sea, Mu Long Yuyu returned to his own sea.

Logically speaking, Hailuo would recover the fastest if he went to his own sea area. However, Hailuo didn't have much cultivation yet, so it would be dangerous to go back.

The key to everything now is Hai Luo, and Mu Long Yu will naturally not put the opponent in any danger.

"You stay here first, and I will use my luck to help you. Now I want to find other kings." Mu Longyu said seriously.

"Prepare the Chaos Abyss Formation for this Heavenly King," Hai Luo said.

Mu Longyu was a little surprised: "How dare you."

"Who is this heavenly king? When you see this heavenly king, you will call me heavenly king." King Hailuo sneered.

Mu Longyu didn't break up with the other party. He needed to get this done as soon as possible.

Because of Jiang Hao's accident, they came to Shenmu Island and needed to prepare for the arrival of the other party.

As for the Chaos Abyss Formation, it is a formation formed from the sea, specifically used to balance the Heavenly King.

There are only ten heavenly kings who can use it.

Of course, among the heavenly kings, there are good things as well as bad things. If you can not be affected by the Chaos Abyss Formation, it will be a huge benefit.

It is indeed feasible to use it to improve your cultivation, but if you accidentally fail to do it properly, it will be self-defeating.

When he arrived at the palace, he asked people to prepare the Chaos Abyss Formation to cooperate with King Hailuo.

Whatever the other party says is what it says, this is not the time to be angry.

Becoming an immortal is the first priority.

After ordering this matter, Mu Longyu planned to go to the warehouse and explain it by the way.

I just haven't set off yet, Duan Muyi, who is guarding the warehouse, has arrived.

This made him quite curious, as the other party would not come to see him if nothing happened.

"There was an accident in the warehouse?"

If this is true, it is broken and must be repaired in the shortest possible time.

Otherwise, it would be bad to be misunderstood that he deliberately put away the treasure.

At a critical moment, this small accident can become a fatal straw.

Jie Kuaiduan Muyi came to Mu Longyu.

He lowered his head and said respectfully:

"I have met the King of Heaven."

"Something happened in the warehouse?" Mu Longyu asked.

Although he was anxious, his top priority was to figure it out and find a way to make up for it.

It has to be fast.

We’ll talk about other things later.

Punishment or not is not the point.

This is what matters after the fact.

"There is indeed something wrong with the warehouse." Duanmuyi lowered his head and said immediately.

He also overcame his doubts and thought that nothing happened, which was simply unbelievable.

Mu Longyu's eyebrows drooped, and his breath changed:

"What's going on?"

Duanmuyi felt a little worried, and immediately replied respectfully: "That's right. About half a year ago, my subordinates welcomed a man. He had a grand demeanor, and his gestures showed vastness. He said he wanted to enter Madam's warehouse for a look."

"Then you let people in?" Mu Longyu's voice was calm.

Feeling that the King of Heaven was calm, Duanmuyi felt panic in his heart and explained:

"Naturally, my subordinates would not let people in rashly, but he took out the token jade pendant, so I had no choice but to let people in."

"Token jade pendant?" Mu Longyu was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's the piece from the King of Heaven, so..." Duanmuyi whispered in fear:

"Please forgive me, King of Heaven."

Mu Longyu frowned and thought for a long time before speaking: "You mean half a year ago? About which day?"

"Late July." Duanmuyi replied immediately.

"Late July?" Mu Longyu thought for a moment, feeling shocked.

At that time, it was just a few days after I gave away the jade pendant.

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became, but soon he felt relieved again.

Compared with the Ten Heavenly Kings becoming Immortals, these seem not so exaggerated.

But he still needed to make sure.

"What did he do after he entered?" Mu Longyu asked.

"This..." Duanmuyi hesitated a little, and finally sighed: "If the King of Heaven is free, he can take a trip and find out."

Not unusual? Mu Longyu noticed it instantly.

If it was just to take things away, Duanmu Yi would definitely not be like this.

Jiang Hao did say that he needed to go in at the beginning, but he never said what he wanted to do.

He understood that he was taking away the things inside.

But now it seems that he is definitely not taking anything away.

A few moments.

In front of the warehouse.

Mu Longyu checked the formation and found that someone had entered before.

It was indeed his jade pendant.

In other words, the jade pendant crossed the border and arrived overseas in just a few days.

Without thinking about it, he stepped into the warehouse.

Duanmuyi followed behind.

As soon as he entered, Mu Longyu saw countless bookshelves, and various treasures were placed on the shelves.

Each piece seems to have a bright light, spotless, and the stripes are clearly visible.

But this scene made Mu Longyu feel strange.

It's as if everything has been replaced.

But if you look closely, you find that the things are still the same.

What happened? Mu Longyu was a little stunned.

Duanmu Yi lowered his eyebrows and was shocked when he came in.

He arranged everything, so he has a deep memory of this place.

Nothing is lost, everything is a treasure.

It's just that everything seems to have changed from old to new.

Dust, rust, blood, stains, everything is gone.

"This is it?" Mu Longyu asked.

"Yes, that's when the King of Heaven saw you like this. Everything is there, and every thing has been removed from blood, rust, and dirt." Duanmuyi lowered his head and said:

"My subordinates don't know what that person did. As of now, there is no damage to the warehouse. Not only that, my subordinates also discovered it."

"Tianda found out?" Mu Longyu was curious.

"King of Heaven, follow me." Duanmu said, leading the way.

Then he stopped in front of a screen with a red stroke in the book recording it.

"Is this what he left behind?" Mu Longyu asked.

"Yes, it's not just this one, there are many others behind, the handwriting is of varying importance, in order to make it clearer.

"My subordinates took the screen out and have been trying to find out the cause for the past half month.

"My husband paid off and was finally discovered by his subordinates." Duanmuyi looked at the screen and said excitedly:

"According to inspections by subordinates and some powerful people, it was found that there may be a mystery hidden in the screen, and it is most likely the power of inheritance."

Inheritance? Mu Longyu was completely stunned.

If this is true, then what is the other party doing?

Can you help identify the treasure?

He also said that he was using ancient objects to feel the meaning of ancient immortality?

Leverage other people's ways to create your own?

Is he looking back on the Tao and then creating the Tao?

Thinking of this, Mu Longyu was startled, could it be...

Is this person the one who wants to lead them to become immortals?

Looking at the entire warehouse, Mu Longyu fell into deep thought. He even went out of his way to help identify the treasures without taking any advantage.

This man's arrogance cannot be matched by his wood dragon jade.

For a time, he became more and more curious about this mysterious man.

What kind of person is he who wants to be the first person in history?


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