Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1096 There is such a person who wants to lead the twelve heavenly kings to become immortals

Mu Longyu didn't express much about the shock of the warehouse.

I am becoming more and more curious about the person who wants to become an immortal.

If he is really a person, he may really be comprehending the ancient immortality.

This must be understood by others.

"By the way, when did he leave?" Mu Longyu suddenly asked.

"It's been almost a month." Duanmu Yiqing replied.

It's a pity that it's only a few days away. Mu Longyu sighed in his heart.

Then ask the other person what they look like.

However, I didn't get the answer, I just noticed his scholarly appearance.

Saying it means not saying it.

There are too many scholars, they can’t be from the Astronomical Academy, right?

But if he wasn’t from the Immortal Sect, who could he be?

In today's world of immortality, there is simply no one who fits the bill.

"Did he say anything before leaving?" Mu Longyu asked Yu.

"Yes." Duanmuyi remembered something and asked quickly: "He said, 'When your king comes, he will say that I am waiting for treasures from other places.' These were his exact words."

"I understand." Mu Longyu nodded.

It seems that it is unmistakable.

Then I have to finish it as soon as possible.

I just made it clear to the Twelve Heavenly Kings how to become an immortal.

This thing requires preparation. Hailuo is a person, and so are they.

Twenty-something is not a long time to prepare to become an immortal.

They need the best condition and the best support to hit the immortal road.

I failed before because I didn’t know where I was headed, but now I might have a chance.

Even if they are destined to fail, they will not give up their efforts.

In the 䋤㳔僢宫, Mu Longyu found someone to inform the other heavenly kings.

It's still an emergency meeting.


The woman in blue, who was still studying the escape route with Xu Bai in the deep sea, suddenly raised her eyebrows.

At this time they were playing chess and talking.

"It seems that the fairy has something to say." Xu Bai smiled and put down the chess piece in his hand.

"There should be some new progress, so I'm here with you." The woman in blue apologized.

"It's okay. There's still a long time. If the fairy really wants to think of another way, there's no need to rush." ​​Xu Bai smiled.

The face of the woman in blue did not change at all. She responded politely and left the island, submerging herself into the deep sea, as if she had completely merged.

Xu Bai just looked at it, then raised his head to look towards the sea: "There should be a catastrophe overseas, and my time is almost up."

He is about to become an immortal, or in other words, he can try to break through the immortal platform at any time.

The opportunity is already there.

But it always felt like it was not the right time.

At least not at the best time.

Becoming an immortal is not ordinary, he will fail if he is not careful, let alone he has a premonition in his heart.

If you force yourself to become an immortal at this time, you will easily fall into inner demons.

㳔The meeting will be like Fairy Zhang, walking with difficulty.

Being able to use inner demons as an opportunity to successfully step into the path of immortality is something that few people throughout the ages have been able to do.

He doesn't know if he is willing or not, or if he doesn't want to try.

The fairy in blue who left communicated with the sea area, and finally condensed her water body on a water column. She stood on the water column and looked around.

At this time, the other eleven water columns appeared one after another.

The other ten heavenly kings manifest themselves in the same way.

Only King Hailuo was not seen.

Everyone has become accustomed to it and just treats Hei Luo as being removed from the list.

There are only eleven twelve heavenly kings, which is reasonable.

"Did King Mutian gain something this time?" the woman in blue asked.

"What King Mengtian said is absolutely true. I initiated this meeting and I will never let you go in vain." Mu Longyu's voice was calm but with a hint of majesty.

In the Tianyin Sect, he was considered mild-mannered, but after coming to heaven, his temperament as a king began to show.

Meng Lanling looked at the other party, did not speak, and just waited quietly.

Knowing that the other party held a party, I asked him out of curiosity.

"King Mu Tian went to the south not long ago, right? What happened? Did you find a way to become an immortal?" King Tao Muxiu asked you with a sneer.

"The Wood Dragon Jade Heavenly King has initiated many meetings. He was always calm before, but now he is planning to do something great?" came a dull voice.

Mu Longyu has long been used to facing these kings.

Don’t beat around the bush, just get straight to the point:

"I have indeed found a way to become an immortal."


Everyone was a little surprised. They didn't expect that the other party would dare to say such a thing.

If it's so easy to know, why do we still need to wait now?

But if it's fake, what's the point of Mu Longyu saying this?

These people's surprises and doubts were all expected by Mu Longyu. He continued:

"Before, we had no idea what conditions were required for the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become immortals. This time I went to the south, and I already know clearly how demanding it is for the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become immortals."

Everyone was surprised.

But no one spoke.

"Let me talk about the simplest thing first, that is, the twelve heavenly kings need to gather together and all be on the Immortal Platform. In addition, the place to become an immortal must be at the core of the twelve sea areas." Mu Longyu said.

Others nodded.

It's really not difficult.

The problem is with Hero. Once Hero is released, it will take some time to recover [Densendai].

"Another thing you may not have thought about is that it takes a heavenly king to have his luck damaged."

Others were surprised when Mu Longyu's words came out, but soon everyone thought of Hailuo.

"You are right, Hai Luo can indeed do it, he has just achieved the opportunity of becoming an immortal among the twelve heavenly kings.

"And the most important thing is that there must be someone who, with the help of Hailuo's damaged luck, can join the Twelve Heavenly Kings and the Twelve Sea Regions to lead us to become immortals.

"This person wants to break through the path of immortality, to make a difference in the past and the present, to shake the world, to surpass all the legendary figures you are familiar with in the past and present, and to achieve something that is considered unachievable in the past, present and future.

"In this way, only the twelve heavenly kings can become immortals." Mu Longyu said seriously.

After the words fell, he didn't speak again.

The other Ten Heavenly Kings frowned.

Meng Lanling was silent for a long time:

"Is there such a person in the world of cultivation?"

"How can it exist? Even if it exists, it is impossible for us to become immortals within the opportunity." King Momoxiu sneered.

"Does that mean we can't become immortals at all?" a woman's voice asked.

Such conditions left no way out for the King of Heaven.


Not to mention the need to meet such a person, even if there are such people throughout the ages, it is impossible to meet them within a hundred days of their chance to become immortals.

As for questioning the authenticity of Mu Longyu's theory, there is absolutely no need.

If it weren't so difficult, why didn't the king of heaven become an immortal?

"Listen to what King Mu Tian said next. Since he spoke and held another meeting so quickly, I think he has some ideas." A calm voice came out.

Everyone looked at Mu Longyu.

"Yes, there is someone he wants to try." Mu Longyu said.


"I don't know."

"Can he open up a path to immortality?"

"I don't know."

"That has to be something convincing, right?"


"Then what do you have?"

"His people informed me of the conditions for the Heavenly King to become an immortal."

Everyone was silent.

However, Mu Longyu did not give them a chance to think too much and continued:

"In addition, there is another condition, that is, the time is only twenty-four and a half.

"That man is going to become an immortal in twenty-four and a half years. If we don't catch up...

"No time to wait."

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