Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1097 Tianyin Sect has the first person in ancient and modern times

Don’t wait until the time comes?

This sentence strikes everyone's heart.

It gave them an inexplicable sense of urgency.

But it feels weird, who is the other person who dares to lead the twelve heavenly kings to become immortals.

"What is he begging for?" Meng Lanling asked.

Others also listened quietly.

Although they were shocked, they still wanted to find out what the other party wanted.

No matter who it is, as long as they help them, they must have something they want.

There is no one here who would sacrifice himself for others.

"It is said that I am seeking fame, and I am seeking to be the best in the world." Mu Longyu said.

"Say yes?" Tao Muxiu asked.

Mu Longyu didn't explain, but just asked: "Do you believe it?"

Everyone was silent.

No one believed it.

Some people seek fame, others seek profit, but legendary people are qualified to receive both fame and fortune.

"We can be more proactive." A calm voice came: "What is your bottom line?"

"Don't you want to know who this person is? Or don't you want to know what his legend is?" A slightly younger voice sounded.

Everyone looked over.

Mu Longyu asked: "Does King Wei Tian have any other choices?"

This sentence silenced King Wei Tian.

Yes, they do want to know more, but there is no way to know and there is nothing they can do about it.

Because there is no choice.

Since this person knows the conditions for the Heavenly Kings to become immortals and wants to try to bring the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become immortals, he should have some strength.

If the strength is not enough, they will naturally know when the time comes.

Now that the other party wants to be mysterious, then continue to be mysterious.

Twenty-four years, it doesn’t matter even if it’s all delayed.

They can't afford the delay.

It's just not normal for the other person to ask for nothing.

"What conditions do you think we should give to be enough?" King Wei Tian asked.

He didn't think about it any more.

In that case, just play it by ear.

"Sacrifice for a hundred years, no, a thousand years." A steady voice slowly came out:

"Work for him for a thousand years, and the Twelve Heavenly Kings will owe him a favor after a thousand years."

That is, do something for him within a thousand years, and promise to do something for him after a thousand years.

Twelve people are twelve things.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you.

Mu Longyu asked: "Are you opposed?"

After a few breaths, Tao Muxiu said:

"If there is really no hope of becoming an immortal and I can only rely on him, I will naturally be willing, but I am afraid that he will not be willing."

A thousand years may seem like a lot, but it depends on the specific situation.

If the other party really has the strength to lead them to become immortals, then they will never care about this. One day the other party comes and asks them to help, can they refuse?

Such a strong person is unbelievable.

So success means that he is the first person in history.

These conditions make no sense.

"You still have to have an attitude." came a female voice.

"If you meet King Mu, you can tell him clearly." The steady voice continued:

"Then the most difficult of the twenty-four years should be Hailuo."

"He has come back, but even if we work together, it will take thirty years, so the other party also gave us a way to find the Holy Thief.

"If we don't find it, the other party should also find the Saint Thief for us." Mu Longyu said.

After a pause, he added: "One more thing is needed..."


The meeting of the Twelve Heavenly Kings is over.

Dream Lanling appeared again on the island under the deep sea.

Xu Bai came back to his senses, turned to look at Meng Lanling who appeared, and said with a smile:

"The fairy seems to have gotten some good news."

At this time, there was no sadness in Meng Lanling's beautiful eyes, but there was a touch of concentration.

Overall, there is something wrong.

"It is true, but I don't know whether it is true or not." Meng Lanling thought for a while and said:

"Fellow Taoist is from the Immortal Sect and may be able to clear up my confusion."

"Fairy, please speak." Xu Bai asked softly.

"Today Mu Longyu brought back a piece of news, saying that he had found out the conditions for the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become immortals." Meng Lanling paused, telling the truth except that he did not mention Hailuo's damaged luck.

"Do you think there really is such a person here? Or is there really someone who can do it?" Meng Lanling asked.

"Where does this news come from?" Xu Bai asked.

"South." Meng Lanling said.

"Tianyin Sect?" Xu Bai asked immediately.

Meng Lanling felt surprised.

She had heard this name before.

Mu Longyu didn't mention it, but Hailuo Tianyin Sect, so everyone guessed it.

But Xu Bai shouldn't know so clearly. Why did he continue to speculate about the Tianyin Sect?

"If it is, then it may be true." Xu Bai sighed and said:

"Perhaps the first person in history is in that direction."


Tianyin Sect.

Jiang Hao was sitting in the courtyard, doing his usual business.

By the way, polish and cultivate.

After his cultivation is consolidated, he will go out again.

Searching for the Holy Thief.

You also need to go to the Lawless Tower and ask about the secret technique.

It has been almost a month since I came back, and my cultivation has been barely consolidated.

The only thing left to do is to continue overseas.

It’s just that I’m not sure when Mu Longyu will go back.

You can listen to their chats at the next gathering, and you can usually learn about the situation of the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

In this way, we can determine whether Mu Longyu will go back.


Jiang Hao looked outside, it was now early February.

It’s time for the corpse world to be closed.

We should also pay attention to whether Qu Zhong is still alive. If he is alive, we can get in touch with him.

It's just that the Corpse God Sect is in chaos, and it's unclear whether everything will go smoothly.

Without thinking any more, Jiang Hao checked the panel.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

【Age: forty】

[Cultivation: Sixth level of immortality]

[Exercise: Tianyin Hundred Turns, Hongmeng Heart Sutra]

[Supernatural power: nine turns to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty and clear mind, hidden spirit appears, divine power, dead wood springs, sun, moon, pot and sky, vajra is indestructible, all things are dense and dense]

[Qi and blood: 54/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Cultivation: 56/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Supernatural power: 0/3 (unobtainable)]

"There are still three promotions left. It's too fast."

In six months, he was promoted from the second level to the sixth level.

It was unbelievably fast. This speed of promotion made Jiang Hao feel a little elated. He felt that if he continued to rise, he would not need the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become an immortal.

Such an illusion made him afraid to think of ways to mine.

He was worried that he would eventually die because of his pride.

Therefore, we must constantly consolidate our cultivation and strengthen our character.

Tuo is fully prepared for the next round of promotion.

As for the mission punishment in the mission hall...

He sold nine springs for one penny and suddenly became rich again.

More than 20,000 spiritual stones are enough for him to lead several missions.

It’s endless.

After confirming that the people in the corpse world were still out, Jiang Hao came to the mission hall and received the mission again.

The mission sister smiled happily.

"Junior brother has been out a lot recently. I think he has a lot of opportunities, so there will definitely be opportunities for promotion."

"It's far from enough, but I still want to thank senior sister for your kind words."

After receiving the task, Jiang Hao walked outside.

Approaching the mountain gate, he used the Qianyi teleportation talisman.

We are going to find the Holy Thief. Whether Hei Luo can be promoted within a fixed period of time depends on what kind of person the Holy Thief we meet this time is.

Hope it's enough.


There is something going on today, I wonder if the next chapter can be updated smoothly.

It didn’t work at twelve o’clock, maybe it just didn’t happen.

There will be no need to wait any longer.

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