Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1144 I’m going to retreat [two-in-one] (1/2)

As long as the rabbit is around, Bingqing will be easy to control.

After so long, Xiaoli seems to have moved on to the person she cares about.

This is very silly.

But if I can use her, others can too.

This is also a trouble spot.

However, the other party is not a child, and should understand who is treacherous and who is bad.

Although he thought so in his heart, Jiang Hao still reminded him.

Let her not fall into other people's traps.

Bingqing looked at Jiang Hao with half understanding.

It is really rare for such a person to have such level of cultivation.

But he can't say too much. The more he says, the harder it will be for the other party to understand.

Everyone has a price for growing up, but I don’t know what the price for growing up is.

What will be the price for Rabbit and Xiaoli?

There is only so much you can do.

In the world of cultivation, dangers arise one after another. What you can do is try your best to avoid them and survive.

Both the weak and the strong must face each other.

It's just that the strong have more choices.

After letting Bingqing go back, Jiang Hao stopped doing too much.

For half the time, he can just give you guidance quietly.

Time passed quickly, and the starry sky at night was so bright.

Jiang Hao watched it for many nights.

In the past, he would not go out of his way to remember the stars in the sky.

Now he doesn't know if he can come back.

He showed more kindness to the people of the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

When you are teaching the Dharma, if you can answer the questions, do your best to answer them.

In September.

A disciple came over.

He said he wanted to ask Yuan Xueyu.

Jiang Hao knew him as the person who gave him the wishing blood pill.

He has made very little progress.

After looking at him for a long time, Jiang Hao smiled:

"What do you think blood is?"

"Voluntarily give blood?" the other party asked.

He is a young man who has perfected his foundation and cultivation.

A disciple of the Zhuhuo Danting lineage.

But he was dressed in ordinary clothes, and he didn't think he had many spiritual stones.

Jiang Hao remembered that it was not like this when he first found the other party.

It seems that Yan is trapped in the wishing blood elixir and cannot come out.

Jiang Hao shook his head:

"Voluntary giving of blood is just a resource, not enough to be called willing blood.

"If blood is also a type of elixir, then ordinary blood is an ordinary medicinal material, and voluntary blood is an elixir, then what is a holy medicine and what is a miracle medicine?"

After the words fell, Jiang Hao looked at the other party.

No more words.

However, after a long time, the other party still shook his head.

Jiang Hao was not in a hurry: "Don't be anxious, think slowly, read more, think more, and learn more."

Jiang Hao didn't say much, just stopped talking.

It's up to him whether he can understand it or not.

After all, sometimes your own understanding may not be correct.

Maybe there are better options.

This is the path they want to take.

What comes to mind may be the way to come.

Jiang Hao spent this period of time very peacefully, and it soon arrived in mid-November.

About to leave.

Fortunately, I have taught everything I should teach during this period, and I have also made preparations when I should.

There were things left behind near the yard and near Senior Sister Miao.

Cangyuan Dragon Ball also left enough power.

The next day he returned the dragon ball to Xiaoli and asked about another thing:

"When do you plan to be promoted successfully?"

"Ah?" Xiaoli was a little confused.

"If you don't get promoted, you will have no resources." Jiang Hao said.

Xiaoli was even more confused.

Jiang Hao didn't say much.

No matter what Xiaoli thinks, it won't affect anything.

Just give her a choice.

The more choices you can give yourself, the less likely you will be deceived when you go down the mountain in the future.

After giving Xiao Li a few words, Jiang Hao came to the cafeteria.

Feng Yang became nervous immediately when he saw Jiang Hao.

Now that Jiang Hao has become a soul, he is still the strongest person in the chief pre-selection.

He didn't dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

"Xiao Li may continue to cause trouble to junior brother in the future." Jiang Hao said and took out five thousand spirit stones:

"Give these to junior brother first. If it's not enough, I will make up for it when the time comes."

"No, not so much." Feng Yang immediately pushed the spirit stone back.

It was too much and he was worried.

Jiang Hao returned the smile: "It's okay, junior brother, just accept it. Xiaoli needs to rely on junior brother more."

Feng Yang didn't dare to refuse.

After doing this, Jiang Hao saw another problem with Feng Yang's repair chain.

A few words of caution.

Just left.

The latter was extremely moved.

Jiang Hao is not asking the other party to thank him, but letting the other party see what he will gain from doing things.

In this way, what happened to Xiaoli later would be nothing.

He was worried that something would happen if he didn't come for too long.

Although Xiaoli is a real person, he is like a child.

Sometimes you don’t even know you are being targeted.

The rabbit couldn't stay with her all the time.

Therefore, if you want to beat the 㱕 or give the 㱕, you have to do it simply.

He even took some time to visit the valley where Bai Ye was.

This time he walked straight in and nothing could affect him.

At this time, Bai Ye was sitting in a wheelchair in the yard, looking at the sky.

For a moment, he felt something in his heart, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

However, he did nothing but looked up at the sky.

Jiang Hao stood behind him and spoke without revealing his breath.

But he knew what Huan Baiye had discovered.

After a long time, Bai Ye finally spoke: "Dang 㹓 I am 㹓 Qing Qi Sheng."

At this time, Senior Sister Lian Qin walked in from outside.

She looked at Bai Ye with slight confusion and asked, "What is senior brother talking about?"

At this time, Bai Ye found that the stars in the sky were brighter.

He leaned on the wheelchair and chuckled:

“Perhaps I’ve dodged this once and for all.

"It's a pity that this disaster will accompany me for the rest of my life."

Fairy Lianqin was still confused.

But Jiang Hao has already left.

He left when Senior Sister Lianqin came in.

The next day.

Jiang Hao received the news.

Gathering at midnight.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, he can leave the sect and walk the path of immortality.

When he arrives overseas, it should be the day when he becomes an immortal.

I failed on that day.

When he thought of this, Jiang Hao relaxed and stopped thinking about it.

Not thinking too much is the best thing for him.


Jiang Hao relaxed his mind and entered the Secret Word Slate.

In fact, I had to make up my mind to tell them to go into seclusion.

It is not a big deal for him that twenty-one does not receive news about the party.

However, since he wanted to hone his mentality along the way, he wanted to immerse himself in it.

Only in this way can the greatest improvement be achieved.

Entering the Whispering Slate, Jiang Hao landed in his own place.

Others also appeared one after another.

After asking Senior Dan Yuan about it, it was another question of familiarity and whether there was a problem with cultivation.

Jiang Hao had some questions this time, but he didn't know what Yu wanted to ask.

Maybe he just wanted to ask Senior Lede if he had any hope of becoming an Immortal.

If I could get support from some seniors, I might feel more at ease.

He sighed inwardly and said nothing.

"How can we understand the Dragon Clan inheritance as quickly as possible?" Liu Kaikai asked.

Hearing this, Senior Danyuan smiled and said, "Find a cultivator to get the dragon."

Liu lowered his eyebrows and sighed.

You may still be able to find a dragon, but it will be difficult to obtain it through cultivation.

At that time, there was a dragon in the world, but the dragon had not been cultivated to obtain it.

For example, the Emperor of the Earth, Erlong.

After that comes the mission of 㫡元㱕.

It's still a strange beast, and of course this time there's also the whereabouts of the dragon.

Everyone shook their heads.

No news.

Jiang Hao knew the whereabouts of the strange beast, but he hesitated for a long time before giving up.

Let’s leave it alone for now.

After that comes the transaction phase.

"I want to find a dragon, a little bit awesome." Liu said.

The ghost fairy thought for a moment: "The Emperor of the Earth has a dragon."

"I was just born, so I don't seem to understand many things." Liu Shuoyu.

The ghost fairy thought about it again: "There is a remnant soul of the Dragon Clan in the Xuanyuan Sword in the hands of the Emperor of Earth."

"Are you still here?" Liu immediately asked Yu.

"It should be silent." The ghost fairy shook his head.

Liu sighed.

If it's silent, that won't work.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment: "Do you still remember reading the handwriting?"

Hearing this, Liu was quite surprised: "What do you mean by Jing Yanyou?"

"If there is no accident, he is a dragon." Jiang Hao said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else was surprised.


The ghost fairy thought thoughtfully and felt that it was normal. Many things she did were related to the dragon clan.

So it makes sense to look for a dragon.

Liu Dimei, if the lie is true, it is really possible for him to come into contact with that person.

Even if he can make contact, it will be difficult for him to get a great dragon to help him.

While he was still thinking, Jing's voice came again: "If you want to contact him, there may be the easiest way."

Liu no longer hesitated: "What do you need, Jing Yanyou?"

Jiang Hao was silent for a long time, then he said, "Keep it."

Then he passed on the method to Liu with the help of a slate.

After getting the answer, Liu's expression was slightly subtle.

I soon felt relieved.

Leaving writing on that place, Hayao explained something.

He just hopes this works.

The ghost fairy said: "Is there any way to delay the hatching of a spirit egg? Especially the companion egg."

"Use the blood formation." Fairy Zhang thought for a moment:

"It should be a counter-blood formation to quench its bloodline and delay its birth.

"It doesn't affect it."

Gui Xianzi's eyes lit up, she really had never heard of it.

After trading 㵕㰜.

There is no business in the Gathering Sect.

After that, it’s all about the surroundings.

Everyone has long wanted to know the situation around you.

The ghost fairy Zi arrived in the south and told some stories about the north.

For example, learning that the strange beast seems to be the deal between the Immortal Sect and the End of All Things.

One gave up on the alien beasts, the other gave up on causing chaos.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao felt a little emotional.

All things are most likely to be harvested in such an environment.

The Immortal Sect could only choose to give in.

Xing Ze told the news about the Fallen Immortal Clan, saying that they had been locked away by a certain senior for fifty years.

He has only one request.

As he spoke, he looked toward the well.

Everyone was surprised.

"What's the request?" Gui Xianzi asked Yu.

The others felt relieved and waited for the ghost fairy to ask questions.

"You are not allowed to disturb Xiao Sansheng for fifty years." Xing said to Yu.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was the most surprised.

It turns out that the other party was taking action for himself, but why?

"Why is this?" Ghost Fairy asked Yu.

It's a good question, Jiang Hao couldn't help but praise it in his heart.

If the party didn't have ghosts and fairies, it wouldn't be as smooth as it is now.

Wen Yanxing shook his head: "I don't know, but he suddenly took action and spoke suddenly, catching the fallen immortal clan by surprise."

Jiang Hao silently remembered this incident, hoping to thank him later when he had the opportunity.

Now it seems that I have to find a way to thank you.

Fifty years, even if it is cut in half, it will still be twenty-five years.


This is a great favor.

But I still don’t know who the other party is. Fortunately, it’s not a small matter, so I can ask about it.

Jiang Hao didn't speak, so no one asked about this matter.

Soon he talked about other things.

Zhang Xianzi said that Lou Mantian had conquered the west and seemed to have become much stronger.

And he brought many corpses.

He also said that chaos was coming in the west.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao sighed, and so did Nan Nan.

As the time of Deding becomes less and less, disasters are everywhere.

It is imperative to do this, and it must be done as soon as possible.

After that, he listened quietly, more patiently than before.

Listening to everything they said, I was also thinking about the situation.

After everyone had finished talking, he slowly spoke:

"I'm going into seclusion."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Gui Xianzi was the first to speak: "Young friend Jing Wan wants to retreat? Can't you be disturbed?"

Jiang Hao nodded.

"How long will it take?" Ghost Fairy asked again.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He knows how long it will take, but he can't say this.

Everyone else felt weird, but they also thought it was normal.

It is normal for these people to retreat.

But without the party, I always feel like a lot is missing.

Because no one in the party would like to collect evil things from the sky.

There will be dangerous things from the sky in the future, who will collect them?

Jiang Hao didn't know what Yu and the others were thinking, but seclusion was inevitable.

"It seems that Jing Xiaoyou has found his own path." Yuan Yuan said with a smile:

"When my little friend appears again, he should be different from others."

"I would like to borrow some kind words from my senior," Jiang Hao said respectfully.

Ayuan smiled and did not speak.

Then the party ended.

Jiang Hao sat in the room, looking at the slate with mixed feelings.

There have been many turning points in my life.

One is to encounter Hongyuye, and the other is to enter Tonyu Slate.

Both opened doors to new worlds for him.

It does feel a bit sad to have to close a door now.

But everything is temporary.

Putting away the slate of words, Jiang Hao sat in the yard and looked at the stars.

At dawn, I found Senior Sister Miao and Senior Brother Muqi.

He didn't say goodbye, but made his intention clear.

"Brother and sister, I'm going out for a trip." Jiang Hao said.

Miao Tinglian was puzzled, but Mu Qi asked Yu, "When will we leave?"

"December." Jiang Haowen.

"Okay, we will help take care of the elixir garden and Xiaoli and the others," Mu Qi said.

Jiang Hao nodded and bowed respectfully.

"Come here and let me introduce you to a good junior sister." Senior Sister Miao said.

Jiang Hao: "..."

Afterwards Jiang Hao said goodbye to his master again.

The master looked at him and finally said, "Be careful along the way."

Late November.

Jiang Hao went to the Lawless Tower.

He didn't say much when he came, he just gave me some food.

Then he turned and left.

Everyone was confused, but didn't think much about it.

Early December.

Jiang Hao crushed the Thousand Miles Movement Talisman.

Leave Tianyin Sect.

When he appeared again, he was already on a distant mountain peak.

Yantou glanced at the sect that had lived for nearly fifty years, turned around and left.

This departure may never come again.


On the boat outside Biyun Pavilion.

Mr. Tao frowned as he listened to the report: "Why are all things reacting again? Are they looking for Xiao Sansheng? Why is this?"

Zhu Shen shook his head and said:

"I'm not sure, but it seems that I'm not just looking for him, but a big shot. It's possible that Xiao Sansheng is someone who has risen to prominence and is worthy of their attention."

"Isn't laughing for three lives the end of all things?" Tang Ya asked Yu.

Hearing this, Zhu Shen was stunned.

It seems to be such a weird thing.

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