Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1145 Asking four of you to dance (1/2)

Looking for Xiao San㳓 seems normal, but actually makes people feel strange.

Especially the big shots are looking for it.

They are not sure what kind of strong man the great man at the end of all things is.

But in the past, they didn't pay much attention to Xiao San㳓.

Now that I suddenly want to look for him without any special purpose, they don't believe it.

Tao Xian didn't know what he thought of when he heard this.

"I don't know what will happen if I find it."

He whispered softly, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Now it was too late for him to tell.

The well is closed.

Can no longer be contacted.

Even if you have a party, the other party may not show up.

"Where are the people in Biyun Pavilion?"

Tao Xian changed the topic.

"The person above didn't show up at all, but it is said that he will come in the next two days. He is a regular customer." Tang Ya said.

"A regular customer?" Tao Xian asked out of curiosity, "Did you tell me why he hasn't been here for so long?"

"I said I don't have enough spirit stones, so I'm saving them," Tang Ya said.

Hearing this, Tao Xian smiled.

He looked at the book of sages and already had many calculations in his mind.

After that, we started waiting.

However, not long after, Tang Ya reminded: "Mr. Tao, he is here."

I saw a man wearing a fire-like Taoist robe coming through the air and landing on the deck of Biyun Pavilion.

No one looked at him, and he didn't care about anything else.

Go straight to the ninth floor.

The moment he saw him, Mr. Tao also stood up: "I'll be right here."

After the words fell, he took a step forward.

Also fell on the deck.

Then go to the ninth floor.

They are both qualified to go to the ninth floor. The former is a frequent visitor and the latter has enough spiritual stones.

He did not use his identity as Tianxialou to go to the hospital.

This time, when you make friends with others, you don’t need to tie the world down.

Ninth floor.

The man in the fiery red robe has changed his clothes, and he is wearing a robe like a book.

"Fairy, which girl is free this time?" he asked with a smile.

Holding a folding fan in his hand.

"Friend Edao is joking, every fairy is free when you come." Fairy Hu said with a smile.

Hearing this, the other party was not happy, but instead sighed:

"Which fairy is more elegant?"

Elegance is good and easy to discount.

"I don't seem to be in a good mood lately." Fairy Hu felt quite confused.

"Haha, that's right. Then I won't disturb those four people." Friend Equator felt quite regretful.

At this time, he came to the handwriting: "Has Fairy Hu ever seen this person before?"

The latter shook his head.

She quite regretted it.

Because she found that this person was not simple at all. When they reported the situation here to Tianxialou, they found that the people there did not care about the handwriting, but the name.

Shan Qinghe.

It was at that time that she learned that the great master of the world was named Shan Qinghe.

When Mr. Da learned that the surname of the person who left the handwriting was Gu, he ignored it.

This shows how extraordinary the person who left the handwriting is.

She actually felt disdainful at that time.

If that person hadn't been careless, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

"Friend Equator knows this person?" Fairy Hu was quite curious.

Friend Chi Dao looked at the handwriting and said, "The handwriting doesn't look like it."

Fairy Hu was a little confused.

At this time Tao Xian came up.

He saw the equatorial friend.

He looks about twenty-five years old, and there is a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, which is extremely extraordinary.

The aura surrounding the whole body makes one feel as if he has ascended to immortality.

But he got the news from Jing. If the news was accurate, this person had hidden his cultivation.

Holding a folding fan, he has the cynicism of a handsome young man.

Friend Chi Dao noticed the gaze and turned to look at him.

The two looked at each other.

Tao Xian smiled and said:

"When I see my fellow Taoist, it's like seeing an old friend, and I have a heartfelt invitation."

"Unpleasant invitation?" Equator Friend asked with some interest: "What kind of unmerciful invitation is it?"

Hearing this, Mr. Tao did not rush to answer: "Fellow Taoist, which one of the four fairies on the ninth floor do you think can best enter your Taoist's eyes?"

"Of course all four can enter." Friend Chidao replied with a smile.

"I heard that there is a rule in Biyun Pavilion, that is, if the spiritual stone reaches a certain amount, you can ask four fairies to dance for that person." Tao Xian asked softly: "Is there such a thing? "

"Yes." Equator Friend said with a little pity:

"It seems that no one has ever received this kind of honor."

"This is my merciless request." Tao Xian took out the storage magic weapon and said:

"I have prepared the spirit stone, hoping to experience this honor.

"I am not a person of this Taoism. I hope that fellow Taoists can complete it for me.

"I wonder if fellow Taoist can give me a favor?"

Hearing this, Fairy Hu was shocked.

Equatorial friends were even more surprised: "Please invite me?"

Tao Xian nodded: "Fellow Taoist please."

Hearing this, fellow Taoist Chi frowned and said, "This unkind invitation is a surprise."

Tao Xian threw out the magic weapon stored in his hand.

Equatorial friends caught it steadily.

He looked at the spirit stones inside and took a breath.

"You can call me Chitian." There was endless light in Chitian's eyes:

"Tonight I will ask four fairies to sing a song. Tomorrow we will be friends. We will see you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Tao Xian breathed a sigh of relief.


Not long after Jiang Hao left, he felt a fire burning in his chest. It was Hong Yuye who was coming.

This time he felt no pain.

Let the Tongxin Palm burn away.

At the same time, a red figure appeared.

Jiang Hao felt relieved when he saw her.

Although there may be no fallen immortals in the future, there are still other dangers.

It is not a bad thing to have strong colleagues as colleagues.

It’s not that he expected Hong Yuye to take action, but that he could hide his secrets and appearance.

It was always him who took action.

That was the case in the past, and it is still the case now.

"What do you want to do this time?" Hong Yuye asked.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment and said, "Let's do whatever we want first."

"In what capacity?" Hong Yuye asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao thought for a long time and said: "It's all fine, just take a look and hurry up on the way."

He didn't know what he would encounter on this trip, nor how much trouble he would find.

It can be any identity, it can be any identity, or it can not be any identity.

He just wanted to see it, not do any amazing feats.

"Where is the first stop?" Hong Yuye came to Jiang Hao.

At this time, she placed a hand on Jiang Hao's chest.

The power spreads out, and the Tongxin Palm is engraved again.

Jiang Hao didn't resist. This was not the first time. It was nothing.

After the meeting was over, he said: "Let's go to Luocheng."

Luocheng, the place where he grew up.

When he stepped into Luocheng Shi again, he was filled with emotions.

Almost fifty years.

There are no traces of the past here anymore.

There was still some left last time I was here.

Unfortunately, as the past few years have passed, everything has changed.

"It seems different." Hong Yuye was wearing a red fairy dress, her figure was elegant, and there was no trace of happiness or anger in her eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's completely different." Jiang Haoqian said softly on the road: "In the past fifty years, this city has experienced a lot. Last time it was still in decline, but now it is much more prosperous."

At this time, people were coming and going on the streets, and there was an endless stream of hawkers.

This is not the previous Fallen City.

Jiang Hao walked all the way to a place he was once familiar with.

However, there is no longer the previous scene.

The courtyard in the alley has long been transformed into a huge residence.

"This used to be the home of the younger generation." Jiang Hao spoke out of nowhere.

"Your yard is quite big." Hong Yuye said plainly.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment and chuckled: "Senior, you are joking. There used to be many courtyards here, but they were demolished and changed to what they are now."

"Are you missing it?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded.

He is not a heartless person. Even if his life was not so miserable when he was a child, this is still the place where he was born and raised.

Even if no one lives there, he still wants this place to be.

Now there is nothing.

Of course, if the wooden house in Duanqing Cliff is demolished, he should also have sympathetic emotions.

This is helpless.

"Do you have parents, brothers and sisters?" Hong Yuye stood beside Jiang Hao and looked at the yard.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment: "I once had parents, but I had no brothers or sisters when I left."

When he was born, he felt that his mother was having difficulty in labor. Three months later, his stepmother came.

For five years, they seemed childless.

Only myself.

It is unknown whether he will be there later.

There should be.

They always need someone to take care of them in their old age.

After thinking about this, Jiang Hao sighed, turned around and left.

He probably won't come here again.

Came too many times.

I had a thought before, but now there are no people here from the past, nor any familiar residences.

After Jiang Hao left, he began to visit the surrounding cities.

He was just passing by without stopping.

Occasionally, I encounter some people, all with ordinary people's surnames.

Some were bullied or even severely injured.

But no one can stand up for them.

Jiang Hao occasionally falls down a thunderbolt.

Occasionally just shake your head and leave.

Apart from these, there are more ordinary ones.

There are brothers and sisters fighting over the family's land and house. The mother-in-law is right, and the father-in-law is right.

Jiang Hao stopped and listened for a long time.

When Hong Yuye asked him who was more reasonable, Jiang Hao just turned around and left: "It is difficult for an upright official to stop the household chores."

After a pause, he added: "I know whoever is familiar with them, and I will think whoever is reasonable."

Hong Yuye did not speak again.

For a year, Jiang Haoqian searched all the surrounding cities, but still couldn't find what he was looking for.

He held the folding fan, shook his head slightly and continued searching.

When he came out, he had an extraordinary temperament.

After a year, his aura became somewhat restrained.

Now that he is on the road, he no longer has that distinctive temperament.

Just like an ordinary scholar walking on the road, he blends in little by little, without any sense of accomplishment or uniqueness.

Another year passed, and Jiang Hao felt a heaviness on his body.

In two years, he visited half of Netherworld Mansion.

However, I still didn't find what I was looking for.

The third year.

Fifty-six years old.

Early February.

Jiang Hao stood on the village field road, looked back at the road behind him, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Senior, have we been out for a long time?"

"Do you want to continue moving forward?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment and moved forward again.

fourth year.

Fifty-seven years old.

Early March.

After Jiang Hao left a city, he looked back again: "Senior, another year has passed."

"Do you want to continue?" Hong Yuye asked Yu again.

Jiang Hao continued to move forward. This time he was no longer silent, but said:

"It is said that the winter in front of us is full of white, which I have never seen before."

"I've seen it before," Hong Yuye said.

"What's it like?" Jiang Hao couldn't help but ask Yu.

"You'll know after you see it." Hong Yuye said.

Another year.

Fifty-eight years old.

Early January.

Jiang Hao looked at the thin snow: "It seems that the snow is not falling, and the white snow in the sky has not appeared."

"Do you want to go see the snow scene again?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

"No, there are some things that you don't need to insist on pursuing. The road is still long and there is no way to be distracted." Jiang Hao replied softly.

"Are you sorry?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

"It's a pity, but who can have a perfect life?" Jiang Hao looked at Hong Yuye and smiled:

"Whether it is a monk or an ordinary person, they are almost full of regrets."

Jiang Hao walked forward in the wind and snow. On the way, he held an umbrella to cover the red rain leaves from the snow:

"If the snow is small, this winter will not be so cold, and many people will die less.

"Sometimes what others see as beautiful scenery is another group of people's deadly sickle."

Starting from this year, Jiang Hao no longer traveled around intentionally.

Instead, there is a road heading overseas.

Many people have seen them, but everyone who sees them will never look back.


In the eyes of everyone, these two people were just ordinary members of the crowd, and there was no need to take a second look.

Sixth year.

Fifty-nine years old.

Early April.

Jiang Hao no longer only interacted with ordinary people, but began to meet some practitioners.

The south began to be chaotic, and strange things appeared everywhere.

Many people had to leave their homes.

Some monsters crawled out of the soil, forcing surrounding villages to leave early.

Jiang Hao watched them flee their hometown in large and small bags, and came to the monster in silence for a long time.

The latter just looked at the person in front of him and then got up.

But the moonlight shines.

The monster is in pieces.

On this day, the moonlight illuminated the entire mountaintop like a spectacle.

A figure appeared in the light, and the beast was afraid.

In the early morning, those who escaped halfway found that the mountain had returned to its previous calm.

A large number of people cheered and cried with joy.

Jiang Hao had already left the mountain. He looked back at the people behind him and felt quite emotional.

"Sometimes what they want is not glory and wealth, but just a place to live."

"No more silence, do you want to be a mortal?"

"Senior is joking, for the so-called "entering the dust", if you don't use your energy, how can you count it as "entering the dust"?

"What do you think is dust?"

"A monk is also a member of the mortal world. Being involved in it means entering the mortal world, not being a mortal means entering the mortal world."


On an island overseas.

A large number of people gathered, surrounded by monster corpses, sea monster corpses, and a large number of human corpses.

In the center of the island, there is a black bead with a looming figure.

"Send me to the south. Just go south and I can meet him."

At one time, countless people began to execute it.

The group in the center quickly left with the beads.

On the other side, Mr. Tao got the news.

The things they had been paying attention to for so long finally moved, and they headed to the south.

"All things will finally come out again?" Chi Tian smiled and said:

"He is really active, but his life is really tough. He is dead and alive again."

Mr. Tao was a little surprised. He knew who Yan was, but such a person actually exerted influence again and went to the south.

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