Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1186 Opening the Heavenly Sword Blade with Dao Qi (1/2)

The deep imperial city corridor is deserted.

He couldn't see his head at a glance, and he would occasionally hear his own footsteps as he walked.

The faint of heart may even be a little worried.

Especially since the temperature here is relatively low, it's quite eerie.

Yixue looked at Bizhu who was holding her hand in front of her, and begged you: "Sister Huang, can you not go?"

"Why don't you go?" Bizhu said as he walked forward.

"The first genius of the royal family was given to me by my father and the others. There is no use looking for her. You should look for my father." Yixue explained.

Hearing this, Bizhu was stunned: "That's right, let's go first and see what's going on with the first genius of the royal family.

"After so many years, she is definitely not ordinary.

“Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle.”

Yixue breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't embarrass the other party in the past, she would be fine.

To say it was a embarrassment was actually to go and die.

They are no match for the people over there.

"Sister Huang, don't talk about wanting to be the first genius in the royal family in the future." Yixue reminded you heartily.

"Why? I am really the number one genius in the royal family." Bizhu said seriously.

"Yes, you are a genius, but you are only eighteen years old. Your beauty will be destroyed by the wind, so you must be restrained." Yixue followed Bizhu's words.

Bizhu smiled and said nothing.

Looking at this scene, Aunt Qiao, who was following me, felt a sense of déjà vu.

Her father-in-law told her the same thing back then.

And she, like Mr. Snow, didn't believe it at all.

Mr. 㹏 has never lied to anyone, but no one believes what Mr. 㹏 says.

Moreover, the Duke never thought about the imperial city display.

There is none now, and there probably won't be in the future.

When his life span is over, he will leave.

For a moment, she didn't know if she should feel sorry for the royal family.

The prince is indeed a genius, a peerless genius that has never been seen in the royal family.


There are a lot of things that the public has provoked, and if there is a little bit of involvement, there will be no royal family in the south.

Sometimes, she wondered why her father-in-law didn't tell her, but she also felt a little confused.

I have never concealed anything from my father's mouth.

A few moments.

The three of them came to the courtyard with beautiful scenery and clear water. The sun was shining and made people feel warm.

It’s a completely different path than the one we just walked on.

There are many people guarding the area around the yard, and there are still strong men hiding behind the scenes.

"Tianwei Palace." Bizhu looked at such a residence with emotion:

"It's so magnificent. I wonder when I will be able to live in such a magnificent palace."

"Sister Huang, don't even think about it. Not only the top genius in the royal family, but also the top ten people can live in such a place." Yixue said.

Bizhu didn't care, but stepped in and said, "Let's see how the little imperial sister is doing now."

“It’s not the little princess anymore, there is another princess who was just born.

There have been three of them in the past few decades, which is quite a lot. "Yixue sighed with emotion.

Bizhu was also a little surprised: "His old man is really getting stronger and stronger. Is he trying to create a few more geniuses?"

Yixue didn't dare to continue.

Bizhu's father is more than 400 years old and has a life span of 500 years.

In the last few years, I have been brave.

She is still young and dare not talk nonsense.

Under the leadership of Yuyuki, they entered the interior.

At this time, on the platform above the pool, Bizhu saw a woman who looked like a girl. She was sitting on a chair with a black and white egg on the table.

Power shone upon it.

Just breaking through the eggshell, trying to get out.

"Emperor Nanqing's sister." Yixue said softly.

Nan Qing looked a little sad, but it was hidden.

She looked at the person coming with a smile on her lips: "Sister Yuxue Huang."

"Princess Nanqing, and me." Bizhu waved in greeting.

Nan Qing turned to look at Bizhu, with some doubts in his eyes.

It took some time before I remembered the person in front of me.

"I haven't seen her for so many years. I didn't expect [Nan Qing Huangmei] to be already graceful and graceful." Bizhu said with a smile.

"Sister Bizhu Huang." Nan Qing nodded in greeting.

Bizhu walked over and sat down, then looked at Danyan: "Is this the imperial sister's companion spirit egg? It looks like it's about to hatch."

Seeing what Bizhu was doing, Yixue was shocked.

I'm afraid that the other party will mess up.

"I do feel that it has an urgent mood, and it should be about to come out." Nan Qing said calmly.

"What do you want, sister Huang?" Bizhu asked Yu.

Hearing this, Nan Qing smiled faintly and said, "Sister Huang is an ordinary person. She doesn't have any worries. As long as she is happy, she will be happy.

"I'm different. As the number one genius in the royal family, I have tremendous pressure.

"Similarly, I can sense [㳔's power] far better than the Emperor's sister.

"Although we are both royal princes, we are taking completely different paths.

"Sometimes, I also envy Sister Huang.

“Don’t marry, don’t fix your relationship, live the life you want in peace and contentment.

"You don't have to pay attention to other people's eyes, and no one will ask you for anything."

Bizhu shook his head as he listened and sighed: "Actually, it's not that smooth. I've encountered too many bad things over the years. Bad luck always seeks out the poor. They didn't let me go because I was weak.

"too bitter.

"You have to be wary when you go out."

Nan Qing didn't care about Bizhu's words. In her opinion, no matter how miserable an ordinary person could be, how miserable it would be.

Especially ordinary people from the royal family.

To live a prosperous life, there is no need to be careless.

Leisurely and comfortable.

Bizhu didn't want to explain too much, but pointed at the egg and asked Yu, "Can I touch it?"

Yuxue stood at a loss, my old sister, you are going to be thrown out.

Nan Qing looked deeply at Bizhu, and finally nodded: "Let's touch it."

Bizhu smiled and nodded, then stretched out her hand to touch the egg.

Instantly she felt a violent aura, full of hostility.

To break through the seal and come to the world.

"I've seen it, I've touched it. Let's leave quickly." Yixue pulled Bizhu and said.

Nan Qing had no idea of ​​leaving a few people behind.

Bizhu just wanted to leave.

As soon as the three of them left, a young woman came to Nan Qing and whispered:

"Mr. 㹏, do you want to teach them a lesson?

"You let them know that you are different from them."

Nan Qing shook his head: "It's not necessary. Please give in to the more than 400-year-old imperial sister. She won't live long."

The woman with the 㥕 nodded and then stepped away.


Bizhu said goodbye to Yaxue, feeling helpless:

"I've just come back, and I'm about to meet him."

She didn't know whether it was her bad luck or whether it was causing trouble to the imperial city.

"What happened?" Aunt Qiao asked, and after a pause she asked again: "On the pond, I feel like someone is staring at us, and it doesn't seem like we are welcome."

"No, with the emperor brother, they still have to give us face.

"It's a rare trip back. Let's wait and see if they are free." Bizhu said with a smile, and then sighed:

“The alien beast is coming out and we can’t stop it.

"As the great age begins, strange beasts will definitely appear.

"Its aura is so violent that even if the little male can overwhelm the opponent, he can't contain the opponent's aura.

"Someone will definitely come to your door at that time."

A long time ago, Bizhu knew that the spirit beast of the young master was one of the four great strange beasts.

And it was also sealed by her.

Now the seal will be invalid.

The ultimate man of all things comes to your door, and the consequences are unpredictable.

The little imperial sister in her thirties couldn't bear those people.

"I can only go to the ancestral hall to seek blessings from my ancestors."



During this period of time, Jiang Hao was either meditating on the Xuanhuang Curse or feeding the Immortal Fake.

Currently, feeding with Tao Qi has no impact.

But for a long time, you will fall into the fog of Tao.

He has a feeling that the meaning of Changsheng Lie is profound and long-lasting, and he will definitely be affected by it if he continues.

But it is also a training of one's own will and heart.

On this day, he woke up from meditation with purple energy in his eyes.

If you look carefully, you can see that the purple energy is a symbol.

Form a mantra.

This is the Xuanhuang Curse that Jiang Hao understood.

Now that I've read it completely, all that's left is to try to write it down.

It's extremely difficult to repair a chain. You should be able to get started in a year or two.

Moreover, the holy soul of the Holy Lord can make him more energetic to comprehend.

If used well, it may shorten a lot of time.

The general trend of mountains and seas is somewhat helpful to the techniques of Hongmeng Heart Sutra.

At this time, Jiang Hao observed the Tianxiang Daohua and Changsheng Lie in the yard.

㵔What surprised him was that there was a blue bubble on the edge of the longevity pill.

[Cultivation +1]

As the bubbles entered his body, Jiang Hao felt a little happy in his eyes.

The one missing is a bit missing, but it is not seventeen days, it should be fifteen days.

Two more pills a month.

Twenty more a year.

You can be promoted in just over three years.

Much faster.

"But we have to see if it happens every fifteen days."

He's also worried it's random.

However, the cost of this bubble is quite high, and problems are prone to occur on the road.

But it's worth it.

Everything is developing for the better, and accidents may occur, but as long as you are one step ahead of the accident, there will be no accidents.


Jiang Hao started writing the Xuanhuang Curse after he came back from the elixir garden.

Just when I was halfway through writing, the secret language slate began to vibrate.

The party is about to begin.

And it was because of this distraction that the paper on which the Xuanhuang Curse was written was burned.

Putting down his pen, Jiang Hao began to sort out the last party.

In almost eight months, I have encountered a lot of difficulties.

Some details of the party need to be reviewed.

After finishing sorting, Jiang Hao was waiting for the party to start.


The party begins.

Jiang Hao entered the Whispering Slate.

This gathering should mention the Five Demons and the Three Lives of Laughter.

I just happened to take a look at what's going on overseas.

There will be no change in party size.

"Is there any problem with the chain repair?" Yuan Yuan's voice came again.

"Senior, how can we temper the immortal body faster?" Ghost Fairy spoke first.

Jiang Hao was not interested in this question because he had only stayed in Renxian for a few months.

When you become an immortal, the quenching process is completed, and you are just short of becoming a true immortal.

"Quenching the True Immortal, more of a test is the use of strength, but there are also other methods of speeding up." Yuan Yuan's tone changed once, and he spoke softly:

"Tempering is to transform the body into an immortal, using immortal power.

"As long as you can make your immortal power strong enough and take less time to recover, you can become a true immortal faster.

"In addition, you can also try to start to understand your own Tao. Once you understand it, even if it is only a small amount of Tao, it can be quickly quenched.

"After the True Immortal, Tao is especially important. That is the real watershed."

"Can you understand the Tao when you are an immortal?" Liu Po ​​asked curiously.

"It's difficult, but it's enough to gain some insights." Yuan said.

"What will happen if you can't get out of the avenue?" Gui Xianzi asked curiously.

Yuan looked at the other party and said softly:

"Always stay in the early stage of a true immortal, and you are still a true immortal after all.

"And in the middle stage of true immortality, one must have Tao Qi and understand the Tao.

"The two are worlds apart."

Hearing this, other people also have many questions about Tao.

No one here is an ordinary person. It is only a matter of time before the true immortal begins.

What they need to focus on is the Tao himself, and be one step ahead as soon as possible.

"How can I quickly comprehend the Tao?" Xing asked.

He returned to the sect, but he didn't know much about it.

Ayuan usually knows all about this kind of questions: "It depends on what kind of path you want to take. Some paths are easy to walk on at the beginning, and you can understand it yourself."

“Some roads are strong but difficult to walk, and many people will never understand them throughout their lives.

"The understanding of Tao determines a person's future and also determines a person's strength."

"Is the difference big?" asked the ghost fairy.

"Jie Da." Yuan nodded:

"Don't say that the immortal power of the body is amazing, but only the magic weapon.

"Tao Qi can sharpen ordinary life magic weapons, fuse with itself, and demonstrate its power."

To sharpen the life magic weapon?

Jiang Hao was quite surprised.

He knew that using his own Tao Yun to nourish Tian 㥕 could make Tian 㥕 more powerful.

But I don't know how to use it.

"What is sharpening?" asked the ghost fairy.

This question is timely.

Jiang Hao also wanted to know, but it was difficult for him to ask.

㰴I plan to go back and ask Gu Tianjin or Hong Yuye.

Unexpectedly, the Ghost Fairy did not disappoint him.

"The Great Dao represents all things, and aura is just a kind of emanation from the great avenue of heaven and earth. The magic weapon forged by the aura is also related to the self that can be targeted.

"After using Tao Qi to sharpen the edge, what is cut is the things related to Tao, and all things are derived from Tao, so it can cut all things.

“Its power is unstoppable.

"It would be even more amazing if the innate Taoist weapon could be sharpened.

"Of course, you can also understand it as cultivating the life magic weapon and letting it reach the same level."

Jiang Hao lowered his head and wanted to know how to sharpen the blade.

"Senior, do you have a good way to sharpen the edge?" Ghost Fairy asked again.

Jiang Hao felt quite sad.

No party can be complete without ghosts and fairies.

"It resonates with it when the sun rises, and blends into the Tao Qi at sunset, for up to forty-nine days." Yuan answered.

Jiang Hao kept these in mind.

After I get out, I'll give it a try.

Let’s see what Tian㥕 can become in the end㥕.

I don’t know if Taichu Tian㥕 is considered an innate Taoist weapon.

After there were no questions, Yuan put forward the task.

The first and last alien beast.

The second east pole sky.

Nothing else.

"You probably won't be able to leave, so don't worry too much about it, but the strange beasts will definitely come out before the Great World and you need to pay more attention." Yuan reminded.

The ghost fairy was quite curious:

"When strange beasts are born, will the end of all things come?"

"There is a high probability that it will." Yuan smiled and said:

"But they have caught two so far, and there is one overseas that they failed to catch.

"When the fourth one appears, you can more or less have your hands free.

"But there are also people who don't want all things to finally get [the fourth beast].

"Trying to snatch it away."

It doesn't matter if all things finally get the [exotic beasts], but getting [the four great exotic beasts] is a big problem.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment and planned to tell the location of the last one.

We're running out of time.

The Ghost Fairy spoke first again: "I do have news about the last strange beast."

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