Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1187 Talking about laughing for three lives at the party failed

Under the endless stars, Jiang Hao sat cross-legged.

His eyes were downcast, and his body shape had not changed in any way.

Like a stone statue that has been silent for a long time.

Gujing is unruffled and treats everything indifferently.

Powerful, mysterious, lonely.

This is the image Jiang Hao wanted to leave to the party from the beginning.

But unconsciously, it seemed that he no longer needed to pretend.

Maybe one day he will completely change into such a person.

No joy, no sorrow, solitary and indifferent.

At this time, the voice of the ghost fairy came.

It is not surprising that the other party knows about the strange beast.

After all, the ghost fairy is also from the south, and her hands and eyes can reach the sky.

As for being robbed of his reward, Jiang Hao didn't mind.

Just two questions, I have gained enough, there is no need to be greedy.

"If my information is correct, the fourth alien beast should be in the southern imperial city."

Most people did not take this news to heart.

Strange beasts do not affect them.

"There are alien beasts in the southern imperial city?"

“It’s not like no one knows about it till now.”

Liu and others also had this doubt.

Unless you are hiding, and the Imperial City is not like a place to hide.

"Because the strange beast has not been hatched yet." Ghost Fairy said.

Yuan Yuan was slightly surprised: "No wonder it has not been discovered. Since it has not hatched yet, can the ghost kid get it?"

"Can I exchange it for a Snow God?" Ghost Fairy's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Yuan nodded and continued:

"Not only can it be done, but it can also add some things."

This kind of situation is not uncommon in gatherings. Whenever senior Yuan feels that what he wants is missing, he will make up for it.

"Can I add a tiger spirit animal egg?" Ghost Fairy asked.

"There are tiger spirit eggs, but it takes time.

"I heard that there is a spiritual bird in the south, named Sanqing. If you are suitable, you may be able to get its spiritual egg." Yuan looked at the ghost fairy and asked softly: "Is this bird okay?"

"Yes." Ghost Fairy did not hesitate.

"Okay, then the person who wants the exotic beasts should be looking for you. In a short time, he should be in the south." Yuan Yuan said.

The ghost fairy nodded.

She had an ominous premonition in her heart. Who would come to her directly?

If it is not suitable, Senior Yuan must make the transaction at a fixed point without contact.

And there is only one person she needs to see in all her missions.

We had to meet and cooperate with you in order to solve the problem.

Although this person is not a strong person with golden 㫡, he is better than a strong person with golden 㫡.

It's not that he is weak, it's that he doesn't show his cultivation and cannot be defined as gold.

It's bitter, why do you still have to live such a miserable life when you are already an immortal?

The ghost fairy sighed in his heart.

The days of self-confidence are gone forever.

I miss my childhood.

That is a beautiful world without wells.

After the mission of the alien beast is over, only Dongjitian is left.

"You should stay in your own place during this period and wait for the big day." Yuan looked at the crowd and said:

“Don’t go out unless absolutely necessary.

"Just now, the opportunity will be reduced once you leave."

For a moment, everyone, including Ghost Fairy and others, looked at Fairy Zhang.

Zhang Xianzi went out many times.

"Sometimes if you don't move for the sake of opportunity, you will fall into endless hesitation." Zhang Xianzi said softly.

She was born at the foot of a mountain, and one person and one mountain regarded her as an immortal. She always had to give up a lot of things.

For the fairy in her heart.

If you are ordinary, why chase the seemingly endless opportunities?

Jiang Hao was also a little surprised. Zhang Xianzi's path seemed ordinary, but it was full of possibilities.

Others also had an idea of ​​something.

Yuan just smiled in response.

The last step is the transaction link.

Jiang Hao thought for a while and realized that there was nothing that needed to be traded for the time being.

Several other people were also just immortals, and they were all on their way or integrating their own forces.

There is nothing special to note.

"We must all be equals, so tell us about the surroundings?" Gui Xianzi asked.

Others nodded.

"Which one of you goes first?" Ghost Fairy asked curiously.

Liu, who had not spoken for a long time, looked around and said:

"You must have heard about that, right?"

"There is some news." Fairy Zhang nodded.

The ghost fairy thought for a moment and said:

"What about the Five Demons?"

Xingze shook his head: "I was on my way and didn't know about the five demons."

He knows a little bit about the Five Demons, only a little bit.

All I know is that they may know how to get the King out of the sea.

I read the classics that Meng Lanling originally investigated and found the Five Demons.

"What is the specific situation of the five demons?" asked the ghost fairy.

She had indeed heard of it, but she only knew a vague idea.

Still asking for details.

Of course, the fastest way is to use a party.

Now, the people gathered at the party are separated again.

There are their people in the east, west, south, and overseas, which is a good thing. The source of information has once again become broader.

It is still not easy to get things done in the north.

"The Five Demons, the original Ten Heavenly Kings, because they could not become immortals, finally used strange methods to leave the position of Heavenly Kings and paid the tragic death of seven people, and then became immortals.

"Now one person is a True Immortal, three are in the late stage of True Immortal, and one is in the middle stage of True Immortal." Liu looked at the crowd and continued:

"Then the five of them besieged Xiao Sansheng, who had just become immortal.

"It's a life and death battle.

"Xiao Sansheng is defeated in this battle. Kill the middle stage True Immortal before leaving."

After hearing the details, everyone took a breath.

Xing was silent for a while and then said:

"In other words, Xiao Sansheng has just become an immortal, and has passed the stage of killing human immortals and killing real immortals?"

Liu was silent for a moment and said: "According to the news, Xiao Sansheng was in the early stage of a true immortal at that time."

"True immortal?" Everyone was quite surprised.

The ghost fairy also opened her mouth wide.

Doesn’t it take a long time to become a true immortal?

"So, the first person in ancient and modern times did not have the immortal stage?"

Some people are immortals, and some people are real immortals.

When they meet a human immortal in the middle stage, they still have to bow their head. After all, the opponent has a part of the immortal body, and they have just started to temper the immortal body, so they have no immortal power.

And some people are not immortals and have already reached the middle stage of killing true immortals.

That true immortal not only has the body of a true immortal, but also has the power of the Great Dao.

Gui Xianzi thought for a moment and felt that it was not impossible for the first person to have righteousness.

They are all really immortal, no matter how outrageous they are, they are considered normal.

Xing thought for a while and said:

"Is there a possibility that in the early stage of the True Immortal, he was not the Xiao Sansheng of the Immortal?"

As soon as the problem came out, everyone woke up.

Jing said at the beginning that Xiao Sansheng could be someone else or Jing.

So who is this Xiao Sansheng?

For a while, everyone looked at Qijing.

Even 㫡元 is like this.

Does this also depend on me? Jiang Hao sighed in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged and his tone was low: "It's the three lives of smiles from the Immortal."

There is nothing to hide, this is the end of the matter, just go with the flow.

Xiao Sansheng is humiliated today, and Xiao Sansheng will get it all back in the future.

Some people must see it. Although Xiao Sansheng is great, not everyone can covet it.

Of course, the premise is that Jiang Hao will not be discovered and implicated.

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