Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1188 Chilong is so poor that he starts selling his blood?

The people in the party were quite surprised to receive [Jing's approval].

Everyone fell silent for a while.

After some time, the ghost fairy finally spoke:

"Can anyone really enter the True Immortal realm at the end of the month?"

This question is too profound and no one can answer it.

Just look at the top position.

Dan 㨾 said with a smile:

"It didn't exist before, but now it exists, just like the twelve heavenly kings have become immortals.

"It marked an era."

Senior Dan㨾 said this, and others did not ask too much about these things.

Some things are best in the shortest possible time.

Liu continued to talk about the five demons:

“After this incident, the Five Demons started new preparations.

"They spread the news that they are waiting for Xiao San on Wufeng Island to take revenge.

"According to some people's investigation, the Five Demons are indeed on the island, but they have set up some formations that should be traps."

"Xiao San'er should know about this kind of thing. Does he know how to do it?" Gui Xianzi asked.

No one has an answer.

It stands to reason that as long as you are not stupid, you will not laugh even three times.

But some people are too persistent and will give up even if they have a little hope.

Especially those who bear the title of No. 1 in ancient and modern times.

He led the twelve heavenly kings to become immortals just for the sake of fame.

I'm sorry for the name.

From now on, being number one in ancient and modern times may be a joke.

Even if the enemy is True Immortal Perfection, even if it is a siege, a defeat is a defeat.

No one will delve into anything else.

Most people can only laugh and lose three times, and they don't even dare to take revenge.

"Before the great age, the five demons suddenly appeared. They would rather give up the opportunity to find Xiao San'er. They must be desperate.

"There's no need to kill them. They won't live long after the Great World comes." Xing said.

Jiang Hao also knew about this, and he still needed to go overseas.

He doesn't care about reputation. Whether he is the best person in ancient or modern times, or he is timid and weak, it has no impact on him.

He wants to get the Yishanhai Immortal Shield.

If you can, advise them to put an end to this falsehood.

Everyone is free from worries, and it also helps to a certain extent.

Zhang Xianzi changed the topic: "The west has been quiet for a long time. Everyone has felt it and knows that the great age is coming, and is making preparations.

"The foundation of Heavenly Dao triggered the luck of the west and began to gather the flowers of luck."

"Is this the beginning?" Gui Xianzi was a little unbelievable.

When she asked at the beginning, Jing said that she had something for Tiandao Foundation Establishment.

Can help her.

Unexpectedly, I already gave it, and it really accelerated the gathering of the flowers of luck.

"It's starting. If you're lucky, you'll have the opportunity to gather the flowers of luck before the great world comes." Fairy Zhang said.

The ghost fairy nodded, and then said: "When I came here, I saw a person who was related to the foundation of heaven.

“But he’s also great, he won’t die even if he does that.

"Although I helped him, it was a misty desert and the people chasing him were not easy.

"You can't hold on for long."

Someone related to the foundation building of Heavenly Dao? Jiang Hao was surprised.

Isn't that Chu Chuan?

Unexpectedly, he was still chasing me.

Misty desert?

Jiang Hao kept this in mind.

The Misty Desert is a bit far away, but with his current strength, it shouldn't take too long.

A few months at most.

If you really need to go there, it’s okay to go there once.

I just got out and tried the knife.

"I recently got news and found out that Shang'an Taoist people don't have Hao Tianzong. Speaking of which, where should he get the opportunity?" Xing was slightly curious.

Shang'an Taoist was originally from the west, and was later accepted as a disciple by the Haotian Sect in the east.

It stands to reason that only the magic gates in the west have the aura of Shang'an Taoists.

But he got a new one from Haotian Sect.

"I remember that Taoist Shang'an became an immortal in the Tianyin Sect, right? Will he go to the Tianyin Sect?" Ghost Fairy asked.

Everyone thinks it is quite possible.

No one knows the answer.

Jiang Hao is also very concerned about how people like Shang'an should be treated?

Such questions can only be asked by senior Yan Dan.

Dan 㨾 who was at the top said softly: "Haotian Sect is where he belongs, but he seems to have given up the opportunity."

"Why?" asked the ghost fairy.

Why did everyone give up?

Amazing geniuses do the same thing, is it right to give up?

Dan shook his head: "Everyone's journey is different. People who can surprise the times are somewhat different."

Taoist Shang'an, Jiang Hao thought of the man pursuing the Charming God.

For Shang'an, opportunity is a trivial matter, perhaps Mei Shen is the most important.

This time, he might want to use the Great World to spy on the whereabouts of the Charming God.

Any seal will be shaken by the arrival of the Great World.

It is possible to spy on [hidden things].

Afterwards, we talked about many big and small things at the party.

But most of them are related to the great world.

For example, Mu Longyu among the Twelve Heavenly Kings has left, and King Hailuo has also left. They don't seem to care about the opportunity of the world.

There is also the senior from the Haotian Sect who is still staring at the Fallen Immortal Clan and has launched several battles.

And Liu also said something that surprised the party, that anyone who wants dragon blood can contact him.

Only sell spiritual stones.

The ghost fairy was so shocked that she was eager to try.

Jiang Hao sounded a little embarrassed. Is Chilong so poor that he is going to start selling blood?

The ghost fairy said that there was a fairy in Tianqing Mountain who fell in love with a certain elder, but in the end the elder sold the fairy to the Tiansheng Sect.

And the woman used the elders of the Tiansheng Sect to bring someone to kill a certain elder.

Jiang Hao listened very carefully.

Later, Liu said that the Tiansheng Sect had become quiet recently.

The Great Thousand Divine Sect also fell silent again.

After a long time, the party ended with Senior Dan's reminder.

Southern Imperial City.

The moonlight penetrated through the window and sprinkled on the bed.

Bizhu, who was lying on the bed, woke up under the moonlight.

Slowly sat up and stretched.

After that, I sat helplessly in front of the window, holding my chin in my hands and looking at the bright moon.

"Without tigers, only birds, we don't know whether it will succeed."

She already knew the dangers of alien beasts, and she had touched them before to prepare for the follow-up.

We need to find out what kind of spiritual beast is inside.

After touching it, I realized that it was a spiritual beast like a tiger with black and white wings on its back.

Violent and murderous, extremely dangerous.

So it would be best to find a tiger instead to hide the truth.

"I planned to handle it myself, but I didn't expect that there would be not only spirit beast eggs but also Snow God Pills."

Make a profit, make a lot of money.

"With the blessings of our ancestors, we have escaped this disaster."

"Tomorrow I will ask my brother to help me send it to the ancestral hall."

She has no status in the royal family, so she naturally needs help from her brother.

"It's a pity that Senior Gu hasn't had time to come over yet, otherwise we could ask what kind of strange beast it is."

After some hesitation, she decided to move out.

Not living in a royal palace.

So wait for that person to come.


When Jiang Hao woke up, he was not in a hurry to record the important events of the party, but took out the Heavenly Sword to check.

Under the cultivation of Tao Qi, the power of the sword is indeed much stronger.

It is far from being as simple as cutting the edge.

That's a qualitative leap.

"Forty-nine days?" Jiang Hao remembered what Senior Dan said.

After some hesitation, I thought I should ask again.

Hong Yuye is not here, so I will go to the Demon Cave and ask about Gu and today.

"I haven't seen him for a long time, and I really want to see him before I come."

He was also not sure whether the other party would suddenly rush out in the future.

Without hesitation, he stepped out.

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