Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 896 I just killed them on the way

other side.

The same is the location of the blood pool.

The people of the Holy Thief are waiting, waiting for the Fallen Immortal Clan's plan to succeed.

Then steal the other party's results.

Relatively speaking, they do not want fairy seeds to bloom.

The immortal seeds bloom, the immortal clan returns, the Heavenly Saint Clan, and the Celestial Spirit Clan will all have the blessings of heaven and earth.

You are born strong, and your strength will increase at an unimaginable speed.

Not only that, they don't bottleneck.

At least there will be no bottlenecks in a certain realm.

Their ordinaryness will be the lifelong pursuit of the human race.


Although the Holy Thief belongs to the Celestial Spirit Clan, he is not favored by heaven and earth.

Even if the Tianling Clan regains favor, they will still be excluded.

There may even be repression.

In this way, it is not a trivial matter.

"Don't worry too much, everything will happen, and it won't have much impact on us." At this time, a man looked towards the distance:

“What we have to do now is to be as strong as possible.

Without enough strength, I simply can't accomplish what I want to do in the end. "

Everyone nodded.

They have what they have to do, and as long as they can do it, they can accept whatever the process is.

It is impossible to achieve the goal safely. The more you care about too much, the more constraints you will have and the farther you will be from the goal.

Even if they couldn't do it for the time being, they still had to make that person wake up completely.

"The Fallen Immortals are a little slow." Yin Tian said.

They have been waiting here for a long time. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be this long.

"Would you like to go over and have a look?" A fairy asked Yu.

"Two people come with me and have a look." Yin Tian said.

Then a man and a woman followed him and started walking in another direction.

They had calculated for a long time that the Fallen Immortals should be near the blood pool.

If the other party doesn't come, it will be very troublesome.

Most of the means are here, and if they are replaced temporarily, it is easy to fail to completely take away the other party's things.

You must know that they also leaked the blood pool on purpose. In order to completely take away the other party, they helped the other party a lot in the early stage.

"Have you been noticed yet?" A fairy behind you asked.

"No, we have made a lot of preparations." Yin Tian shook his head.

"Could it be someone from the Tianyin Sect? Once they notice something, they will definitely take action." Another young man asked.

"It shouldn't be, according to my calculations, the Tianyin Sect can no longer fully deal with external problems, and they need to selectively give up some things.

As for the blood pool, we deliberately guided the fallen immortals not to enter those who are too strong.

Now that there are powerful people in the Fallen Immortal Clan, they can also cause trouble for the Tianyin Sect.

Therefore, the possibility of Tianyin Sect coming here is not high. "Yin Tian thought for a long time:

“Maybe there are other accidents, go check out the situation, and if you can help, then help.

It's now time, they can't fail.

Whether that person can be revived depends on how well the Fallen Immortal Clan's plan is completed. "

There are some things they know and can do.

But it takes time and a lot of movement.

Therefore, they cannot complete it under normal circumstances and can only use this opportunity to help others.

A few moments.

They finally came to the location of the Fallen Immortal Clan.

Because this position was arranged by them, they know best where there is a safe place.

At this time, I sensed the breath of the earth's veins and also sensed the powerful power.

䥍 is not complete enough.

Why is this?

The three people glanced over there quietly, and their pupils shrank for a moment.

I saw a scholar in denim clothes, holding a long sword and walking through the crowd of fallen immortals.

The figure suddenly disappears and then appears, and its length is like a sweeping stream of light.

Everyone was shocked, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Few people can compete head-on with each other.

After a while, there was only one person left around the formation. He wiped the 㥕 in his hand and put it away silently.

The folding fan appeared in his hand at some point.

Thousands of people and thousands of faces are particularly conspicuous.

The three of them were a little surprised, but they quickly hid.

They looked at each other with some surprise in their eyes.

"Laughing for three lives?" Yin Tian was quite curious: "Why did he want to kill the fallen immortals?"

"If you happen to meet him, just kill him by chance." Someone answered.

"What kind of reason is this?" Yin Tian responded subconsciously.

Just the next moment, there was a chill behind me.


With an explosion of power, Yin Tian retreated with his two companions.

When he turned around, he saw a scholar standing where he was just now. It was Xiao Sansheng who had finished killing the fallen immortals.

"I'm Tuo Qi. What are you guys talking about? Come here and listen." Xiao Sansheng shrugged.

Holy thief.

There is no need for Jiang Hao not to want to be his enemy.

These people have a unique way of self-destruction, which is extremely troublesome.

It requires the use of Suo Tian to stop it smoothly.

"Is there anything else you can do, friend?" Yin Tian retreated.

The other party came over quietly. It seemed that his cultivation level was similar to his, but every move he made was incomparable to him.

Very strong.

I used to hear that laughing for three lives means returning to the void, but now I can see that most people in the past were blind.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"Of course." Yin Tian nodded.

"Do you know that the Yantian Spirit Clan has a magical artifact that can suppress immortal species?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

Before I was thinking about asking who would be suitable, I didn't expect that someone actually came to my door.

So few.

Tuo could still handle it just now.

"I know you, you are trying to stop the Immortal Seed?"

"I killed many of them, and I'm worried about their revenge."

Jiang Hao said it so easily that Yin Tian and others didn't believe it at all.

But they don't care what the specific purpose is.

"The thing does exist, but we can't draw a conclusion as to where it is specifically. Because this thing will move, only those who have studied it deeply can know its current location." Yin Tian replied.

"Then do you know how to activate that divine object?" Jiang Hao asked again.

"Of course." Yin Tian nodded, then threw out a jade slip: "The answer is inside."

Jiang Hao was surprised and checked briefly.

I found out that there is really a way to start it.

The sacred object is called Tongsheng Stone.

It was so easy to obtain, which made Jiang Hao doubt whether it was true or not.

Then start the identification.

The answer is actually true.

So smooth.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Hao spoke:

"Do you know where the Wanlong Clan has gone?"

"I don't know, we were sealed a long time ago." Yin Tian answered Yu.

Jiang Hao nodded and did not embarrass the other party.

Instead, it disappeared in place.

With the people from the Fallen Immortal Tribe eliminated, the blood pool will become much more stable.

All that's left is to find Shangguan Qingsu.

Let's see if we can restrain Gu Changsheng's return.

I just don’t know how long this battle between the Huan Sect will last.

Outside the Tianyin Sect.

Mu Longyu wanted to visit Tianyin Sect and ask Hailuo some questions.

However, when he got closer, he was shocked to find that a war had started here at some point.

Powerful power swept across all directions, inexhaustible.


This is simply like a war to destroy the sect.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Longyu sighed and entered the Tianyin Sect.

Let’s just say it’s a good relationship.

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