Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 897 Ordinary disciples are the ones injured in the battle

After walking out of the blood pool, Jiang Hao felt safe here.

There was no reaction from the Tianji Bad Luck Bead, and the blood pool also calmed down.

We can see if we can meet [Shangguan Qingsu] later.

If not, go and meet up with Senior Brother Zheng and wait for this matter to be over.

Don't know what the final result will be.

It stands to reason that the Tianyin Sect will not be defeated. After all, if they dare to let people in, they should be well prepared.

I'm afraid something might change midway.

Jiang Hao glanced at the depths of the Demon Cave, where the stars were still flowing backwards, and he didn't know what was underneath.

No matter what his cultivation level was, he had no intention of going inside.

Sometimes you should stay away from these places.

A little carelessness will bring disaster to yourself.

After leaving the Demon Cave, Jiang Hao found that the fighting outside was even more exaggerated.

It was not clear who had the advantage before, but now it seems that the Tianyin Sect has the advantage.

But the mine is still at a disadvantage.

These people have their sights set on the mine and want to gain some benefits.

It should be people from Tianmen Sect, they always want to take back something.

The sea fog of the Saint Pirates is receding, and I guess I don't want to continue fighting.

After waiting for three days near the mine without seeing Shangguan Qingsu, Jiang Hao left and went to meet Senior Brother Zheng and the others.

outer door.

The powerful power fluctuation caused Zheng Shijiu and others to avoid continuously.

They encountered many dangers along the way. If there were not runes and formations around them from time to time, they would not have been safe at all.

Lin Mo had many injuries on his body, some from before and some from the past few days.

After encountering such a big event, he found that his strength was as insignificant as dust.

On the other hand, Jiang Hao had predicted the danger in advance, prepared a way out in advance, and given instructions in advance.

Make strategic plans and control thousands of things.

If they hadn't held back, the other party wouldn't have disappeared.

For a moment, Lin Mo truly experienced that he was nothing in front of the other person.

The pride and confidence I had before were so vulnerable.

"Continue to hide. The fight between the sects this time is too intense, and we are not allowed to get close." Zheng Jiu said seriously.

He was afraid that these people would mess up, and Junior Brother Jiang handed people over to him, and he didn't want to lose anyone.

Several people nodded, not daring to have the slightest opinion.

Zhao Qingxue was a little frightened. She had never seen anything like this before.

It was completely beyond her knowledge.

The senior brothers and sisters of the sect seemed to have no time to take care of her.


There are monsters stirring again.

Several people stood up quickly, not daring to rest anymore.

Because at any time, you will be the monster's meal.

At this time, they were like frightened birds, unable to rest when they heard the sound.

Just as soon as the battle was over, the restlessness of the monster disappeared, and a figure walked over from a distance.

The folding fan in Zheng Jiujiu's hand turned into a long sword, staring into the distance.

"Senior Brother Zheng, it's me." Jiang Hao's voice came over.

Then his figure flickered and he came in front of everyone.

At this time, Jiang Hao was still calm and calm, as if nothing could make him moved.

The moment the four of them looked at [person], they felt relieved for some reason.

It seemed that he was already safe.

Unknowingly, this person could actually give them such a huge sense of security.

"Thank you for your hard work, senior brother." Jiang Hao said politely.

"No." Zheng Shijiu shook his head: "It will be good if junior brother is back."

"In a few days, the fighting should stop." Jiang Hao said quietly.

The others nodded, naturally saying nothing.

With the addition of Jiang Hao, it will be much easier for them to deal with the monsters.

The fighting within the sect became increasingly fierce.

It was not until seven days later that I gradually calmed down.

The number of monsters has also decreased.

Early November.

The battle ceased completely.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know the specific situation, the sect should not have changed hands.

Three days later.

The people from Law Enforcement Peak began to check the surrounding area, and Jiang Hao and the others were naturally found.

It was learned from their mouths that the sect had defeated powerful enemies.

Patrols can be resumed.

This patrol mission will be much more difficult, no surprises can occur

Jiang Hao knew that he could no longer patrol casually.

When a sect war ends, there are usually fish that slip through the net.

None of them had serious injuries, so they could enter the mission.

Everyone responds to this kind of task well, but if you really encounter a powerful fish that slips through the net, you should still turn a blind eye.

It's easy to get yourself involved.

After that, Jiang Hao and others began to patrol, this time around the various veins.

The range is very wide. In short, we are constantly patrolling, and there is no time to rest.

The outer sect also suffered a lot of damage. Some of the sect disciples were pushed away before the battle started, and there were no casualties.

At this time, everyone is taking care of the surrounding area and starting to resume work.

"This time the injury is even more exaggerated than before." Jiang Hao said silently to himself.

I passed some places and saw some corpses.

Even if there are fewer casualties, there are still casualties.

If you are too weak, you will be in danger wherever you go.

And those people high up in the sky won’t even look down.

There will be no mood swings over this kind of thing.

All you can do is strengthen yourself and avoid danger.

Only in this way can we live well.

After that, Jiang Hao continued to patrol. If he encountered some injured people, he would help put them in a safe area.

Someone from the sect will take over.

The inner door is better and each channel can help, but the outer door is more difficult.

All Jiang Hao can do is use some healing techniques to cure as much as possible.

No matter how much, nothing can be done.

He is not worried about anyone paying attention to him, because he wants the blood path to be almost established.

These things can all be summed up in the blood wish path.

Lin Mo and others felt the same way.

Zheng Jiu lowered his eyebrows and did not think too much.

He never thought that Jiang Hao was willing to fight for blood.

It was precisely in this way that he believed in the person in front of him.

The man in front of me will not actively harm others, he is very principled.

As long as you don't offend him, as long as you don't stand on the opposite side of him.

It's almost impossible to get killed by him.

Jiang Hao patrolled around and felt that the people with insufficient cultivation were the ones who suffered the most damage in the sect dispute.

Three days later.

Jiang Hao patrolled near Duanqing Cliff.

He saw several outer disciples talking to each other, and seemed to be quite emotional about this battle.

One of the fairies nodded and listened, often showing a surprised expression.

is a very qualified listener.

When Jiang Hao passed by, he specifically questioned these people.

When I asked this fairy, my magical power was activated.


After a moment, Jiang Hao turned and left.

The result of the identification is...

Shangguan Qingsu.

“She is really brave to stay in the sect, but it is indeed a good opportunity.

Hiding in when the sect is in chaos is much easier than before. "

Jiang Hao admired the other party in his heart.

From the identification results, it can be seen that the other party came here to laugh at Sanya, and it was for nothing else but the Hundred Nights Curse.

"We've found him, now it's up to us what to do."

It is easy to suppress someone, and it is also easy to suppress someone.

But it is different to suppress it once every three months.

This matter is too complicated.

It is equivalent to establishing a connection with a clan.

You can try to communicate, but how to do it needs to be considered in the long term.

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