Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 933 The female devil: Do you want to be the chief?

Jiang Hao did not have an accurate answer as to whether Gu Changsheng was actually Gu Changsheng after he returned.

Based on some guesses, there is a high probability that it will not be Gu Changsheng.

He himself is a combination of curses and an immortal curse.

It is undoubtedly a fatal existence for such an existence to stay on the earth.

After all, it is a cursed tree. Taking root in the earth, it is self-evident what impact it will have on the earth.

As for comparing it with the Tianji Bad Luck Bead, no conclusion can be drawn on this.

Ordinary curses are feared by the Heavenly Bead of Bad Luck, but the Cursed Tree of Immortality is not just a tree, it is also a person.

So will people be afraid of evil things?

It stands to reason that it would, but when he was sure that the Tianji Doom Pearl would not explode, he wouldn't care too much.

He just couldn't use curses on people who owned the Tianji Bead of Misfortune, but there were countless ways to kill people other than curses.

After all, Gu Changsheng is still too dangerous.

If he didn't have any connection with Kotoday, maybe he wouldn't have to care.

With a sigh, Jiang Hao stopped thinking about it.

After suppressing the opponent this time, I will have more time.

In the future, just convince the other party to go directly to the blood pool to find Gu today.

Or make him give up searching for Gu and Today.

Grudges will eventually be let go.

"What level of cultivation are you at now?" Hong Yuye asked while drinking tea.

"Late stage of Golden Elixir." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said respectfully:

"I've recently had a feeling that maybe I can achieve the golden elixir perfection in a year or two."

"Forty years old?" Hong Yuye asked.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded.

"The golden elixir will be perfected at the age of forty, which is great." Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and said with a smile:

"How many people in the Tianyin Sect can advance as fast as you?"

"Many people, including the chief senior brother and senior sister, are better than me." Jiang Hao said modestly.

Junior Brother Han is similar to him, and the other chiefs should be similar, or perhaps stronger.

Every chief executive is young and has high potential.

Otherwise, there is no way to be the chief.

Each one of them is killed and contains no water.

Maybe there will be a chief executive in the future, but even the current chief executive is not easy.

"Chief?" Hong Yuye said with interest:

"Do you have any idea of ​​becoming chief?"

"One thing is that it is the long-cherished wish of every Tianyin Sect disciple to make himself famous in the sect." Jiang Hao said.

Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and remained silent for a long time.

It seems to be very funny.

"The Chief is indeed quite impressive." Hong Yuye chuckled and said:

"Then when do you plan to become chief?"

"Of course it's when you have enough cultivation." Jiang Hao replied.

In the next two years, Junior Brother Han may be promoted to the late Jindan stage.

It had only been a few years since I came to challenge him. At that time, he had perfected his golden elixir.

God is close at hand.

When Junior Brother Han reaches the middle and late stages, he will be able to challenge the top ten.


Especially since Junior Brother Han has the Shanhe Sword Fetus, his future is limitless.

Hong Yuye didn’t ask any more questions, and said:

"When the Dragon Cave appears, you have to prepare to go in." Hong Yuye said.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded, hesitated and asked, "Do you want to bring the Cangyuan Dragon Ball with you?"

Hong Yuye glanced at him and didn't say much.

Let him make his own decision.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hao decided to look at the situation.

If the sect's environment was not good at that time, he would not be taken there.

If the environment is okay, take it with you.

Jiuyou will stay here with Xiaoli for now, just in case something unexpected happens.

Hong Yuye left after that, and Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

After remembering what he had to do, he began to understand the unknown secret book.

Going out, he needs to improve himself as much as possible.

At this time, a rabbit screamed outside, but Jiang Hao ignored it.

Rabbits still have a lot of face.

As time goes by, the number of people in the sect is also increasing.

Some injured people have recovered, and some have gained enlightenment before.

There are more and more people in the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

It's nothing else, it's Jiang Hao preaching.

It has great advantages for some chain energy foundation building.

The upper limit is Cheng Chou. Jiang Hao only talked about what Cheng Chou could accept, not more.

Some junior brothers and sisters with high cultivation level asked, and Jiang Hao also shook his head.

Said he was powerless.

They were a little sorry, but didn't say much.

More and more people are leaving their blood wishes.

It’s as if coming and listening is a transaction.

Now everyone knows that Jiang Hao no longer conceals his bloody path.

Some people couldn't believe it, and some people felt it was a pity.

䀴Some people take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

It seems that after looking at the next senior brother Qianchen, all the willing blood paths will not end up in trouble.

Jiang Hao sealed the blood and then placed it in a specific storage magic weapon.

Maybe one day this blood can help [him].

Four months later.


Jiang Hao's spiritual stones have decreased a lot.

He stood in the yard looking at the peach trees and sighed.

There are not many peaches on the tree now.

He will soon spend more than 50,000 spiritual stones to reach Nirvana.

The first batch of harvest will also be ushered in at the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

Go there today.

But before going there, he wanted to see how much he still lacked to prevent excess from going to waste.

[Qi and blood: 88/100 (chain repairable)]

[Cultivation: 90/100 (chain can be repaired)]

Twenty-two short.

He was a little worried. Two hundred would be opened this time, and he didn't know if there would be more.

There were originally four hundred, but he deliberately delayed the other two hundred for half a month.

Otherwise, if you open them all together, it will be a waste of spiritual stones and bubbles.

The first time the two hundred pills were twenty-six, the second time they were thirty.

So he must open two hundred, otherwise it may not be enough.

Of course, there are too many worries.

After exhaling, Jiang Hao led Rabbit towards the elixir garden.

"Master, when are you going to finalize the candidate for the hostess?" The rabbit walked along the river, occasionally kicking the water.

Jiang Hao glanced at the other party and continued walking forward.

"Has the master of Senior Sister Xiao Li been confirmed?" Rabbit Tuo asked curiously:

"Does she like rabbits?"

"I don't like it." Jiang Hao replied.

"Master, I'm looking for someone who likes small animals. Do you want to see him?" Rabbit said seriously.

Jiang Hao ignored it.

What to see?

Don't say you have no ideas, it's of no use if you have ideas.

I am not a stable person, even if I have not met Hong Yuye, I would not consider this aspect.

too weak.

Even you have to struggle to survive, so why drag others into the mud?

A few moments.

Jiang Hao came to the Spiritual Medicine Garden and looked at the rows of blue bubbles. The green bubbles made him feel at ease.

Only a large number of blue bubbles is the direction he should pursue.

This time I didn't rush over, I just counted them carefully.

Twenty-five in one.

There are three more.

Then he approached cautiously.

When twenty-two merges into the body, the number becomes double one hundred.

In other words, these three are extra.

"I don't know if it will disappear tomorrow."

Because there were not that many blue bubbles, he was reluctant to do the experiment.

It’s impossible not to try now.

After taking care of the elixir, Jiang Hao returned to the yard.

Without hesitation, choose promotion.

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