Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 934 The female devil pays attention to the sect chief

Flower Lake.

November day did not bring any changes here.

Hong Yuye sat in the pavilion as usual.

It's as if everything is here and never leaves.

Bai Zhi looked at the headmaster's back in a daze. She couldn't see through the headmaster.

Before the Tianyin Sect's headmaster passed away, the sect, which was not bad at first, was forced to fall apart by the surrounding demon sects.

In the end, the headmaster came to power and led the sect disciples to launch a war on the first day.

After that, there was no more Iryu sect around.

The once powerful people and the disciples who were once hailed as geniuses were all disciples of the Tianyin Sect.

At that time, she thought that the head teacher had been seriously injured and needed to recuperate. When she was released from seclusion, it would be the day she would take charge of the Tianyin Sect again.

At that time, they will lead them to kill all directions.

However, the headmaster was released from seclusion and had no idea of ​​returning to the sect, and even ignored the sect.

Only a few ministries will intervene.

It left her a little confused.

After the immortal, this feeling is even deeper.

The headmaster is more terrifying than he expected.

"Is this the news from the mine?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

At this time, she was making tea for herself.

"Yes." Bai Zhi nodded:

"Swordsman first appears to be fighting against an extremely powerful creature, probably that tree.

They say it is the cursed tree of immortality. This tree represents a strong man.

Why Jian Yuxian insisted on competing with him is unclear.

It's most likely related to that Bizhu.

We have no relevant information about the Cursed Tree of Immortality.

If necessary, go to other places to ask. "

Even if the Tianyin Sect annexed the surrounding areas, its foundation was still insufficient.

It is still difficult to know these things.

"Just a brief introduction." Hongyu Yeyan.

Bai Zhi nodded, which meant that there was no big interest entanglement with them.

There is no need to pay too much attention, as long as you know the other party's existence and general situation.

"They may stay here for a longer time." Bai Zhiyu.

"No problem." Hong Yuye was silent for a moment:

"You can try asking him about chain repair.

Maybe it will be helpful to you.

Besides you, the chief can also go. "

"Yes, thank you, Master." Bai Zhi was a little happy.

You must know that Yu Jian Yu is far more powerful than them. If you can listen to the other party's explanation, you will definitely gain a lot.

You can go there, and so can the chief.

This is inevitable, and everyone can understand the importance of the chief executive.

"Top ten, what kind of cultivation is the first?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

"It has returned to perfection." Bai Zhi answered Yu.

"Where's the tenth?" Hong Yuye asked again.

"Early stage of god refining." Bai Zhi answered Yu.

Hong Yuye nodded, "Has anyone challenged you recently?"

"Yes, Gu Lin Baiye, but it failed." Bai Zhi replied.

She was a little confused as to why the Headmaster suddenly asked about the Chief.

"Tell me about other things." Hong Yuye didn't ask any more questions.

No one knows what she is thinking.

After that, Bai Zhi talked a lot about Fenghua Woren and Daqian Shenzong.

Fenghua Yanren hasn't found his true identity yet, but the other party doesn't dare to show up.

"There is news that the Great Thousand Divine Sect is very interested in the south, and it is also very interested in the soul.

They come into contact with all kinds of people and take on various tasks, seemingly just for special souls.

I have a special liking for the Holy Soul of Tiansheng Sect.

We learned about some holy souls from some people in the Lawless Tower. Do you want to try to contact them? "

Bai Zhi is not sure whether to do it.

Hong Yuye was silent for a moment and didn't say anything, but let Bai Zhi make her own decision.

Hong Yuye said nothing more after that.

Bai Zhi reported various things normally, including Jiang Hao.

But the headmaster has no more questions.

After she left, she began to think about Jian Yu's death.

She decided to ask the chief for advice for the first time. If the other party was also satisfied the next year, she would start the sect selection.

Select some people from each group and listen to each other's explanations as a group.

Whether you can ask or not depends on the senior's mood.


Noon the next day.

Jiang Hao woke up from the chain repair. At this time, there was purple energy swimming in his body, and the power of his whole body vibrated in all directions.

Faintly distorting the space.

"Late period of emergence."

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, there was no surprise.

After that, he extracted the remaining cultivation base and Qi and blood to consolidate the cultivation base.


He glanced at the panel.

[Qi and blood: 3/100 (chain cannot be repaired)]

[Cultivation: 2/100 (chain cannot be repaired)]

“I have to save up again.”

Then he quickly went to the elixir garden to see if the three bubbles were still there.

When I arrived, I found that the bubbles had long disappeared.

In other words, if you don’t pick it up that day, it will disappear the next day.

"I wonder if purple and gold will be like this too."

Unfortunately, he will never know.

Because I can't afford failure.

With a sigh, Jiang Hao began to take care of the elixir.

Half a month later.

Early December.

Jiang Hao absorbed twenty-eight bubbles again.

In another month and a half, three more seeds will sprout.

After that, only Senior Sister Ye was left with a few.

It will take a long time to get promoted.

After explaining how to repair the chain in the Spiritual Medicine Garden, Jiang Hao returned to his residence.

Now he lectures regularly four times a month.

But something unexpected happened this time. It seemed like news came that the chiefs were gathering at the mine.

This surprised Jiang Hao.

Let Cheng Chou help inquire.

Now Jiang Hao needs to help the peach tree achieve nirvana.

In the yard, he looked at the two fruits left on the tree. After picking one, he began to carve the formation, and then added more than 50,000 spirit stones.

Initiate Nirvana.

The rabbit didn't sleep today and was guarding the peach tree again.

Saw the tree burning all night.

"Man, the tree is burning again. When should I hang it up?" the rabbit asked you in the middle of the night.

Jiang Hao didn't answer.

The rabbit no longer needs to be hung up.

The power within it will continue to burst out over time.

Otherwise, how could its cultivation level be promoted so quickly?

As for the limit, Jiang Hao didn't know.

The next day.

Jiang Hao came out of the room and found the rabbit hanging under the eaves.

This made him feel strange.

Hongyuye is here?

But upon closer inspection, I found that the rabbit had no bruises on its nose or face.

"Human, I'm ready to start." Rabbit opened his eyes and was excited.

Jiang Hao: "..."

Ignoring it, I walked straight to the peach tree and started searching among the sawdust.

Then he found a seed.


[Peach tree seeds: Peach tree seeds with spiritual energy are conceived from the core of the fruit of the ancient sacred tree, the flat peach tree. They have a hint of the characteristics of a sacred tree. After taking root, blooming, and bearing fruit, and Nirvana once more, they will become gods. Peach tree. Pour some clear water every day, and the roots will take root in one day. 】

"It's still a common answer. I don't know how many years I have to wait for Nirvana after I mature."

It was the last time left, and Jiang Hao was a little curious as to what the conditions would be for the Peach Tree to reach nirvana for the last time.

It can never be like this.

We can only wait for next year's results to be identified.

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