Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 13 Reaping The Consequences, The Desperate Red Kite

"No! How can you be so powerful? Impossible!"

Hong Yuan looked at this scene in disbelief. At the last moment, she still had the chance to win, but now she feels like falling into an ice cave.

"This son is extremely ferocious, he actually beat Bai Mo unconscious."

Rao Huang Qiuyu couldn't help but turn pale with shock, she knew very well that among the three of them, she was slightly inferior to Bai Mo in terms of realm, and not as good as Hong Yuan in terms of means, she was the weakest one.

"Dean Huang, what's the matter with you? You look so flustered, could it be Xu who scared you?"

A faint voice came from beside her ears, and the next moment, Huang Qiuyu's spine felt chills, she didn't dare to look back, she knew that the man was behind her.

Just when she was thinking about how to escape, not to fight Xu Che.

"Pfft!" The four crisp piercing sounds merged into one.

Xu Che pinched the magic formula with his hands, and used the supernatural power of the wood system-borrowing seeds with his body.

"Ah!" In an instant, Huang Qiuyu howled in pain after being pierced, and the huge pain almost drowned her in despair.

Four sharp, long and narrow wooden thorns with a diameter of six to seven centimeters grew out of Huang Qiuyu's limbs out of thin air, crippling his limbs, blood gushed out, and she knelt down on the ground.

"Autumn language!" Witnessing her friend's miserable situation, Hong Yuan shouted in panic.

Borrowing seeds from the body, planting wood-type spiritual power in the enemy's body, and then detonating, the wood-type spiritual power turns into a demon, devours the enemy's flesh and blood, and uses it as nutrition, quickly grows wooden thorns to pierce the enemy's body, causing a large amount of damage.

With Xu Che's level, he could trigger hundreds of wooden thorns to beat Huang Qiuyu into a pile of meat in an instant.

"Later, it's your head that's aimed at, Dean Huang, we're not in a hurry."

Xu Che sneered, instead of wasting words with her, he walked towards Hong Yuan.

He wanted her to live, it was more fun that way.

Slowly coming to Hong Yuan, Xu Che said casually, "Well, the weather is really nice today, what do you think?"

Red Yuan's eyes flashed with alertness, she clenched the dagger in her hand, and came up to kill.

Her teammates fell one after another, and she simply didn't hold back anymore.

A speed that belongs only to the tempered powerhouse, like a ghost, arrives in an instant.

The sharp dagger slashed fiercely on Xu Che's arm, not only failing to break through the defense, but also causing several cuts.

Hong Yuan's pupils trembled suddenly, it's impossible! Could it be that he has already broken through the Transformation Realm? Is it the protective energy of the body?

Haven't had time to think about it yet.


Xu Che punched Hong Yuan in the abdomen, and the latter vomited blood and flew out.

Feeling the pain that her whole body was being torn apart and her internal organs were constantly churning, Hong Yuan lay on the ground in embarrassment, her vision gradually blurred, she looked at Xu Che in front of her with hatred, but she was powerless.

Xu Che grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up, and said, "After living for more than thirty years, this level of cultivation is not enough."

Although Hong Yuan looked young, Xu Che knew very well that she was born in the 1990s, and the reason why she was able to maintain her youthful appearance was nothing more than using some dirty methods.

"Do you know? In fact, it's not like no one knows what you're doing behind the scenes."

"I have heard that you have captured more than one young girl in bloom, and used it as a medicine to entrust someone to refine the so-called Zhuyan Pill."

Xu Che slowly increased the strength in her hand, and the corner of Hongyuan's mouth overflowed with blood, she was struggling in pain, fear and hatred intertwined in her eyes.

"How many people did you kill to get your youthful appearance and delicate body? If I hadn't been busy with cultivation and you were elusive, I would have killed you long ago."

"I met you in a different place last night, do you think you can still live to this day?"

Xu Che threw her out, and like a dead dog, she fell into the pool of blood beside Huang Qiuyu.

Then, he stretched out his left hand, towards the direction where the evil young man was before, and grabbed at the void.

In an instant, a huge invisible suction force sucked the unconscious Bai Mo over. Xu Che pinched his neck and he couldn't move.

Afterwards, Xu Che woke up the person.

"You!" The great pain all over his body made Bai Mo look at Xu Che in fear, at a loss for what to do.

The shoulder bone of his left arm was shattered into powder, and Xu Che's blow just now severely injured him.

This is because Xu Che only used one layer of strength, otherwise, Bai Mo would be beaten into a blood mist and explode.

"Do you want to live?" Xu Che asked gently, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Thinking" Bai Mo opened his mouth with difficulty, his face was ashen-colored, and he no longer had the high-spirited, evil and crazy appearance he had before.

He has been completely overwhelmed by Xu Che's strength. This person is unfathomable, comparable to a martial arts giant he met a few years ago.

"A person who knows current affairs is a hero."

Xu Che smiled lightly, and let go of Bai Mo from his hands. The latter knelt down on the ground, his face was flushed, and he kept panting and coughing.

"Kill these two, you can live."

It was said that the second daughter who was lying in a pool of blood was shocked and angry, and he actually let them kill each other.

Bai Mo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his expression uncertain, after weighing for a moment, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"it is good."

He staggered to his feet, pulled out a hunting pistol from behind with difficulty, and aimed at Hong Yuan and the others.

"Bai Mo! Are you going to do the same to me!" Hong Yuan said desperately, she was so disappointed that tears flowed from her eyes.

The relationship between the two is very close, and they even share a love for each other. At this moment, Hongyuan regrets it endlessly.

She hated Bai Mo's ups and downs, and even more hated Xu Che's grandeur.

"It seems, Red Aunt, you can't accept betrayal, can you?"

"You can't even accept it, so how can I accept Hongye's backstab?" Xu Che sighed.

He couldn't help thinking of Hong Ye's betrayal, which led to the failure of the mission. One teammate died on the spot, and the other was left permanently disabled, and finally had to quit the hunter arena.

"Actually, I've just been using you all the time. If you weren't a bit attractive, how could I have entangled with you?" Bai Mo said the cruel truth with a grim expression, feeling extremely unlucky.

Without her instigation, I would not have participated in it and ended up in this situation. It was expected to break through the late stage of tempering within a year or two, but now that he was seriously injured, his cultivation has regressed a lot, and it may even be difficult for him to make further progress for the rest of his life.

As soon as he thought of this, his killing intent was awe-inspiring, and he said firmly: "I'm sorry, I want to live."

Hong Yuan was so angry that she vomited blood, clutched her chest, and her eyes were extremely venomous.

"Bang!" Without hesitation, Bai Mo pulled the trigger.

Sparks shot out from the pitch-black muzzle, and a brass-colored bullet sank into Huang Qiuyu's head, and the blood she sprayed splashed onto Hong Yuan's face.

The former Huang Qiuyu had her limbs amputated by Xu Che, and the bloody wooden thorns pierced her body with several large holes. She lost her ability to move and could not avoid bullets.

"Bai Mo! I will kill you!" Hong Yuan's eyes were tearing apart, her pupils were blood red.

"Bang!" Another bullet struck, and Hong Yuan dodged it at a critical moment.

She panted violently, like a wounded beast, making its final struggle.

"Red Aunt, your friend tried his best to help you kill me anyway, why didn't you block the bullet for her at the critical moment?"

Xu Che laughed playfully, watching the three killing each other, he showed no mercy.

You know, what would have happened if he hadn't been so powerful today? In terms of Hong Yuan's distorted personality, he will probably be turned into a human pig, and will be tortured to death in the end.

"Bang!" Bai Mo fired the last shot.

This time Hongyuan couldn't dodge, she exhausted all her strength, and was still pierced by the bullet through her heart. The moment she heard Xu Che's words, she died before she had time to say anything. His eyes are full of unwillingness.

Hong Yuan's body fell to the ground, a stream of blood slowly flowing from her chest.

Bai Mo sat slumped on the ground, with a look of madness flashing on his face. After the catastrophe, he panted heavily, very happy.

Xu Che glanced at him indifferently, approached Huang Qiuyu's body, searched it, and took back his mobile phone.

Then he looked back at Bai Mo, smiled brightly and said: "Oh, I forgot one thing, lovers will eventually get married, I will send you down to accompany her."

"Crash!" A flame rose up, and under Bai Mo's astonished gaze, the flame engulfed the three of them.

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