Within a moment, the three second-rate masters who had been in the underground rivers and lakes of Yanhong City disappeared completely.

Where they disappeared, some objects lay quietly on the ground.

In addition to a hunting pistol, a few strange talismans, and a fist-sized dark brown mineral in Bai Mo.

To Xu Che's surprise, Bai Mo unexpectedly found a piece of space stone from nowhere. Although the quality is not high-quality, if it is carefully sacrificed, the storage equipment produced will definitely be better than the current storage equipment. Object cards can hold more space.

As for the talisman, Xu Che had no interest at all, because he didn't think that he would be weaker than outsiders in terms of the attainments of making talismans.

With a simple glance, he could see that it was a relatively low-level gray paper with black characters, three for attack and one for defense, and the monk who portrayed it was probably in the early stage of enlightenment.

If it wasn't for a warlock of unlimited rank, the talismans engraved would have no collection value for him.

Even, the pile of talisman papers he drew at random, such as the waste paper piled up on the desk in the study, is infinitely better than the few gray talismans of Bai Mo.

Coming to the second daughter's side is also a similar harvest.

Three dark green poison beads, two common anti-injury pills, a box of poison-quenching silver needles, and several gray talismans that focus on moving speed.

Except for the poison beads, the rest should all belong to Huang Qiuyu, but unfortunately, she was the worst of the three, she didn't even have a chance to fight and struggle, and finally became a sacrifice in this slaughter for nothing.

Xu Che silently put away all his belongings, intending to take them back and give them to Xuan Che. Anyway, she is poor now and has no other equipment, plus her realm is slightly weaker than three people, the gap is not too big , It is estimated that "broken copper and iron" can also be used.

The night fell slowly, and the setting sun did not go below the horizon, and countless galaxies hung above the sky at this moment.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Xu Che felt unsatisfied, but it's a pity that Hongyuan didn't trick more people to come to deal with him, otherwise he would win all the money, and it would be good to collect more junk and sell it on the black market for money .

Xu Che turned on the phone and found that there were a few more messages on WeChat, which were sent by Xuan Che, telling him that he needed to go out and might not come back until later or in a few days.

Xu Che didn't take it to heart either. After thinking for a while, he decided to send a text message to He Bo and go there himself.

[Mission failure, internal and external collusion, plotting to kill, I have wiped out all of them, and there is no harm. 】

Xu Che walked out of the abandoned chemical plant, and all the grievances and grievances of the past were wiped away with his death.

Outside the Deadwood Tavern, Xu Che had just arrived. Besides him, there was also a man with a vicissitudes of life and white hair at this time.

Xu Che smiled politely at him, he also nodded, and the two walked in together.

In the dim tavern, He Bo was drinking slowly, discussing something with a ragged, disheveled old homeless man.

"Huh? There are two young people here, come and sit here." The homeless old man beckoned, looking very enthusiastic.

He Bo raised his head, saw the two of them, and said flatly, "Come here."

Then, he took out a few bowls and filled them up bit by bit.

Xu Che sat down, grabbed a bowl, drank it straight away, and said, "Uncle He, do you need me to explain the specific situation to you?"

"No need." A hoarse voice came, even though Xu Che didn't say anything, He Bo guessed it all, and just sighed lightly.

He already had the answer in his heart. Hongyuan just approached him last night, and just after Xu Che left, she stepped in. Although the two of them didn't talk about her visit, it gave He Bo a kind of feeling. Bad feeling.

Sure enough, when he saw Xu Che's news just now, he suddenly understood.

He was particularly disappointed with Hong Yuan. In the end, she still couldn't restrain her emotions, broke her promise, took the initiative to seek revenge, set up an ambush, and fought endlessly with Xu Che. Obviously, without his protection this time, the winner is Xu Che also exceeded his expectations.

"Hey, tell me, he won't listen, old man, I want to listen." The homeless old man next to him smiled honestly, showing a few big yellow teeth, and took a sip of dirty wine.

The white-haired man was quieter. He drank the wine silently the whole time and didn't make any statement.

"Since that's the case, Xiao Xu, you'd better say it." He Bo said, the matter has come to this point, and he can't recover the loss, and the winner will undoubtedly be the new wealth.

"Hongyuan and her friend and boyfriend pretended to be employers here at He Bo, entrusted them with tasks, and lured me into the game. In the end, out of the instinct of survival and self-protection, I killed them all."

Xu Che spoke unhurriedly, with no emotion in his words.

"What? You killed that girl doll?"

The homeless old man was a little shocked, he had met Hong Yuan several times, and in his impression, that junior was particularly strong, and he was even proficient in poison art, but he never expected to be defeated by this thin young man in front of him.

Hearing this, He Bo and the white-haired man were shocked.

He Bo knew that in the past two years, perhaps Xu Che had improved a lot and matured a lot, and his strength should be on par with that of Hong Yuan's brother, but he never thought that Hong Yuan's attack would be so decisive and ruthless, and he summoned people close to him to encircle and suppress him.

But Xu Che not only survived, but also killed them all.

At this thought, He Bo was slightly distracted. He saw Xu Che's calm face, his whole body was clean and bright, and there was no sign of a fight or bloodstained by the enemy or himself.

This shows that his strength is at least a small realm stronger than Hongyuan in the middle stage of tempering. It is estimated that Xu Che is already in the middle and late stage of enlightenment.

Only one night later, he was like two different people, he was really old, his old eyes were dim, and it was difficult to see the realm of a junior.

As shocked as he was, there was also the white-haired man. Most of the hunters in the Deadwood Tavern knew each other through Hebo.

And that Hongyuan was famous for being violent in the tavern, and her strength was not much weaker than his. Even he had to be afraid of the poisonous technique in her name to kill people.

I am a warrior myself, and I have relatives and friends to attack, but I am completely defeated, so I lost my life. It can only be said that in terms of talent and strength, Hong Yuan is far behind Xu Che.

At this time, the homeless old man became more and more frightened. He found that no matter how he searched, he could not determine the exact state of Xu Che, and the latter had a weird feeling that made him feel threatened.

The only thing that can explain these two situations is that first, Xu Che is a mortal with a relatively outstanding temperament, and second, Xu Che's martial arts cultivation level is not inferior to his. The two are similar, so they can be concealed.

According to various indications, it can only be the second possibility, because ordinary mortals simply cannot enter this Deadwood Tavern.

Even if you have monstrous power or wealth, you can't, this is He Bo's rule, employers can only contact each other through various online contact methods, and offline meetings are not allowed!

The homeless old man looked at Xu Che, already silently remembering him in his heart, with a little respect.

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