Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 15 Undercurrent Rising

"The commission for the task is still being held by me, and if it is transferred to you later, it can be regarded as compensation for you." He Bo said slowly.

After this incident, He Bo undoubtedly regarded him as a higher-level hunter. It is really terrifying to kill three tempered warriors in one breath without any effort.

Even in his tavern, there are not many people like this, and Xu Che is still young, his future is limitless, maybe he can break through to another new world in the future.

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Xu Che smiled boldly.

This time the situation was special, he killed his employer, he didn't even think about getting a commission at all, and he came here in person, nothing more than to drink and explain the specific situation.

"Lao He, I think this young man has good strength, why not?" The homeless old man looked up and down at Xu Che, as if he was planning something.

He Bo waved his hand and said with a wry smile, "I don't get involved in the affairs between you, you have to ask his opinion on this."

Xu Che was confused, and before he could figure out what was going on, he heard the old homeless man's words again: "Hey! Young man, do you know about the meteorite falling recently?"

"You want to take me with you?" Xu Che frowned, and he immediately understood the old man's intention.

Last night at Hebo, he also learned about the recent Yanhong City, because this meteorite caused a lot of trouble in the city, and many forces stepped in. It may not be easy to profit from it.

"Of course, with you, me, this white-haired boy, and another warrior, we still have a good chance of winning." The homeless old man was sincere and didn't mean to be joking.

"Has there been any news about the meteorite? Now, not only our people are coveting it, but even the underground hunters in several surrounding cities have come over after smelling it. Xu Che did not deny that he had a certain interest in this mysterious meteorite.

With his cultivation at the peak of foundation building, he is not afraid of anyone's obstruction, but right now, he is a little pressed for time. In a few days, he will go to Luowu Mountain to protect his friends in person, in case of accidents. Considering the time, It was not easy for him to answer right away.

Having said that, at this time, the white-haired man who had been silent before, looked moved, and he said slowly: "If I say, I know the whereabouts of that meteorite, would you like to join hands with us?"

"Oh? Seriously?"

Xu Che looked at the white-haired man with a cold look in his eyes. If he really knew the whereabouts of the meteorite, he was completely sure to cooperate with a few people to complete the task within three days, or even one day!

"Well, I have also heard about your matter, and you have also proved your strength, so I am very happy to invite you to capture the meteorite with us."

The white-haired man smiled slightly, his vicissitudes of face, deep eyes, without a trace of affectation, made people feel kind.

The enmity between Xu Che and Hong Yuan was known by many people in the Deadwood Tavern.

It is said that after the failure of that mission, Xu Che not only took all the responsibility alone and let his teammates retreat into the world, but also faced Hong Yuan's anger and confronted her tit for tat.

The white-haired man admired him for being such a man. He had to admit that Xu Che was indeed qualified to fight side by side with him. Having such a man as a teammate guaranteed his own safety.

When he finished speaking, the whole tavern fell silent, only the wax oil lamps were left silently burning on the table, reflecting everyone's expectant and dignified faces.

After a moment of silence, a hearty voice broke the silence.

"He Bo, pour the wine and congratulate us." Xu Che said to the owner of the tavern, and he accepted the invitation without hesitation.

"Hahaha, good boy, have courage, let's have a big fight with this old man!" said the homeless old man happily.

"You are welcome to join, and I am also very honored." The white-haired man smiled, and for a while, he gained a lot of confidence in completely taking down the meteorite.

It's not that there are hunters stronger than Xu Che in the Deadwood Tavern, but they are either performing other tasks or are in a semi-retired state, so it is difficult to contact them. Therefore, Xu Che in front of him is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

He Bo looked at the young man complicatedly, but didn't say anything.

He fumbled for a while from the wine cabinet behind him, lifted a clay jar, patted the dust, and said to the three of them, "The thirty-year-old wine—Rattlesnake, I'll give you a taste today."

"I collected all kinds of poisonous insects, nearly forty or fifty kinds of venom, plus more than twenty kinds of medicinal herbs, three kinds of spiritual ore powder, which can be said to be quite difficult. It has been dusty for many years, and I have not drunk it for a long time. Today, I will share with you Let's get drunk together."

He Bo smiled and smashed the lid of the clay jar, and then, an unusually pungent smell gushed out from the jar, which aroused Xu Che and others' interest for a while.

"Although I neutralized the venom with herbs and mineral powder, I still have to tell you that this wine tastes very good, but it is not suitable to drink too much. A little is beneficial. It can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and penetrate the blood energy of warriors. If it is too much, the toxin will accumulate and hurt Can't stop."

The bowls that He Bo gave to them were all filled with wine. The wine was light green and looked like a drink.

For warriors, it is a good wine worth tasting. For ordinary people, if they drink half a glass, they will probably die. They don't have the physique of warriors, so they can't resist this weak poison at all.

"Hahahaha, after so many years, you are finally willing to take it out." The homeless old man said excitedly, picked up the bowl directly, and drank it. He has been greedy for this for a long time, but it is a pity that he has never had a chance to taste it.

"Thank you, Mr. He." The white-haired man said softly, and began to drink.

"Well, it's really good. The moment it enters the throat, the poison erupts violently, but it disappears in just a moment. It has to be your wine, He Bo, to drink it vigorously."

Feeling the strangeness in his body, Xu Che commented that this was indeed one of the best wines he had ever drank in the Witherwood Tavern.

"Praise, praise, don't praise and kill the old man."

He Bo smiled contentedly. In the hundred years since he started his business, the trifles of employers and hunters have not taken up much of his time. He also brews various kinds of wine from time to time. It is no exaggeration to say that he is an unrivaled master in this field.

"As far as I know, there are already quite a few masters from inside and outside the city gathered in Yanhong City. Most of them are fighters in the Tempering Realm, and there are a few bloody and miscellaneous fish. This trip is extremely dangerous, so you must be careful."

"Even Chixia's Security Bureau has sent a small team of warriors. Those people are very powerful. If you encounter them unfortunately, don't fight them. Just retreat for now and avoid their edge."

"The warriors who infiltrated from Tianyu City next door should not be underestimated. They are good at hidden weapons, and their attacks are strange and deadly. They must be guarded at all times."

Just as He Bo was slowly telling the information, suddenly, a rough voice sounded from the door, "Sorry, everyone, I have something to do on the road, I'm late."

Xu Che looked sideways, and saw an extremely tall man with bulging muscles walking towards them!

Witheredwood Tavern, the trip to the meteorite, the fourth person, debut!

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