Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 18 Strong People Gather Together, Let Me Appear Arrogantly

Xu Che frowned. The number of warriors around him was beyond his expectation. Including the guard group of the warehouse, there were already more than a hundred people.

Facing the attack of these people, he can leave calmly, but Qinghe and the others are different.

Even for Old Man Wang in the later stage of tempering, there are four or five people who are in the same realm as him. If there is no absolute trump card, once a fierce battle breaks out, he must pay a heavy price if he wants to leave.

Suddenly, Old Man Wang seemed to have discovered something, his body shook violently and said: "There is a hidden energy ahead, stop."

"Do you need to do it?" Qing He pondered.

"For the time being, I don't know if the other party has also found me. Don't waste time, let's go around the other side." Old man Wang thought.

He was sure that there was a team of warriors hiding there, apparently with the same purpose as them, to get the meteorite.

Facing an enemy whose strength is unknown, he is unwilling to expose his whereabouts in advance and waste his energy to solve the trouble.

Xu Che hid together with them, and then encountered several teams one after another. When he noticed it from a distance, he changed positions and approached the warehouse little by little.

Not far away, the lights were dim, flickering from time to time, and extinguished from time to time. The front of the warehouse was empty, and a chilling atmosphere permeated the area.

Dozens of warrior squads, large and small, like bloodthirsty beasts, are hiding in the shadows around them, staring at the warehouse.

At nine forty in the evening, inside the warehouse.

More than 20 warrior guards, wearing bullet-proof armor and holding a handful of new-style firearms, without exception, are all in the realm of blood lords.

In the center of the warehouse, two young men were looking at each other with particularly ugly expressions.

Behind them, there is a large black box containing meteorites.

As supernatural beings, with their keen perception, they faintly felt that there were more and more people around them. The two had similar faces, and they were a pair of twin brothers.

"Brother, the situation is very dangerous now. There are no less than ten teams outside. Can we really hold it?" Ke Yi felt restless, and he became more and more uneasy.

Ke Ke looked distressed, he thought for a while, and then slowly said: "I don't know, prepare to evacuate as soon as possible."

Ke Yi walked back and forth, and he said dissatisfiedly: "According to the agreement, we only need to help him solve his enemies. Now, we have to protect this broken stone for him."

"The news leaked out so quickly, I think his Zhou family has an inner ghost."

"His Zhou family has long been in decline. With these three or two fish, what's the use of holding a weapon, and they can't defend it at all."

As the eldest brother, Ke Ke just sighed silently, and said earnestly: "In any case, after this time, we don't owe him the Zhou family any kindness. We only need to do our best, and we don't have to fight to the death."

Ke Yi's eyes were cold, and murderous intent emerged: "If the warriors outside forcefully break in, I will make him regret why he is so stupid."

While speaking, layers of frost formed on his hands, and the air was cold.

"Okay, let's raise our vigilance. If there is a sudden change and we really can't hold it, just retreat."

Ke Ke looked at the warehouse door, his eyes seemed to pass through the steel wall, and fell on the numerous warrior teams outside the house.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, let me see if it is my brothers who are tyrannical, or you are better.

Two hundred meters away from the warehouse, a sickly young man in a wheelchair was quietly looking at his watch, waiting for the most suitable time to attack.

Beside him were a middle-aged man in plain clothes and a young woman with winking eyes.

These three belong to other hunter organizations, and they are full of blood, and they are all strong men with good strength.

"Wait another ten minutes, and we will take action." The young man said solemnly.

"I don't know, how many old acquaintances will we meet this time? It's been a long time since I've seen Qinghe from Deadwood. Well, it's been a year since the last time we fought." The middle-aged man said regretfully.

In that battle, he was slightly defeated by Qinghe, he was beaten badly, and fled in embarrassment, and he is still afraid to this day.

However, as a martial artist, after more than a year of tempering.

His strength and confidence have been improved unprecedentedly, and he can't wait to fight against Qinghe again, it's a shame.

Hearing this, the young woman twisted her waist like a water snake, laughed like a silver bell, and said, "Qinghe, it's really powerful, but that broken tavern is unfathomable."

The sick young man was displeased. He frowned and said, "What age is it? The tavern will close down sooner or later. It's not as good as we are. It's just a mess. The owner of the tavern is still an old man, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"They dare to intervene to obstruct this time, and I will crush them to ashes!" The young man sternly said, he had a great hatred with the Deadwood Tavern.

Seeing the angry look of the young man, the middle-aged man thought for a long time and said, "Don't lose your temper, and control your emotions."

In a shadow, a certain team of warriors from Tianyu City.

The leader is a masked assassin dressed in black, and several people with him are all dressed in this way.

At this time, five corpses had already fallen to the ground. Their bodies were pierced by hidden weapons everywhere, black blood oozes from the wounds, their eyes were full of fear, and they died with regret.

"The warriors in Yanhong are nothing more than that, just this, and want to snatch the meteorite?" An assassin laughed strangely, his voice was so hoarse that he didn't look like a human.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really vulnerable, it's a waste of my venom." Another assassin said disdainfully.

"This is already the third team that we have cleared. There are probably many people around, so we must proceed with caution."

The assassin leader said calmly, streaks of red flashed across his eyes, and the killing intent was evident.

They were slowly approaching the warehouse by attacking and killing other teams, seizing one favorable hiding position after another.

The next moment, the leader's figure slowly faded away and completely merged into the darkness, and the other assassins also disappeared in the same way.

On the top of a deserted building, a beautiful girl is observing the situation around the warehouse with a telescope.

"Boss, they hid very well and haven't shown up yet." She said boredly.

Hearing the woman's words, a young man with sharp eyes and wearing a black uniform said: "These rats in the sewer are not usually patient."

He threw a dagger in his hand and swiped it back and forth at his fingertips. The blade exuded a seductive light. He smiled lightly and said, "Boss, I feel like all the fish have been caught in the net. If someone else comes, it will be difficult to deal with it." gone."

Between the two was a woman with a hot figure and a high ponytail.

She stood in the wind, looking towards the dark corner in the distance, her red lips parted slightly: "Wait a little longer, someone will be unable to hold back."

The entire rooftop is a good commanding height nearby, with a panoramic view of hundreds of meters in radius

And these people are from the Chixia Security Bureau, an organization that makes all martial arts practitioners in the territory retreat by three points.

In recent years, warriors from all over the world have become more and more restless, using martial arts to violate the ban, and they are eager to move underground.

As combatants of the Yanhong branch, Ye Yu and others came this time not for meteorites

Instead, he wanted to kill some notorious warriors who repeatedly violated the ban, so as to have the effect of knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

As the captain, Ye Yu is stronger than the other two, she has the martial arts realm of the late stage of tempering.

The girl's name is Zhang Ling'er, and she is a fifth-level supernatural power user; while the young man in black is a warrior in the middle stage of tempering. He is proficient in killing techniques and is far stronger than ordinary warriors.

While a few people were talking, other warriors who were dormant in the dark were considering whether to make a move.

Suddenly, the girl exclaimed: "Boss, there is something new!"

Ye Yu picked up the binoculars, looked in the direction, and saw four men wearing bronze masks walking towards the warehouse!

Many warriors lurking in the dark also saw this scene at the same time. Who would have thought that those four people would be so arrogant, walk over in a bright way, and treat them as nothing.

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