Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 19 Bombing Through The Gate, The Confrontation With The Supernatural Being

In front of the warehouse, the flickering street lamps reflected the figures of Xu Che and others.

The four walked side by side, and the sound of footsteps sounded in the silent night.

A few people were talking and laughing. They had already noticed the murderous intent emanating from many warriors in the dark, about a dozen or so, but they still kept their expressions calm.

At such a critical moment, there is no room for any flaws. The more calm and unhurried, the more fearful people in the shadows will be.

Xu Che couldn't help but smile, it was rare for him to act in such a high-profile manner.

None of the warrior squads dormant nearby wants to take the lead in confronting the guards alone. In terms of strength, there are almost no teams that can attack the warehouse head-on without fear of sneak attacks from others!

Not to mention the two highly skilled supernatural beings, the more than twenty blood warriors are enough for them to drink a pot.

With the blessing of new weapons and a large number of people, the gap between the two sides has been greatly narrowed, and ordinary tempered warriors dare not take risks.

There are still warrior teams coming intermittently around. Now the situation is complicated. If it is not really a last resort, no team is willing to be the first to test the defense of the warehouse and serve as a stepping stone for others.

"It seems that many masters have come this time. Unfortunately, at another time, I would like to have a good discussion with them."

The old man Wang said carelessly, and while speaking, he picked up the wine gourd on his waist and drank wildly.

Qinghe smiled lightly: "You have to fight for opportunities yourself. If you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, I hope they won't regret it later."

Even a martial idiot like Man Hai, who is not good at words, is in high spirits at this moment, and a cruel and fierce battle is about to usher in, his tiger eyes are extremely excited.

As for Xu Che, his expression was calm. From the beginning to the end, he looked harmless to humans and animals. He was the youngest one. Compared with the other people with distinctive characteristics, his sense of existence was weaker.

Even, many of the people watching here agreed that Xu Che should be the weakest of the four, and they could try to find weaknesses from him in the future and directly tear apart a corner of the team.

Among the others, the ragged old man Wang gave off the feeling of an unworldly master.

And the white-haired Qinghe has a cold and gloomy aura, unfathomable. When he comes to the wild sea, his burly figure and strong blood are full of domineering masculinity.

Before they knew it, the four of them had arrived at the warehouse door.

At this moment, the whole world fell silent, and countless people held their breath.

Inside the warehouse, Ke Ke smiled. He slightly raised his right hand, and the warriors of the guard group had pointed their guns at the door, waiting for his order.

It only takes a moment, the moment the door is opened, to injure the enemy severely, without even needing to make a move.

The cold air flowed between Ke Yi's palms, slowly taking the shape of a weapon.

In the silent atmosphere, those blood-lord warriors were also particularly nervous, holding guns, waiting for the person in charge to give orders.

Outside the warehouse, facing the locked steel gate, without waiting for Xu Che and others to say anything, Man Hai volunteered, boldly said: "Let me come!"

"Be careful, there are all ruthless characters inside." Qinghe reminded.

He could clearly perceive the murderous intent leaked from the warehouse Curry, and when they approached here, perhaps the guards had already made preparations.

"You guard the rear, I'll cover the wild sea." Xu Che walked up to the burly man, ready to break through the door and protect him instantly.

"Okay!" Old man Wang and Qinghe immediately turned back, looking at one dark corner after another, guarding against attacks from other teams.

Xu Che looked at Man Hai, nodded slightly, and signaled that he could do it.

The next moment, Man Hai took a deep breath, his blood was surging, he took a step forward and raised his fist high.

Vaguely, a phantom of a ferocious tiger wrapped around his arm, it was the Xingyiquan that Man Hai had practiced hard for many years.

He once relied on this boxing skill to pierce through most warriors of the same realm. His boxing strength is unparalleled, killing and violent, like the king of beasts.

"Roar!" The fierce tiger roared! Suddenly there was a gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, Man Hai exploded with extreme speed and punched the steel gate.

The strength of the fist was like a long rainbow, pouring straight down, and the door was torn apart like paper!

"Da da da!! Da da da!! Da da da!!!"

Sparks suddenly appeared, countless armor-piercing projectiles were fired, and Man Hai was not afraid at all, with an arrogant smile.

In the hail of guns and bullets, a frost spear passed by and arrived in an instant, exuding a piercing chill, intending to nail the wild sea.

A thin figure stood in front of him, and Xu Che slowly raised his hand. The terrifying spiritual power was fleeting, and he softly shouted, "Flame Wall."

A thick wall made of flame rose up, swallowing all the attacks, and the ice spear collided fiercely with it, breaking apart inch by inch. Nearly a thousand armor-piercing bullets were severely damaged and fell to the ground one after another.

At this moment, several powerful martial aura rushed from the shadow behind him, and some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos and kill them.

The old man Wang laughed back angrily, his cultivation in the later stage of tempering broke out completely, and he shouted: "Come on! The old man is right here, take another step, and die!"

I don't know when, he has already held a rusty iron sword in his hand, pointing at the shadows, as long as anyone dares to show his head, he will step forward and take the head!

Qinghe didn't say anything, just stood silently beside the old man, holding a few talismans in his hands, expressing his attitude.

Seeing these two guarding there, someone finally calmed down and hid in the darkness, not daring to challenge the two of them.

The firelight reflected the fear of the guards on the opposite side, and Ke Yi's face was stiff. His charged blow was so easily dispelled. The strength of the famous art master was probably on par with his brother.

Not to mention, the other three warriors wearing bronze masks made him shudder, all in the tempering state.

Ke Ke's face changed slightly, and he immediately realized that he had made a fatal mistake.

The lion fought the rabbit with all its strength. Originally, in his opinion, the first group of people would not be too strong, similar to the bloody miscellaneous fish he had robbed and killed before.

Unexpectedly, this wave of ambushes directly ran into a few ruthless people. If he had also made a move just now, he might have gained a certain advantage, but it is too late now.

The opportunity was lost, but he didn't intend to give up, he wanted to give it a try and see how long he could defend.

Seeing that the gate was broken, Old Man Wang and Qinghe didn't talk nonsense, they turned around quickly and rushed in.

Before the many guards of the blood clan could react, the old man Wang raised his hand and said with a sword: "The flames of fire."

I saw the gray-brown sword glow sweeping across the field like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. Wherever it went, the blood of the guards was spilled on the spot, and they fell down before they had time to dodge.

Xu Che looked at Ke Ke, smiled faintly, and said, "Sixth-order supernatural being, come on, let me take a look at your demeanor, make a full move, and I'll let you do three tricks."

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