Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 29 Three Altars Of Medicinal Wine And The Remaining Temperature Of The Meal

"Welcome back." He Bo said.

Old man Wang sat down carelessly, looked at Xu Che and the two, and said, "Hi! You guys are so fast."

Xu Che nodded slightly and didn't make any other comments, but quietly sipped the medicinal wine to soothe the mood of killing tonight.

Qing He sat down, took off the mask, and slowly handed it to He Bo, expressionlessly said: "He Lao, the entrustment has been successfully completed."

"Well, the employer notified me just now, that's true, congratulations, young man." He Bo said kindly.

"Really? That's great!" Man Hai was the most excited, he was so happy that he was about to jump up, his eyes were foggy.

"What's the matter, old man." Xu Che asked with concern, patting the burly man's arm lightly.

"Maybe it's the first time I've seen so much money, I'm inevitably excited, hahahaha." Old man Wang joked.

Man Hai quickly recovered his emotions, and said, "It's nothing, it's just some small things."

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Xu Che didn't ask further, but he probably guessed something. The generous commission this time may relieve him a lot of pressure.

Looking at the wounds on the burly man's body, in some places even white bones can be seen, which are still dripping with blood, like hard-won medals, showing the man's bravery.

Xu Che couldn't help admiring him, what a man he is, he still keeps silent until now.

"Your commissions will be credited to your accounts tomorrow morning, no later than noon." He Bo said to the four of them.

After getting the exact time and seeing that Xu Che and the two of them were fine, Qing He stopped talking, got up and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, Elder He."

After speaking, he bent down and saluted, then turned and left.

Looking at the figure that was drifting away, Old Man Wang also yawned and said, "It's late at night, I should go back to rest under the overpass."

"Lao He, next time I'm free, I'll come to drink with you again, hahahahaha." Old man Wang said goodbye with his hands clasped.

"Well, I see, let's go." He Bo smiled slightly.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the small tavern, somewhat depressed, chatting with each other one after another.

The content of the chat was nothing more than the current situation in Yanhong's underground hunter world: Recently, there have been rising firms and organizations that have closed down.

Especially when the spiritual energy is recovering, warriors are constantly pouring out, and the martial arts world is ushering in the rebirth of nirvana, sweeping away the decadent atmosphere, the struggle between the various forces is becoming more and more fierce, and the situation has become more complicated.

As time passed, the three toasted and drank together. Half an hour later, Man Hai also got up.

He hugged Xu Che tightly and said solemnly: "Thank you." Then he bowed to Xu Che and He Bo before leaving reluctantly.

Looking at the back of the burly man, Xu Che was slightly dazed, and said, "If I remember correctly, he has a seriously ill daughter, right?"

He Bo nodded, and said slowly: "Yes, Man Hai, it's not easy. That doll suffers from a congenital terminal illness, and has survived by taking all kinds of strange herbs all year round."

"This guy has a good disposition and doesn't put on airs. I quite approve of him." Xu Che said melancholy.

He remembered that in the past, when he was in the countryside, he and his grandfather were poor, and once he was seriously ill and caught a cold, which almost wiped out his grandfather's family fortune, and finally pulled him back from the gate of hell.

That was one of the most impressive things in his life.

Years later, whenever Xu Che thought of that rainy night, when his grandfather sat haggardly by the bed and took care of him, Xu Che couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The old man who adopted him has worked hard all his life, and now Xu Che has achieved success in cultivation, but he has no chance to repay the old man, nor can he return to that happy childhood.

A father's love for his daughter and a grandfather's love for his grandson all have something in common. After thinking about it, Xu Che made a decision and said, "Help me transfer half of my commission to his account."

"Even if it's only half of it, it's quite expensive. You paid for it with your life. Are you sure you want to do this?"

He Bo said in surprise, he knew that the boy was kind-hearted, and he also knew that he would take action when he brought up the matter of Man Hai for no reason, but such generosity still exceeded his expectations.

"You are not joking, money is just something outside of me, I don't need that much, Man Hai and I have a lifelong friendship, help if you can."

Xu Che showed a sincere smile, he pulled the jar on the wine table over, poured several large bowls of medicinal wine, and drank it down again and again.

But how could he, who was only one step away from Jindan, be so drunk by mere medicinal wine?

Alcohol is not intoxicating, people are intoxicated, it can make Xu Che's mood fluctuate, and it is nothing more than his own memories.

For some reason, Xu Che suddenly remembered that there was only one person in the family at the moment, so he asked He Bo: "When you live here, is there any medicinal wine suitable for girls? "

When He Bo heard this, he looked at him suspiciously: "I have brewed countless wines in my life, so of course I have. However, is that friend of yours an ordinary friend or a confidante?"

"Maybe, they are ordinary friends." Xu Che said.

Thinking of the big meal that Xuan Che prepared for him at night, but he was delayed, he was somewhat embarrassed, and planned to bring a few jars of medicinal wine to see her.

"Okay, you young people." He Bo smiled without saying a word, got up silently, and brought a few jars of medicinal wine sealed with a mud cover from the wine stand.

"How much?" Xu Che asked in puzzlement, because he remembered that the drinks here were extremely expensive for the ingredients alone, not to mention the age.

A pot of medicinal wine costs hundreds of thousands, and it is impossible to get it down. Moreover, this stuff has a price but no market, and it will basically not circulate in the market. Only the hunters in the tavern have the right to drink and buy it.

"You and I hit it off right away, but you talk about money, vulgar! It's too vulgar, you don't want money." He Bo said generously.

"In that case, thank you for being old." Xu Che thanked authentically.

He Bo waved his hand, and said with a slight smile, "You helped me kill the person who killed Feng Yu Que, and your credit is indisputable."

"Although these jars of wine are not very precious, they should be able to help your friend recover from his injuries as quickly as possible. Let this be my wish."

"Hahaha! Well, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely get you a few more tokens back." Xu Che smiled, no longer being polite, and put all the medicinal wine into the storage card.

The old and the young talked for a long time.

When it was three o'clock in the morning, Xu Che bid farewell to He Bo and left.

Back home, the night was late and quiet, Xuan Che had already fallen asleep.

The light in the living room was still on, and on the dining table, there was still a lot of food left, which was slightly warm. It was obvious that Xuan Che had heated it up for him not long ago. Thinking of this, Xu Che couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and then smiled.

What is this feeling? He couldn't say it, but it was nice.

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