Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 30: One Thought Forging Artifacts

"Drip!" The heating time of the microwave oven is up.

Xu Che went to pick up the last dish and ate at the table alone.

Xuan Che's appetite is not large, leaving more than half of each dish.

People who have cultivated to Xu Che's level can actually do bigu, but unlike other practitioners, he still likes the fireworks in this world.

The hot food exuded a tempting aroma, Xu Che's eyes showed a strange color, he was no longer polite, and began to eat heartily.

Soon the food was swept away, and Xu Che simply cleaned up.

Next, he took off his bloody clothes, walked into the bathroom, took a shower, and returned to his room after a while to count the loot.

In the past two days, he has searched dozens of warriors, and what he has obtained is unimaginable.

There are no less than seven or eight types of pills alone, among which two violent blood pills are the most precious.

It can be said that tempered warriors dream of this kind of taboo elixir.

Although the price is heavy, it can temporarily improve the realm of martial arts, and may even counter-kill the opponent, which can be regarded as an additional hole card and means of life-saving.

Secondly, there are some miscellaneous pills, which have many uses, such as increasing speed, enhancing blood energy, strengthening muscles and strengthening bones, etc. There are a total of forty-two pills.

As for weapons, there are more, such as knives, guns, swords, sticks, hammers, whips, and axes.

They are all weapons in the early and middle stages of tempering. They are of good quality, far superior to ordinary fine steel, and can cut iron like mud.

If sold through special channels, it is also a good income. The average price of a single piece is 50,000 to 100,000 pieces, a total of 29 pieces.

Once Hong Yuan's three poisonous beads came into contact with her, she would either die tragically or suffer from terminal illness and torture if she came into contact with them. They were regarded as the main attacking weapons, and each one was worth about 400,000 yuan.

In addition, Xu Che also looted a few magical artifacts, such as a mottled copper-green ancient mirror, a small tower with golden light, and a feather fan that exudes evil spirits, all of which were used by Shuxiu in the early stage of meditation. Tens of thousands are no problem.

In terms of talismans, there are twenty-six pieces of gray paper with black characters, six pieces of yellow paper with deficits, and three pieces of red paper with gold characters, which correspond to the early, middle and late stages of enlightenment in turn.

The three most precious ones were obtained from beheading the man in black, and they were named Suppressing Evil Talismans.

The black-robed man practiced with all his heart and soul, gathered his whole life's skills, and played one shot, using the evil spirit as a guide, locked and tempered the warriors, and directly wiped them out on the spot, and their souls flew away.

The effect is undoubtedly better than the Poison Pearl, and the value of the leaflet fluctuates around 500,000.

In addition, on the body of the black-robed man, there were also a few pages of ancient books on spells, which were water-type Taoism. Unfortunately, Xu Che couldn't use them, so they could only sell them.

A blood-colored spar the size of a fist, several sections of three-inch-long mysterious bones with a fierce and sinister aura, a bottle of dark blue liquid, and a dark silver kongjieshi.

Xu Che is carefully identifying these items, except that Kong Jieshi was obtained from killing Bai Mo, and the rest are relics of martial arts cultivators.

"These warriors have surprised me. Kong Jieshi can be used to refine storage rings, and blood soul stones are of good quality and can be incorporated into weapons."

"The demon bones seem to have a lot of background, and I can't think of how to deal with it for the time being."

"The aura of the cold ice and snow liquid is extremely strong, and I can keep the high-quality ingredients for refining medicine for emergencies."

In the end, after selection, among the pile of training materials, except for the poison beads, violent blood pills, and evil spirit-suppressing charms, three additional items were kept.

Although Xu Che's cultivation base is strong, if he has the convenient Poison Bead and Suppressing Evil Talisman, it saves him the effort of doing it, and it is enough to face the warriors who are generally in the late stage of tempering, or martial arts.

When Xuan Che wakes up tomorrow morning, let her choose some suitable ones, and sell the rest in the underground trading market.

etc! Xu Che had a flash of inspiration, as if this matter could be entrusted to Xuan Che.

It just so happened that she was an assassin, so she probably knew a thing or two about the underground market.

At this time, outside the window was surprisingly quiet, and the sky was blue.

It seemed that the sunrise was not far away, and Xu Che didn't plan to fall asleep. He was originally a practitioner, and his energy was tens or hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people.

He picked up the kongjieshi, his eyes were bright, he thought about it, and now he is going to refine the storage ring.

As soon as he said it, Xu Che immediately sat cross-legged, with Kong Jieshi suspended in front of his chest.

"Crash!" With a sound, a cluster of small flames appeared out of thin air, just wrapping the entire Kong Jieshi.

In the past, when his cultivation base was weak, he sacrificed a piece of Hidden Kong Stone, which is a material that is inferior to Kongjieshi in all aspects. It will take several days, exhausting the mind, and even burning out the spiritual power.

After refining the weapon, the whole person felt a little unstable and dizzy.

But now, he is only one step away from the golden core, and he will definitely not be so embarrassed.

In an instant, the majestic spiritual power poured out like a flood, and the flames burned violently, transforming from orange red to dark purple directly, and the temperature was extremely terrifying.

Xu Che controlled it carefully, not daring to let the flames overflow a little bit, this is his way of fire, just a swipe of it can make the whole room rise into a monstrous flame.

Although he can also put it out, if it damages other objects in the room, he will feel a little distressed.

The kongjieite began to melt at a slow speed. During this period, many impurities were reduced to ashes, and the essence part condensed into a small silvery white liquid.

Shaped according to his own will, under Xu Che's control, the boiling liquid gradually flowed, outlining the outline of a ring.

Xu Che bit his fingertips, squeezed out a few drops of blood, and blended into it. Immediately, the ring, which was only in its rudimentary form, glowed with dazzling light.

At this time, the spiritual power in Xu Che's body was only consumed by 20%, and he still had some energy left.

"The next thing to do is to engrave the inscription."

Looking at the ring that was about to take shape, Xu Che said expectantly.

Throughout the ages, how much space a storage device can accommodate is usually determined by two aspects.

One is the quality of the forging material, the higher the quality, the greater the space that can be opened up;

The second is to look at the cultivation level of the craftsman. The more dense the space inscriptions he engraves on the utensils, the more space he can naturally expand.

Engraving inscriptions consumes a lot of spiritual power of the refiner, and there is no pause in the middle. Once there is a slight error, the result will fall short, the materials will be useless, and an explosion will occur in severe cases, killing both people and weapons. The process is extremely risky.

Xu Che took a deep breath and adjusted himself to the most perfect state.

In the next second, he quietly pointed out with his index finger, and a steady stream of spiritual power attached to his fingertips, turning into a pen.

As Xu Che's gaze became sharper, he saw that the strokes of the pen were as bold and unrestrained as the clouds startling the dragon, and one after another space inscriptions were engraved on the ring.

In an instant, the twelve space inscriptions were drawn by Xu Che in one go, and there was no place to write.

And he himself looked a little tired, the last step just now consumed nearly 50% of his spiritual power. You know, tonight's series of fierce battles only consumed less than 10% of his spiritual power.

But the current refining tool has squandered most of his spiritual power in just half an hour.

Finally, in the purple flame, the ring became more and more crystal clear. After being tempered hundreds of times by the Dao fire, it completely transformed from silver white to dark gold, exuding a noble aura.

Seeing the completion of the refiner, Xu Che waved his hand lightly, and the fire turned into a wisp of white smoke and dissipated completely.

But at this moment, that unique ring was lying quietly in his palm.

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