Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 31 The Metamorphosis Of Fanqi

The ring is simple and natural, exuding a dark golden luster, and the beautiful inscriptions are scattered and shining.

Xu Che watched it repeatedly, and couldn't put it down more and more. He was quite satisfied with his refining skills.

When he gently put the ring on the middle finger of his left hand, in an instant, he felt an indistinct blood bond, which came from the ring.

Sure enough, with the help of blood essence, the ring would fit perfectly with its owner. Xu Che was delighted, and then began to check the size of the ring.

A wave of spiritual consciousness quickly drilled in, and the next moment, feeling the wide space, he showed an excited smile.

This ring has a space of more than 120 cubic meters, about 15 times larger than the previous storage card!

More than a year ago, Xu Che entered the Foundation Establishment for the first time, and could barely carve out a space inscription.

Today, he has successfully built his foundation, which is far better than before. He can engrave no less than twelve space inscriptions, and he makes perfect use of forging materials without leaving any waste.

Xu Che let out a long sigh of relief, jumping for joy, even if most of his spiritual power was consumed, he didn't care.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I recast it while I still have some strength."

Suddenly, Xu Che remembered the iron sword he had used tonight.

Although it was a relic of an inconspicuous warrior and was picked up by him, at the last moment, the spirituality emanating from that mortal sword still surprised him.

This is invaluable, even more important than excellent forging materials.

No matter how sharp and indestructible a sword is, if it has no spirituality, it is a dead thing. In the hands of Tongtian's generation, it is difficult to exert the most thorough power.

But a sword with spirituality can blend with the user, and the body and mind are integrated into one sword, bursting out the most extreme power.

Ordinary swords made of iron have less than a one in ten thousand chance of being born with spirituality. And it is even more difficult to form spirituality in the acquired battle.

However, there are always accidents in the world, and at this moment, the iron sword in Xu Che's hand is just like that.

During the fight, he was first washed by Xu Che's spiritual power, then he smashed evil cultivation methods, and then angrily slashed several weapons that were far superior to him, activating his acquired spirituality all at once.

The sound of the sword's cry was clear and loud, and it even soared into the sky in one fell swoop, like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate.

To be honest, when seeing this scene, Xu Che had already made the decision to recast it, which is why he collected the fragments after the battle.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Xu Che stroked the broken sword. There was only one-third of the sword body left on it, and it was full of cracks, as if it would break anytime.

"Give me some time, and I will help you to be reborn from Nirvana immediately."

Xu Che waved his hand, and countless fragments flew out of the storage card, more than a hundred pieces large and small.

In the previous battle, the spiritual power released by Xu Che was too large, and the material of the sword itself was so poor that it couldn't bear it at all, so it shattered and deformed.

This time, Xu Che intends to smelt the blood soul stone in it. On the one hand, it will greatly improve the endurance and toughness of the sword body. On the other hand, due to the bloodthirsty characteristics of the blood soul stone, he can better empower the weapon.

Blood Soul Stone, born in a special vein, has the instinct to automatically suck blood.

Regardless of the blood of various creatures, as long as it gets close to it, it will be swallowed by it, and the more it swallows, the scarlet and brighter it will be.

This kind of ore, which is almost a demon, is quite favored by some people in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Come on." Xu Che smiled slightly.

Hundreds of fragments were suspended in the air together with the hilt of the sword.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" The burning voice kept ringing.

In Xu Che's thought, there were more than one hundred small flames wrapped around each fragment, and the spiritual power was released slowly. The fire was not violent, but it turned all the fragments into violently boiling molten iron in just one breath.

As for the blood-stained hilt, it has been reduced to ashes.

At this moment, bits and pieces of molten iron gathered in one place, gradually turning into the shape of a sword embryo.

The Blood Soul Stone rose slowly into the air, and it was far less hard than the Kongjie Stone.

Ten seconds later, the sound of "Crack!"

Observing this change, Xu Che fixed his eyes and realized that the opportunity had come.

He waved his hand resolutely, embedded countless scarlet stones into the unformed sword embryo abruptly, and a violent reaction occurred.

Faintly, the powder was extremely repulsive to the sword embryo, rebellious and unwilling to blend in, and even gnawed on it for a time, densely packed small holes appeared on the sword embryo.

"Lang!! Lang!! Lang!! Lang!!"

Gold and stone strike each other, and the battle between the fish and the net is broken, and each other will not back down.

The blood soul stone is a precious mineral material for refining equipment, and it is absolutely unwilling to let it be melted into the iron.

And that sword embryo, with its newborn spirituality, was more proud and bony than it, exuding fierce sword energy, smashing the powder in the sword, and disdaining its inlay.

I don't know how long it took, but the two sides gradually calmed down. The powder seemed to approve of the sword embryo, and took the initiative to form magnificent lines on its blade, and the sword energy of the sword embryo was also slowly receding.

During the tempering of the dao fire, the blood soul stone and the sword embryo quickly fused together, and the broken sword was recast, reborn, and its grade was greatly improved. The strange blood-red lines permeated the blade, exuding Infiltrating breath.

Xu Che was overjoyed, knowing that it was almost done, only the last few steps were left.

The three-section demon bone was held in Xu Che's hand, full of demonic aura, and the bone was so hard that it couldn't be further strengthened.

But with Xu Che's firm grip, the three demon bones immediately turned into a ball of powder, and the demon energy gathered and never dispersed.

The two were melted into the sword embryo by Xu Che and turned into a sword hilt, simple and elegant, as if they were natural.

"This time it's a bloodbath. The demon bone is a good thing, and the blood soul stone was integrated into the sword by me. I don't know if it's right or wrong."

"Forget it, this is the end, I have no regrets."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Che started the next step - empowerment.

The blade is covered with scarlet lines, and it only needs to be activated by Xu Che to produce a bloodthirsty effect. In future battles, it can be called a murder weapon, and the more you fight, the more fierce it becomes.

Feeling that there was only more than 10% of the spiritual power left in his body, Xu Che gritted his teeth and went all out. A wave of spiritual power was once again condensed in his fingertips, turning into a pen.

This time, what he wants to write is that the blood-devouring inscription only needs to be engraved on it to activate the strange pattern.

"Huh!" Xu Che's face was a little pale, his spiritual power was about to run out.

The next moment, he pointed out with his index finger, and the stroke of the pen fell like a thousand miles of clouds and folded like a crossbow. Not long after, a blood-devouring inscription full of murderous intent has been carved.

Xu Che was gasping for breath, refining two spiritual weapons in one breath, which really made him a bit overwhelmed.

However, at the last step, there was still a little bit of fire, Xu Che bit his fingertips, and a drop of blood flew out and fell into the sword embryo.

I saw the sword embryo clattering and screaming, exuding a soft light.

When the fire goes out, the first weapon belonging to Xu Che is officially completed!

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