Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 32 Sword Name Dust Bone

The recast iron sword looks particularly extraordinary, the whole body is dark, and the strange lines seem to be alive, adding a bit of weirdness to the blade.

Holding it in his hands, Xu Che felt extremely comfortable. Having such a highly durable spirit sword was enough for him to be like a tiger with wings in battle, and he no longer had to worry about the weapon shattering due to the violent spiritual power.

"It's time to give you a name."

The sword has not yet been sharpened, Xu Che is polishing it with spiritual power while thinking about its name.

Countless characters jumped through his mind, time was slowly passing by, the sky outside the window was getting brighter, and the sword in his hand was getting sharper.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight rises from the end of the horizon, it crosses the window and sprinkles on the sword. Someone stopped polishing, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He looked calmly at the scorching sun outside the window, and said indifferently: "All living beings in the mortal world are struggling to cross the sea of ​​suffering."

"You and I are not amazing, talented and brilliant people, but we also have arrogance in our chests. Given time, after going through wind and frost, we can finally shine a little or two, and this life is not in vain. If so, let's call it a dusty bone."

Who knows that all heroes of the world are princes, and our reckless generation has never been afraid of bloodshed.

Today, he will be the top of the mountain when he climbs the heights, but in the future he will laugh at the pseudo-heroes of the world.

Touching the Spirit Sword lightly, a sense of accomplishment welled up spontaneously, Xu Che was very optimistic about the potential of this sword.

After appreciating it for a while, a faint light flashed, and the Dust Bone Sword was put into the storage ring.

Although it is only a second-class spiritual weapon now, he believes that if more materials are found in the future and melted into them, the grade and power will continue to improve, and the Chengu Sword will never stop here.

Bathed in the rising sun, Xu Che felt refreshed, and the pores all over his body frantically absorbed every ray of aura from this world, and he was recovering rapidly.

I don't know how long it has passed, until there is a hasty knock on the door, "Boom! Boom! Boom!".

Only then did he slowly open his eyes, his complexion improved a little, and his spiritual power recovered to seven or eight out of ten.

"Are you there? I have something to ask you." Xuan Che's inquiry came from outside the door.

Xu Che opened the door. Xuan Che was wearing a black dress. She was tall and slender with light makeup on, looking very good-looking, with a gentle, generous, knowledgeable temperament exuding from the inside out.

"What's up?"

"Give me a key. I have something to go out today, and I may not come back later." Xuan Che explained.

According to the requirements of the beautiful employer, she had to accompany the entire auction process, and then escorted home, it would take at least four hours.

"Okay, by the way, I also have something to trouble you."

Xu Che handed over the key, and the two of them inadvertently touched each other's hands, and Xuan Che's expression on the opposite side changed slightly.

She pretended to be indifferent, and said, "What's the matter?"

"I have a good batch of supplies, and I need someone to help me consign them in the underground market for trading."

Hearing this, Xuan Che couldn't help but wonder, why is this guy so mysterious, where did he get the supplies.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Yes, how many are there?"

"Come in with me." Xu Che invited her into the house.

Xuan Che was shocked when he saw the supplies in that place!

The weapons were stacked in the corner, there were no less than ten kinds of knives, spears, halberds, swords, hammers, sticks, whips, etc., each of which was quite impressive, with different metallic luster, sharp and hard, and most of them were better than the ones she carried with her. That dagger is fine.

At the same time, she also noticed a few instruments with weak mana fluctuations, the pile of talismans, and various strange materials on the ground.

Rao grew up in a family of martial arts since he was a child, and has seen the rich clan. She was still surprised, and couldn't help but become more and more curious about Xu Che's identity.

She wondered for a while whether this was a successor who had walked out of the ancient orthodoxy and traveled in the world.

"You didn't come back last night, did you just get these weapons?" Xuan Che asked, pointing to the pile of profound weapons.

"Well, can you get rid of them all for me? As a reward, you can choose a few things you like at will." Xu Che said while taking out several jars of medicinal wine from the storage card.

Hearing this, Xuan Che's body shook violently, and she asked in disbelief: "Really? I can help you."

"I can't lie to you? There is one more thing for you, here."

After taking the heavy medicinal wine in his hand, Xuan Che looked puzzled and asked with a trace of uncertainty: "This is wine?"

Although she is an ancient warrior, she doesn't drink well, and it's been a long time since the last time she drank.

She stared blankly at the young man in front of her, not understanding what he was doing for herself.

However, Xu Che gave an answer right away.

"I see that your injuries are still unhealed and your blood is weak, so you asked for medicinal wine from a senior."

"It's mild in nature and should taste good. It will help stabilize your blood and heal your injuries."

There was a little bit of dirt on the wine jar, which was in sharp contrast to Xuan Che's fair skin. She felt warm in her heart, her bright eyes sparkled, and she said softly, "Thank you very much."

"It's okay, I also ate your big meal last night. I will trouble you with the supplies later." Xu Che smiled brightly.

As guessed, she really knew about the special trading channel, now he can rest assured to be the hands-off shopkeeper and leave everything to Xuan Che to handle.

In just these two days, he was going to set off to Luowu Mountain to protect his old friend, and he didn't have any extra time and energy.

At this time, "Ding Dong!", someone's cell phone rang, and the two of them took out their cell phones to check.

On Xu Che's cell phone, there were only two messages from He Bo.

[The commission has been credited to the account, please pay attention to verify and check. 】

[You often come to the store to drink when you are free, welcome. 】

The time is half past ten in the morning, and the current time is ten ten in the afternoon!

Xu Che was not surprised, because in meditation practice, once the body and mind are immersed in it, time will pass quickly.

In the past, he practiced meditation occasionally, and it would usually last three or four days at a time.

On the other hand, Xuan Che saw the news on the silver screen that her employer was already urging her, so she no longer hesitated, and after putting the medicinal wine back in the study, she was about to leave in a hurry.

Xu Che stopped Xuan Che, worried that people from the Xuan family were still wandering behind the barrier, so he handed her a Suppressing Evil Talisman and a Poison Pearl: "Wait a minute, you take this to defend yourself."

"The talisman paper is mainly used for attacking, and the poison beads contain strong poison. Even if someone wants to hunt and kill you, these two things can protect you from retreating."

"If it is true, if you encounter something that cannot be solved, please contact me in time."

After Xuan Che received the two weapons, his face was a little red, and he said embarrassedly: "Got it."

"Bang!" As the door closed, Xu Che yawned, a little sleepy, and simply went back to the room, ready to sleep for a while.

There was a pile of supplies on the ground, and Xuan Che walked anxiously just now, and didn't have time to pick out a favorite item.

Xu Che put them all into the storage card, intending to discuss it after Xuan Che came back at night, and then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Outside the door, Xuan Che's face was blushing, his heart was beating continuously, and he quickly took a deep breath, trying his best to regain his composure.

Under the setting sun, she walked out indifferently, and began to carry out the first task after leaving the Xuan family!

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