Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 38 Pending Orders

In the study, Xu Che was sorting out many weapons, while Xuan Che was sitting on the chair in front of the desk, counting them one by one.

"These weapons in the early stage of tempering are of good grade. The price on the forum can be adjusted appropriately between 21 and 25 basalt coins, and there will still be a market."

Xu Che didn't care about this. After all, he was an outsider and didn't know much about the market inside.

So, he said frankly: "I have no experience, just look at the settings."

"it is good."

Just like that, each weapon was uploaded to the forum as an order for trading after being photographed by Xuan Che.

[Black iron gun: 23 basalt coins, more than 2.3 meters long, can be used by tempered warriors, the gun body is sharp and flawless, has good durability, and excellent toughness, and can withstand fierce collisions caused by various fierce and fierce martial arts. 】

[Blade of thorns: 21 basalt coins, more than one meter long, the blade is covered with special thorns, with poison, changing the form of the traditional blade, with one strike, the sharp thorns will bite through the flesh and blood of the enemy, with your strength , drawing a fatal and ferocious wound. 】

[Dark Night Dagger: 25 basalt coins, dark red all over, about nine inches long, sharp blade, extremely high hardness, suitable for assassins, hunters and other professions, it is not a problem to cut bullets with one knife. 】

[Red fire ancient stick: 34 basalt coins, about 1.5 meters long, made of iron tempered from volcanic rock, fierce and hard, invincible, sweeping with a stick, all kinds of weapons cannot get close. 】

Time was fleeting, and it took more than an hour for the two of them to upload all the weapons.

There were a total of twenty-six pending orders, because Xuan Che had made a promise earlier, and Xuan Che kept three of them for his own use when he saw that Lie Xin was happy.

They are a dark short sword, a silver-gray hunting pistol, and ten poisoned darts.

"Have you used the beads and talismans I gave you earlier?" Xu Che asked suddenly.

"No, I still keep it."

"You left in such a hurry that you didn't even have time to listen to me."

"The poison bead is covered with a thin film. If you want to use it, you just need to find a way to explode around the enemy. A little contamination is fatal. Ordinary warriors may die directly from internal organs festering. It is extremely vicious."

"The same is true for the Suppressing Evil Talisman. It has great restraint on warriors. As long as there is evil spirit on the body and is locked by it, it will release the sealing technique to wipe out the enemy."

"With two things in your hand, even if the previous revenge seekers come back again, you can easily deal with it. Even if it is a warrior or a martial artist in the late stage of tempering, as long as you hit them, they will be defeated."

Hearing this, Xuan Che was stunned for a moment, her eyes brightened, she never thought that Xu Che would actually give herself such a precious thing.

Similar talismans or forbidden weapons can only be owned by high-ranking clan elders in the family. Even the talented young generation may not be rewarded with such precious things by the family.

This kind of easy-to-release and extremely lethal item can even be regarded as the trump card for the two warriors in the late stage of tempering to accompany themselves at all times.

Her fighting talent is extremely high. When she defected from the Mountain of Birthlessness, she was about to break through to the mid-stage of tempering. Even ordinary mid-stage of tempering warriors, she could kill them with force.

It's a pity that the two clan elders chasing her were not unknown people, but veteran powerhouses in the middle stage of tempering, otherwise she wouldn't be so embarrassed and killed half to death.

With these two things by her side, if she recovers from her injuries and then breaks through to the middle stage of tempering in one fell swoop, and the Xuan family comes to provoke him in the future, she has the confidence to kill them.

Looking at the poisonous beads and evil spirit talisman that she had put on the table, Xuan Che suddenly tensed up. She had a bad feeling, her cherry lips parted slightly, and said, "Do you want to leave for a while?"

Xu Che, who was sifting through pills, talismans, and materials, stopped what he was doing when he heard this sentence.

He smiled slightly and said, "Indeed, an old friend has something urgent, and I need to help it."

"Is it far?" Xuan Che asked.

"It's in the suburbs, Mount Luowu. I should stay there for a few days." Xu Che didn't hide anything, but said directly.

"When are you leaving?" There was a trace of concern in the voice.

"Tomorrow night."

"Be safe, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Well, when I'm not around, don't wander around. If you're on a mission, don't pick it up if you're injured. If you need money, you can use the Xuanwu coins you get from the sale first."

"I have engraved array patterns in many places in the house. If the Xuan family comes to the door, you don't have to pay attention to it. They won't be able to come in."

Xu Che came to the desk, slowly picked up an object from the desk, handed it to her, and said: "If the situation is urgent, you can light this incense and contact me."

A broken, old, burnt incense with only half of it left is so miraculous?

Xuan Che quietly observed this thing, it was more than two inches long, and it was densely carved with many special and strange golden lines.

In the end, still unable to find out the mystery, she silently put down the incense, and the tenderness in her eyes flashed, and she said: "I won't cause you any trouble, don't worry about me."

"These talisman papers also look great, are they your works?"

At this time, Xuan Che looked at the talismans piled up on the table and asked, as a warrior, she could naturally feel the power of those talisman papers, and there was a faint killing aura permeating it.

Following her gaze, facing those semi-finished products and waste products, Xu Che said slightly: "It's all some previous practice, each one records my failures, progress, and I was reluctant to throw them away later, so they have been placed here. .”

"Will it hinder you at ordinary times? Shall I clean it up?"

"No, I really like this kind of messy and orderly desktop. There are messy things, documents, and mirrors on the edges; if they are all cleaned up, a clean and tidy desktop will make me uncomfortable."

"That's up to you." Xu Che smiled, said nothing more, continued to classify the pills and talismans, and Xuan Che was in charge of uploading them.

[Healing Injury Pill: 1 basalt coin, suitable for tempering warriors. After taking it, a large number of injuries will be recovered within a quarter of an hour. 】

[Dispelling Evil Pill: 13 basalt coins, the energy of the weapon enters the body, the pain is tortured, and the blood is dripping. Taking this medicine can relieve and eliminate the pain. 】

[Jingxin Powder: 12 basalt coins, suitable for use in surgery, meditation, meditation practice, twice the result with half the effort after taking it. 】

The two were busy for more than an hour, and finally finished all the work.

"From now on, we just need to wait for someone to pay and take the picture." Xuan Che said a little tiredly, she was going to rest.

"It's past three o'clock, you can take a rest, I'm going back."

In the small study room, there was a pile of cultivation materials on the floor, fearing that it would affect Xuan Che's walking, Xu Che waved them into the storage card.

Seeing this interesting scene, Xuan Che smiled and said: "So you are a magician, and magic has become better."

"Maybe, here you are, the supplies are all placed inside."

Xu Che gently placed the storage card on the desk, and said: "When you use it, hold it in your hand, concentrate, and the items inside will appear in front of your eyes as you think about it."

"Is this the magic weapon you refined?" Xuan Che asked in surprise, even though she also knew that compared with warriors, art repairs possessed more weird and unimaginable means.

It was the first time she saw this magic weapon stored in space, and she was also shocked.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away with the money?" Xuan Che joked, this is a resource worth tens of millions, yet the other party is so reassuring about her.

"It's okay, you won't, well, good night."

Xu Che believed in his discerning eyes, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left, and closed the door behind him.

Nothing to say all night.

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