Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 39: Entering Luowu Mountain At Night

The next day, an ordinary day.

In order for Xuan Che to better trade martial arts resources, Xu Che went out and bought two expensive laptops.

Put one in the study and one in your room.

By the way, I also pulled the network cable and Qiang fiber. When he lived alone before, he seldom needed to use broadband by himself, and he was not very interested in computers. He was devoted to spiritual practice and didn't have much free time to play with his mobile phone.

But now, because I have come into contact with the Hanhai Forum, if I have a computer, it will be even more powerful in all aspects, and I can do more things than a mobile phone.

When installing the computer and plugging in the internet cable, looking at the extremely high-definition screen, stroking the material of the metal body, and thinking about the powerful performance, Xu Che was a little bit pained. One set cost him more than 30,000 yuan.

Plus all kinds of peripherals: keyboard, mouse, pad, earphone, hard disk, microphone, camera, and one year's Internet fee, it cost him nearly 80,000.

For the items that should be used, Xu Che has never been stingy in buying them. He always believes that the items he buys will bring him more profit returns.

Times have changed, and it’s not that I was incapable before, and the appearance of poverty and desolation is really embarrassing. When I was ten years old, I was penniless and living on the streets of big cities. It was great to be able to eat bread and mineral water for a few dollars. happy.

Now, at last, she has settled down, with the foundation of a family and life, ability and wealth, everything is like a dream.

During the day, shortly after installing the computer, Xu Che was told good news.

"In last night's pending order, two weapons, three talismans, three pills, and two flame stones were sold, with a total turnover of 126 basalt coins."

Xuan Che also had a happy expression on his face. This was not the first time she traded. As early as when she was in the Xuan family, she would occasionally sell extra materials she obtained from missions.

However, at that time, they were all commonly used utensils used by warriors in the bloody period, and they were not as popular as tempered weapons, and they were often put on sale for a week and might not be able to sell.

"Really? That went pretty well." Xu Che was also surprised.

Today, I spent 08 basalt coins and earned 126 basalt coins. After going back and forth, I still have a profit of more than one million today.

After packing the items for sale, the two went out, Xu Che escorted Xuan Che, and arrived at a remote station in the east of the city.

There is no sign on the station here, and there are several sales staff in black clothes, and the service attitude is very good.

The station is officially opened by the forum. You only need to report the id, confirm the relevant information, and pay the shipping fee. All offline transactions are monitored and stored in the background of the forum, and users will also get a copy.

At the front desk, Xuan Che simply said: "Genzuki in the water."

Xu Che behind him acted as a coolie, holding five or six black packages.

"Okay, dear user, it's an honor to serve you." The person in charge said respectfully, and beckoned two subordinates to take over the goods from Xu Che.

"En." Xuan Che nodded, his tone was a little cold, and she had this attitude towards strangers.

Within a few minutes, the person in charge handed over a list, which stated the items and costs of the shipment.

After receiving the order, Xuan Che took Xu Che away.

On the way back, looking at the information on the order, Xu Che couldn't help but gasped. There were 063 basalt coins on it, which made him a pain in the ass.

"Hiss! Shipping is so expensive?"

The forum express fee is charged as a percentage, no matter how much the value of the goods you send, you will only be charged 5% of the handling fee to maintain the daily operation needs of the forum and the station.

"It used to be 4%, but in the past few years, it has gradually increased to 5%." Xuan Che explained.

After sending the supplies, the two visited many places, bought a lot of ingredients, and stocked them at home.

In the evening, after Xu Che explained various matters, he was worried that Xuan Che would be targeted by the enemy, so he specially gave her a few talismans specially made by him.

It was filled with terrifying spiritual power, which was drawn by him half a year ago. At that time, he had been in the late stage of foundation establishment for a long time, and he was only one step away from breaking through the peak.

In order to seek inspiration, he made talismans all day long, concentrating on comprehension, purifying his soul, and finally experienced many failures. After refining nearly a thousand pieces of talisman waste paper, no less than dozens of kinds of waste paper, he empowered himself with spiritual energy and broke through the peak of foundation building.

There are more than a dozen pieces of talismans drawn in a row, which condense the one-hit talismans in the later stage of foundation establishment, involving various Taoism. For example, thunder method, flame method, wood method, soil method and so on.

"This one is Leizhu, holding a talisman, and it will release twelve thunderbolts at the moment of heartbeat, enough to kill all incoming enemies."

"This is the Prison of Fire. Within the range, suppress all enemies and burn them to death."

"This one is an earth soul, used for defense. It forms an earth-type wall shield outside the body. After using it, I think it will be difficult for you to be hurt even if it is martial arts or art."

Xuan Che took it slowly, except for the intimidating aura on the talisman, she couldn't feel any more Dao Yun.

However, she had no idea how terrifying these talismans were!

Even if it is the legendary martial arts master, Wuzhi Daxiu who comes in person, he can kill him with one blow!

"Well, I should go." Xu Che said goodbye.

In Xuan Che's indifferent eyes, there was a slight softness, and he said softly: "You, be careful."

"Okay." Xu Che smiled lightly.

Luowu Mountain, 1898 meters above sea level, covers an area of ​​about 50 square kilometers. It is one of the four famous mountains in Yanhong. This area has beautiful scenery, peculiar landforms and mild climate throughout the year.

However, the strange thing is that the three mountains with the same name have already become well-known tourist attractions in China, and there are an endless stream of tourists all year round. However, Luowu Mountain, which also has rich tourism resources, has not been developed for many years.

In the early years, there were countless weird rumors about this mountain, such as lonely ghosts wandering in the mountains, wild men who drink blood, or weird and violent mountain gods.

At this time, at the foot of Luowu Mountain, Xu Che walked along the forest road. The bright moon was in the sky, and the whole mountain was covered with a faint silver glow, and the visibility was not low.

The mountains were overgrown with vegetation, covering many tombs, and all kinds of flying insects and beasts screamed piercingly one after another, permeating a terrifying atmosphere. For ordinary people, I am afraid that they would have been terrified and flustered, and fled down the mountain.

After walking for about ten minutes, suddenly, Xu Che stopped in his tracks with a suspicious look on his face.

Just now, he sensed a soaring monster aura coming from a certain mountain in the distance.

Gazing away, it was extremely dark there, with thick dark clouds lying on the top of the mountain, the moonlight could not reach there at all, and there were rumbling thunders from time to time, and lightning kept lasing in the clouds.

A vision came into his eyes, and a bad premonition rose from the bottom of Xu Che's heart. Is the old friend about to cross the catastrophe?

The next moment, he stopped hesitating, his figure flickered, locked on to the strange mountain, and quickly shuttled through the forest, crossing complicated areas one after another.

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