Among the monster clan, the jungle law of the weak and the strong has always been followed, and the monster king not only has his own fief, but also is the top predator on the food chain. In the fief, he calls the wind and rain, and controls all monsters.

Although the old demon was defeated in the catastrophe, in Xu Che's view, it was comparable to a real demon king and worthy of the title.

Old friend, you left in too much haste. I will defend your might as the demon king.

Facing the group of monsters who were staring at them, even if the attack was imminent, Xu Che didn't care. Instead, he smiled: "Beast, Luowu is the fiefdom of the demon king. Once you come, you will be buried."

"Heh! If it is really the demon king, we will naturally bow our heads and surrender, but unfortunately it is not, it has already turned into dry bones, and it will disperse as soon as the wind blows, so you don't have to dream, human beings!"

The fox demon said softly, with a high-spirited smile on the corner of his mouth.

The tiger demon was extremely disdainful, and said: "The demon king? What a big joke! That old loach who is dying is also worthy?! It's just that he was born in this world a hundred or two hundred years ago. If he is in the same rank, I will kill him." it!"

However, it didn't know how powerful the young man in front of him was, so he dared to provoke him like this.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Che held a dust bone in his hand and swung a sword in the air. The cultivation base of the peak of Foundation Establishment was undoubtedly displayed. The dazzling sword light went straight through the bloody mouth of the tiger demon, tearing the entire demon body.

"Pfft!" With a sound, the tiger demon was obliterated by the raging sword energy, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The sword light had not been weakened by half, and countless black feathers shot at it, shattered and melted in an instant, unable to stop it at all, locked on the position of the black eagle and killed.

"What?!" Seeing this, the fox demon was immediately terrified.

"Impossible! How could it be!" Black Eagle couldn't believe it, looking at the dazzling sword light, a breath of death enveloped it directly.

Must not be hit! The black eagle became fierce, burned his blood, cast a demon spell, increased his speed several times, and vibrated his wings, only then could he barely dodge.

All this happened in an instant.

When the group of monsters came to their senses, seeing the tragic death of the tiger monster, it was like falling into an ice cave, their blood seemed to be frozen, and their fangs were trembling uncontrollably.

Among them, the tiger demon was in the middle level, but his physical strength was undoubtedly the top three existence, and he was blown up alive by people, not even the bones left.

Who is this human being? Why is it so powerful! Faintly, almost no weaker than the old demon in his lifetime!

The crisis instinct honed from life-and-death struggles is stinging their senses, urging them to leave as soon as possible, otherwise they will encounter accidents.

"Oh? You're so lucky, then I don't know, if I nail your head with the next sword, can you still run?"

Xu Che fixed his eyes on the black eagle not far away, and slowly raised his long sword, ready to kill it with one blow.

Black Eagle was terrified, and quickly explained: "Your Excellency, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!!!"

"I just want to see the true face of the demon king, and I am willing to submit to him, without any malicious intentions!!!!"

But Xu Che's killing intent was gone, so how could he let him go.

The figure appeared on Black Eagle's back in an instant, raised the bone of dust, his spiritual power soared, and slayed his head with a sword!

"Boom!", as if sanctioned by the gods, a sharp sword light pierced through the giant eagle's head, and within half a breath, it was smashed to the ground with terrifying force.

The ground collapsed into a deep pit, and the big monster in the pit had become a festering puddle of flesh, its feathers and bones were all destroyed, and it couldn't be assembled into a complete shape.

But at this time, the fox demon knelt down in the pit, trembling, not daring to move, maybe it was too nervous, it even transformed into the form of a human girl, hoping that Xu Che would not be cruel.

The fox demon girl put on a cute and pitiful appearance, with tears on her face, she said tremblingly: "Don't kill me, I didn't want to disrespect the old demon king, please let me go!"

It said so, but what it thought in its heart was: "Damn human, why are you so powerful, I hate you, make me so embarrassed, don't let me find a chance, I want to devour your flesh and blood, listen Your wailing tortured you in thousands of ways, you can't live, you can't die!"

The lines on the blade of Chen Gu's sword were glowing red, happily sucking the blood energy of the giant eagle, and after a while, the muddy meat on the ground shriveled and dimmed.

Seeing this scene, the fox demon was even more terrified, and cried: "Don't kill me, please, if there is a way out, I would like to serve you all my life."

Xu Che looked at her calmly, smiled slightly, and said, "You didn't think so in your heart just now, did you?"

The fox demon's pupils trembled, and for a moment it was unclear whether it was a test, or whether it was really known by it, impossible, there is no such thing!

Just when the fox demon was about to say something, Xu Che had already come in front of it, and a piece of talisman paper was pasted on its forehead.


Xu Che walked out of the deep pit with an indifferent expression. Thunder roared behind him, like a thunder pool.

There was no sound in the mountains. After killing three monsters, the rest had fled like a tide.

The original most arrogant bear demon has disappeared.

As the distance continued to expand, Xu Che could feel that the strength of the monster aura in all directions was getting weaker and weaker without exception.

"Oh, want to escape?"

late! ! !

"Restrain spirit binding, seal!"

As soon as the words were spoken, in an instant, a circle of light blue barriers rose around Luowu Mountain, blocking the way of the group of monsters.

This is exactly the restriction imposed by Xu Che earlier. It was not so domineering at the beginning, but simply monitored for visitors. After the reversal, the entire Luowu Mountain was directly blocked.

Unless the enemy's realm far exceeds Xu Che's, or kills Xu Che, otherwise, the barrier of the seal cannot be opened. This is the hunting ground, and the group of monsters has become the prey.

A wolf demon was running wildly, and the human beings behind him made its bones stand cold, wishing to escape here immediately.

Suddenly, a light blue barrier appeared nearby!

Not only did the wolf demon not intend to stop, but it burst out with the most extreme power, with fierce monster aura, and slammed into the barrier.

"Bang!" There was a dull impact sound, the wolf demon's head was bleeding, and he gasped violently, but the barrier was intact.

It didn't believe in evil, and slammed into it again crazily, with many demon bones broken on its body, no matter how hard it fought back, it was useless.

The uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, and every highly tense nerve was tormenting it, and the despair that he knew that death was coming, but could not be changed made him suffer.

After trying six or seven times, the wolf demon was exhausted, covered with bruises, and lay dying on the ground.

At this time, in the jungle, came a thin figure, it was Xu Che.

"Aren't you running away?"

The strangely calm voice made the wolf demon's heart skip a beat. It was covered in blood, was in a bad state, and was at a loss.

The three monster races with similar cultivation bases had no power to resist in the young man's hands, so how could he be any better?

Sure enough, this was the last thought of the wolf demon before his death.

A sword light flashed across, the wolf's head fell, and the huge body crashed to the ground.

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