The bones of dust were stuck on top of the wolf beast, and the flesh and blood energy remaining in the monster's body was rushing rapidly.

As the lines on the blade continued to shine brightly, the vibrant wolf demon turned into a pile of bones in an instant.

After bathing in animal blood one after another, Chen Gu's quality has been slightly improved, making him appear more sharp. Xu Che just sighed silently and waved his hand to cast a spell.


A flame rose, and the fiery heat enveloped the wolf demon.

Xu Che didn't turn around until the sparks went out, the bones turned into dust, and it was confirmed that there were no traces left.

Now, the entire Mount Luowu has become a hunting ground, and every time the group of monsters collide violently with the barriers in every corner, he is very clear.

There are still nine fierce monsters left, and a group of monsters are waiting to be hunted. In the past, Xu Che might be lenient.

But now that his old friend passed away, his heart was heavy, and he just wanted to get rid of these speculators who wanted to occupy the old demon's cave and carve up Luowu.

With a gloomy gaze, he crossed the dim mountain forest and saw the monster clan struggling desperately with its teeth and claws open.

In the ancient books, it was recorded that the demon king can take life and kill the demon clan who hide their shadows and trespass on their territory, which is even more justified.

"If you want to come, you can come, if you want to go, then save your life."

Xu Che's eyes showed a cold light, his figure was violent, following the evil spirit, he killed him.

A bear demon is at the edge, violently beating the barrier, roaring in panic, it is huge, nearly ten meters high, like a black hill.

But no matter how you attack, except for the waves of ripples, that thin barrier is no different, as if it is the strongest thing in the world.

"With this level of cultivation, do you dare to come to the demon king's fiefdom?"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the bear demon was like a frightened bird. Looking back in panic, he saw the young man whom it regarded as a nightmare, walking step by step.

The bloodthirsty animal nature flowing in the blood cannot be aroused at this moment. It has been cultivated for many years, and it has already had extraordinary wisdom, freed from ignorance, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The bear demon hurriedly backed away, huddled against the corner of the barrier, as if avoiding a natural enemy, not daring to go forward.

In the end, after careful consideration, it still bit the bullet and decided to tell the truth, saying: "I have a lot of respect for Old Snake. If I hadn't been coerced and driven by others, I would never have participated in this muddy water."

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

Xu Che smiled slightly, and slowly approached the bear demon with the dusty bone stained with the demon's blood.

There was a huge difference in size between the two, and a weird scene happened. The tiny Xu Che stood there, but made the tall bear demon tremble.

As a bear, its sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and it can clearly perceive that the strange sword is mixed with several familiar monsters.

The fierce battle at that time is vivid, and the black eagle, the fox demon, and the tiger demon were all beheaded by him.

And only a few minutes later, the wolf demon who was traveling with it before also died, making it terrified and unable to think of resistance.

"Fellow Daoist, I really didn't lie to you. I can swear a poisonous oath. If there is any falsehood, I am willing to be bombarded by five thunders!"

The bear demon was about to cry, and he no longer had the fierce and unruly appearance before, for fear of being decapitated by a sword.

As soon as the voice fell, "Boom!!!", a thunder exploded, piercing the night sky.

Instantly, the Xiong Yao's face turned pale, sweating profusely, and explained in his mouth: "Fellow Daoist, it's really a coincidence!"


Thunder wandered among the clouds, and the bear demon became more and more embarrassed, scratching his ears and cheeks anxiously.

"Tell me, let me see who wrote it."

Xu Che didn't pursue this boring scene, but just put away the bones of the dust, comforted the little gray snake in his arms, his eyes were slightly gentle.

"It's the family of the Demon King of Yunlan Mountain."

"The elders of their clan watched the stars at night, and saw somewhere in the south, there was an old evil spirit rising to the sky. After deduction, they knew that the old snake was about to cross the catastrophe."

"Then tell all the big monsters the news in private, and at the same time, coerce us to come here to occupy Luowu Mountain."

You know, the monster clan in the transformation period is enough to be called a big monster, and they are free and easy. They are all dormant and practicing, or wandering around, stepping into ancient lands, seeking heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Without the instigation and coercion of the demon king's family, they would not have put themselves in danger and came here to test the old demon.

Regardless of whether the tribulation is successful or not, these big monsters have become pawns,

Hearing this, Xu Che didn't say anything more, and the people behind the scenes were similar to what he had guessed.

The Yunlan Mountain is located in the primeval forest in the northern border, covering a vast area, with complex forces, headed by the family of the Demon King.

And the family of the demon king has a lot of grievances with the old demon. A hundred years ago, the two met in an ancient place.

The old demon found a medicinal herb and was about to swallow it, but was besieged and plotted against. It was so angry that it directly fought bloody battles and overbearingly killed the head of the family and many guards of that generation.

A few months later, he went to the demon king's family to ask for an explanation, which shook the elders of the clan, and caused an uproar, forcing the demon king's leftover method to be triggered, and the old demon left only after being seriously injured.

After a life-and-death struggle, the old monster became famous and was considered as one of the most potential big monsters at that time.

And the old demon is not a narrow-minded person, even with the passage of time, its cultivation has reached the peak, far better than before, and it did not go to liquidate the family of the demon king in Yunlan Mountain.

It has a withdrawn personality, but it is not bloodthirsty. From its point of view, killing the demon king's family with blood flowing into rivers, and then fleeing after being seriously injured and dying, the grievances between the two have been wiped out.

These past events, Xu Che remembered that the old demon had mentioned a few words to him, so he was no stranger to the family of the demon king.

"Is this the only one?"

Compared to killing the bear demon, he thought of a more valuable method of use.

Seeing that the young man's killing intent dissipated, the bear demon who had survived the catastrophe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said, "Maybe there are still people pushing behind, but I don't know."

Although he was extremely puzzled, he didn't understand the relationship between the person in front of him and that old demon.

However, out of the desire to survive, it still strikes while the iron is hot, saying: "Forgive the little demon for being ignorant of etiquette, I am willing to submit to the demon king's seat, or serve your order!"

"what's your name."

"Xiong Mang." The giant bear answered truthfully.

"Do one thing for me, and you can live."

A drop of crimson blood flew out from Xu Che's fingertips, Xiong Mang didn't dare to resist, he could only let the drop of blood sink into his brain.

The next moment, Xu Che said: "I have planted a restriction in your body. If you have the intention of rebelling, every inch of your soul will be torn apart, and your demon body will bleed to death."

"Ah?" Xiong Mang was so startled that he trembled all over, he couldn't believe it.

"You might as well give it a try." Xu Che showed a harmless smile, but in Xiong Mang's view, this was no different from a devil in human skin.

It shook its head hastily, it was better to survive than to die suddenly on the spot.

After that, it pointed to the little gray snake in Xu Che's arms with its clumsy and huge bear paw, and asked in puzzlement, "My lord, is this the descendant of the Demon King?"

"Yeah." Xu Che nodded.

"I knew that the young master's aura is radiant and her bones are excellent, which is a talent that is rarely encountered in thousands of years. In the future, she will be able to carry the foundation of the demon king, conquer the demon world, and look down upon all heroes."

Xiong Mang said flatteringly, restrained his demonic aura, leaned down, and carefully looked at the little gray snake, for fear of scaring it.

Xu Che smiled lightly and said, "That's natural, let's go."

Under the moon, the giant bear ran wildly between the mountains and forests, and went to the place where other big monsters were at the command of the young man on his back.

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