Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 49 Xiong Mang's Little Thoughts

The stone chamber cave, decorated simply, is extremely vast, like an underground palace.

There is a lingering spring in the middle, and nearly a hundred lights stand around the stone wall, making the cave brightly lit.

The lamp oil was found by the old demon in an ancient place many years ago.

It once mentioned that in ancient times, some vicious demon clansmen went to the South China Sea to capture sharks and sacrifice them to make corpse oil, which can burn for thousands of years and never extinguish.

The left and right sides of the spring are moist and fertile spiritual soil, where many medicinal herbs are planted, all of which are already mature and exude a burst of fragrance.

The spiritual energy inside the cave is several times stronger than the outside world, and it is nourished by the clear spring water, and it has been carefully cultivated by the old goblin, so the quality of the spiritual grass is excellent.

Huge stone tables and chairs are placed horizontally in the corner at the end.

The stone wall next to it was pierced, and there were dense piles of ancient books and scriptures, some of which were written by the monster clan, and some of them were lost in the world.

The old demon meditated there all the year round, lit an oil lamp, picked up an old writing brush, dipped it in ink from the stone inkstone, and happily read and wrote notes.

When Xu Che came to the table, he saw a letter and two stone boxes, one large and one small.

The letter paper was engraved with demon patterns and was sealed, but there was a line of handwriting that stood out: Stay with my friend.

This was sealed by the old demon himself before his death. Even if he encountered an accident and fell into the hands of others, if he wanted to forcibly release it, only the demon king would come back to life.

Xu Che forced out a little blood from his fingertips, dripped on it, and the demon pattern began to dissolve.

After unpacking the letter paper, it stretched naturally, and it can be seen that the old demon's vigorous, straightforward and simple handwriting is almost comparable to the masters of calligraphy in the world.

Hundreds of eloquent words describe what is in each of the two stone boxes, and at the end I wish my friends and grandchildren success in cultivation and living in a sunny place forever.

The small stone box was given to Xu Che, and inside it was a strange charm, which was obtained by the old demon from killing strangers from the other side when he traveled around the world.

That strange man came from another ancient continent and was extremely powerful. He wandered north and south in the territory of Chixia, and traveled all over the mountains and rivers of Kyushu in order to find a certain mysterious thing.

Later, the two met in a plain, saw the man slaughtering the demon clan, the old demon couldn't bear it, and directly fought with him, but after more than ten rounds, he was beheaded in blood.

The strange man's body and staff were smashed by the old demon, leaving only a spell, and the strange man's ability to cast strange spells was all thanks to the spell.

Although the origin of the talisman is still unknown, the old demon knows a thing or two about its use.

The surface of the spell is engraved with the stars of the universe, and the spell is related to space.

Being able to achieve continuous teleportation within a radius of one kilometer, the effect is naturally different for different users.

When the little gray snake uses it, its effective range is close to 500 meters, and when the old demon uses it, it can reach more than a thousand meters.

This seems to be a growing magic weapon, which uses the blood energy of the user to cast spells. For low-level monks, it is undoubtedly a treasure.

However, powerhouses like Lao Yao and Xu Che can easily do it with their own speed without relying on spells.

Therefore, the talisman was only given to Xu Che as a small antique object for collection, and it was not very meaningful for fighting.

The real highlight is the three talismans under the spell, which are demon weapons refined by the old demon in his prime.

Contains the peak blow of the old demon, and the talisman is struck, under the demon king, there is no doubt that he will die.

As for the big stone box, there are twelve pieces of the same talisman, three bottles of blood essence, two bones of the demon king, and six pieces of transforming pills.

These items are extremely precious, little snakes are hard to protect, old demons Fearing that it would cause trouble, he entrusted Xu Che to keep it on his behalf.

For the past two years, the old demon has taught Xu Che to practice and helped him find medicinal herbs. Getting along day and night, it knows the nature of youth, so it rest assured to entrust the younger generation to him.

Xu Che gently closed the letter, and put it in the storage ring together with the two stone boxes.

"We may seldom come back here in the future. Is there anything you want to take away? Xiao Wu."

Xu Che asked softly to the little gray snake, a ring that has been refined can take away a lot of things.

Little Gray Snake nodded, so he led Xu Che in the stone room and started tidying up.

A few yellowed ancient books of the Yaozu with unknown age were taken away. In addition, under Xiao Wu's instruction, all the medicinal herbs beside the Lingquan were also harvested and taken away.

One person and one demon, busy in the cave.

When he left, Xu Che erected a tomb for the old demon, and buried some of the objects it used during his lifetime.

It also strengthened the formation at the bottom of Juyintan, and arranged many methods to prevent outsiders from disturbing the tranquility of the old demon.

A burly and somewhat sluggish man was walking in the forest, stepping on dead branches and fallen leaves, and whistling: "The king asked me to patrol the mountains~ Yier~"

"After visiting the southern mountain, I will visit the northern mountain, hey~"

This person was transformed by Xiong Mang. Suddenly, his eyes sharpened, and he looked towards the distant jungle and shouted: "Bold! Who is here?"

The black figure was terrified and cursed secretly. He ran into a living person in the barren mountains, and he probably ran away in a hurry.

Seeing that the man ignored him, Xiong Mang's muscles soared, and he quickly chased after him: "Hmph, want to escape?"

"Bear Mountain Overwhelms Eternity!"

He arrived in an instant, came behind the black shadow, and slapped it down.

As if a thousand jun's strength was added to his body, the black shadow was knocked to the ground immediately, his internal organs were overwhelmed, and he begged for mercy in embarrassment: "Oh, good man, I can't do it, I can't do it, good man."

"Let me go, let me go, I'm sorry, brother."


Xiong Mang lifted this man up, the moonlight slowly shone on his face, he was a young man with mischievous eyebrows.

"Brother!" The young man was about to cry. The burly man in front of him was more than two meters tall and looked fierce. Holding him was like catching a chick.

"Don't be so close, say, who are you, dare to trespass on the demon king's fief!" Xiong Mang asked, ready to punish him.

"Brother, listen to my explanation. I'm just passing by. I really don't mean any harm." The young man said nervously, his legs trembling.

Xiong Mang ignored him, just leaned closer, constantly sniffing the young man's scent with his nose.

This move almost turned the young man's face pale with fright. When he thought that the burly man might have some weird hobbies, he was frightened and regretted in an instant.

Just when the young man was desperate and wanted to commit suicide by gritting his teeth, his body felt weightless and fell to the ground.

The young man's eyes were full of panic, and he asked in puzzlement, "Brother?"

"Luowu Mountain is my king's fiefdom. If you don't know about your first offence, go down the mountain quickly and don't make mistakes." Xiong Mang said hurriedly.

Seeing that the burly man no longer made things difficult for him, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The strange man in the mountain almost scared him to death, and he was muttering.

"Thank you, brother, I know, I'm going down the mountain now." The young man said in fear, the two were fighting each other, almost wanting to leave first.

Just when he turned around, Xiong Mang stopped him: "Wait!"

"There is no one else, breaking in here?"

The young man didn't dare to be perfunctory, and hurriedly said: "The vision on the mountain has been known by many people, and I must not be the only one who came here."

With a gloomy face, Xiong Mang waved his hand, signaling the young man to leave quickly, but the latter didn't dare to stop, and ran away without looking back.

Looking at the dark forest, Xiong Mang thought to himself: "So many people have entered the mountain, I should give them a good beating and let them know that the number one demon general in Luowu is powerful, so as to strengthen my king's prestige!"

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