Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 50 Bear Paw Attack

The surrounding big monsters have been wiped out, and Xiong Mang has no fear of the coming human forces.

After transforming into form, it can probably exert 80% of its body's strength, even so, it is far enough.

Because in its impression, there are very few human races who specialize in martial arts and break through to the "grandmaster" realm, and most of them are still getting old, and their combat power is uneven.

Only the most powerful masters in the martial arts world will be qualified to fight against it, and the rest of the warriors are just a mob, unable to resist his strange power of smashing mountains and rocks.

Xiong Mang is like a ghost, wandering in the mountains and forests, he has a keen sense of smell, and he can easily detect the strange aura of intruders several kilometers away.

"Only a corner, there are dozens of people?" Xiong Mang was displeased.

Those auras are separated by hundreds of meters, or thousands of meters, and it may take a lot of time to sweep them one by one.

Even though it was rather troublesome, Xiong Mang still didn't hesitate, his blood was roaring, his figure was like a cannonball ignited by explosives, without any scruples, he rampaged in the forest, causing a loud noise.

Under a towering ancient tree, several warriors who had just sneaked in were discussing plans.

They came from the underground forces of Tianyu City. They walked along the remote path and avoided several groups of warriors from different forces. They came here reluctantly.

At this time, the pupils of several people shrank suddenly, and there was a thunderous sound in their ears, and an angry shout came from the jungle not far away.

"Hey! You guys, what do you want to do here?!"

Accompanied by deafening reprimands, a terrifying air current struck and knocked several people out.

The tall and dark figure approached with the sound, and the terrifying aura leaked out uncontrollably. Xiong Mang stepped on a huge rock, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and looked down at the intruder from a height.

Someone wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and said slowly: "We have no grievances or enmities with Your Excellency, and we have never met before. Why did Your Excellency attack and hurt someone?"

"You can't even bear my voice, and dare to invade my king's fief?" Xiong Mang's eyes showed a fierce light, and his momentum suddenly rose.

The evil spirit honed from the edge of life and death lingered around him, frightening the faces of the people below, as if stuck in the throat.

"We don't know the reason for the mountain, but we just came here for the name, please forgive me." The man tremblingly said.

When he set off earlier, he searched for a lot of relevant information on Luowu Mountain, and he sneered at all kinds of bizarre anecdotes involving strange creatures and lonely ghosts.

I thought it was the ignorant fantasy and non-existent compilation of the ancients in the backward age.

Until the appearance of the man in the mountains and the message in the words reminded him of a strange story in an ancient book.

It is clearly recorded on the above that in the deep mountain of Luowu, there seems to be a monstrous creature that has lived for hundreds of years lying on the disk. I would like to take another half step.

A terrible conjecture appeared in that person's mind, perhaps the occurrence of the vision tonight was related to that ancient creature.

As for the extremely terrifying strong man in front of him, maybe he is not human!

Xiong Mang frowned, and looked at those warriors with disgust: "Leave immediately, if there is another time, kill without mercy."

How many people dared to refute, still in shock, the little chicken nodded like pecking rice: "Yes yes yes.", and left in embarrassment.

Soon, Xiong Mang was in the forest again, and caught more than a dozen groups of people, and drove them down the mountain in turn according to the principle of warning and expulsion.

From time to time, I also encountered some arrogant warriors, relying on the large number of people, claiming to be a family of martial arts and underground forces, stubbornly resisting.

Where did Xiong Mang talk to them, no matter men, women, old or young, he just slapped them with a slap, knocking them out of their wits, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and finally fled in embarrassment.

After patrolling for half a circle, Xiong Mang blocked the way of an old man with fair hair and youthful face.

This is Mr. Zhong who acts alone in the law enforcement team.

I saw him frowning tightly, staring at Xiong Mang warily, and said, "Friend, I see your aura is strange, are you not human?"

"Human beings are very smart." Xiong Mang snorted coldly, without denying it, and then said: "You are very powerful, and you are completely different from those people before."

Seeing the demonic aura overflowing from Xiong Mang's body, Mr. Zhong was secretly startled, and realized that this is a great demon in form, but he has been practicing for a long time, and his strength is unpredictable.

As a master, he has profound experience. Not only did he know about the existence of Yaozu in ancient books in the early years, but even later, he also dealt with many Yaozu.

With a bad premonition in his heart, Mr. Zhong continued to ask: "Then who are you? Why do you block my way?"

"I'm the number one monster general in Luowu, and I'm in charge of guarding the mountains." Xiong Mang said boldly and without pretentiousness.

"You go down the mountain quickly, if you take another step forward, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhong shuddered. The simple word "monster general" seemed to have great magical power, which made him stop.

Behind this vocabulary, there are closely related to 'demon king' and 'fiefdom'. It is not difficult to infer that there is a demon king on Luowu Mountain!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhong Lao suddenly felt dry mouth and restless.

In the territory of Chixia, the human race lives in the city, and the demon race lives in the deep mountains and old forests. The two do not interfere with each other, but the birth of the demon king is bound to disrupt the balance of the demon world, triggering a civil war among the demon race, and it may even spread to the human race. .

The burly man in front of him is only in form, and his strength is faintly above his own.

And the Demon King is even more terrifying, even the most powerful grandmaster in the world, Unrestricted Daxiu, is as fragile as paper in front of him.

With complicated emotions, Elder Zhong asked again: "So, the red light penetrating the sky is caused by your demon king's crossing the catastrophe?"


"What is that light blue barrier?!" Mr. Zhong said stiffly.

Xiong Mang said proudly: "Hmph! That's the enchantment that my Wang Zhi made friends with, and set up, isn't it amazing?"

"What?!" Elder Zhong was horrified, the truth caught him off guard.

It turned out that the barrier at the foot of the mountain did not have a trace of evil spirit, which was enough to confirm that it was written by humans. And that mysterious monk Tongtian actually made friends with the demon king in the mountain. Is it true or evil?

Zhong Lao felt like falling into an ice cave, and felt more and more that Luowu Mountain was strange and ominous, he could not stay for long, and wanted to leave.

At this moment, not far away, a thin figure wearing a bronze mask walked slowly.

Under the astonished eyes of the old man, Xiong Mang bowed to the man and said respectfully: "My lord, my subordinates are stupid, they couldn't drive out all the intruders, and some of them are hiding in the mountains."

At this moment, upon hearing Xiong Mang's words, old Zhong's soul trembled, his blood almost froze, his breathing stopped, and he didn't dare to say a word.

"It's okay, it's a small matter."

A hearty and clear voice sounded.

Elder Zhong looked quietly, and found that the man should be a young man, but his real face was hidden under the bronze mask.

His aura is flat, like an ordinary person, but with his intuition as a warrior, at this moment, Mr. Zhong is extremely certain that the person in front of him is the so-called friend of the Demon King!

Thinking of this, he couldn't stop taking a few steps back, his hands trembled, his breathing was rough, and he felt completely powerless in the face of such a dangerous situation.

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