Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 51 The Battle Is Coming

"Xiong Mang, you step back first, I want to chat with this old gentleman."

The young man strolled over, and the fat little gray snake lay cross-legged on his shoulder, staring at Elder Zhong with a pair of crystal clear demon eyes.

After hearing the instructions, Xiong Mang disappeared in place without saying a word, and continued to expel the remaining invaders.

The forest was silent and the moonlight was falling. Zhong Lao couldn't calm down his emotions for a long time.

He hesitated and said: "Senior, your cultivation level is Tongtian, and this junior admires you, but there is one thing you don't know, and I hope you can explain it to me."

There is no old or young in Taoism, and those who have mastered it come first.

Facing Xu Che, who is far superior to himself and standing shoulder to shoulder with the Demon King, Mr. Zhong is unable to determine the age of the other party, and can only regard himself as a junior.

But in his heart, he finally felt that the person in front of him was an old monster who had rejuvenated. After all, even in history, there had never been a record that he could drive away the generation of demon kings at a young age.

"Speak." Xu Che said lightly.

Although the young man seemed approachable, invisibly, Mr. Zhong felt great pressure. He gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Why are you friends with that demon king?"

"The demon king is similar to me in character, and has helped me a lot. I often sit and discuss with him, so we are friends."

"Old man, what about you? Where did you come from?"

From the gentle tone of the young man, Mr. Zhong got his confusion.

Moreover, he also breathed a sigh of relief. The monk in front of him was too polite and didn't have any airs of bullying, which surprised him.

Before he knew it, Mr. Zhong's palms were covered with cold sweat. Just when he was about to leave, the so-called friend of the demon king suddenly appeared.

Unlike a monster general like Xiong Mang, even if a battle breaks out, he can leave calmly if he loses.

But when a powerful man who was infinitely close to the demon king level came, without knowing the opponent's intentions, Mr. Zhong had to be mentally prepared to fall at any time.

When the light blue barrier outside the mountain was still there, he tried to hit it with all his strength, but he couldn't shake it at all. The gap between the two was like a natural moat.

After rectifying his thoughts, Mr. Zhong cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "The junior is a law enforcement officer, under the jurisdiction of Chixia, and works in the Yanhong Branch of the Security Bureau."

"I came here this time to explore the vision in the mountain. I felt uneasy and felt that something was wrong, so I climbed the mountain myself."

Xu Che was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved. It seems that the vision of crossing the catastrophe this time is indeed more troublesome than the dispute over meteorites.

Even the old man, who has perfected martial arts and is highly respected, was attracted here.

Without waiting for Xu Che to say anything, a slightly worried voice sounded: "Senior, junior dare to ask, what is the attitude of the demon king, is he still in the mountains?"

Xu Che glanced at him immediately, but didn't give an answer right away.

In an instant, under the gaze of the clear eyes, Zhong Lao felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, as if the intention behind his words had been read.

The air fell into a dead silence, and time seemed to be frozen, and the two looked at each other in silence.

After a while, Xu Che said quietly, "Since the old gentleman asked, I won't hide it anymore."

"I have an extraordinary friendship, withdrawn by nature, eclectic, free and unrestrained, and don't care about world affairs."

"There are no spiritual treasures born in the mountains, nor evil spirits to cause trouble. My friend passed away tonight, but unexpectedly, the vision soared into the sky, causing all the kings to fly moths to the flames."

"In order to protect the peace of the old residence of the demon king, I had no choice but to send the demon generals to drive away the comers."

After Xu Che finished speaking, Mr. Zhong was shocked by the passing of the Demon King. He tried to find loopholes in the young man's words, but found that everything was reasonable.

The most important thing is that Mr. Zhong has seen countless people in his life, and he can feel the sincerity in his words, without a trace of falsehood

For the kind of power in front of him, killing himself is only a matter of breath, so why make up so many lies and tie his hands and feet?

After some thought, Elder Zhong chose to believe.

At this time, Xu Che also spoke again: "Mr., if nothing else, please go down the mountain."

"The friendship between the senior and the demon king is regrettable."

"After the junior descends from the mountain, I would like to use the geographical wonders as an excuse to explain the matter of Luowu to the outside world, help the seniors a little bit, and drive away many people with ulterior motives."

Mr. Zhong said respectfully, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This extraordinary man really has an extraordinary bearing, and his actions are open and aboveboard.

"It's so good, then I'll trouble you." Xu Che said melancholy.

"The younger generation is resigning now, and there will be a fate in the future to meet the senior again."


Elder Zhong didn't scribble any ink, he clasped his fists in salute, and then left.

A martial artist in the late stage of tempering jumped up high, holding a Taidao, and slashed down in the air.

Xiong Mang attacked from behind, faster than fast, when he grabbed the nick of time, his fan-like palm hit the man in the abdomen.


The warrior vomited blood, his internal organs were dislocated, and he fainted.

More than a dozen warriors were lying on the ground, crying endlessly. They were covered in cuts and bruises. Although they were not fatal, they were also injured.

"Hmph! I said it a long time ago, don't provoke my patience. After ten breaths, if you don't leave, don't leave."

Xiong Mang said indifferently, the domineering evil spirit leaked out, frightening many warriors struggled to their feet, and limped away.

The fainted tempered martial artist was also carried away by his companions.

Xiong Mang sniffed his nose. The strong smell of blood in the air hindered him a bit. Soon, he found another group of infiltrators and rushed over with gloomy faces.

In the mountains and forests, battles broke out everywhere, with warriors fighting each other, and Xiong Mang driving away.

Warriors who came with great ambition not only did not get the opportunity;

Even, most of them were beaten severely.

It was a burly, ferocious and strange man, chattering, mentally abnormal, but extremely powerful.

In this way, warriors from various forces, ranging from blood tyrants to masters of transformation, all equal, were all beaten by Xiong Mang.

The art practitioners were a little bit luckier. When Xiong Mang issued a warning, they, who were good at observing the aura, were quite frightened by the aura of the strange man in front of them. It was obviously not something that a human could send out.

Facing the strange creatures, the practitioners retreated in time, and when they went down the mountain, they were hardly injured.

Within two hours, many forces knew that there was an unparalleled monster in Luowu Mountain who claimed to be the 'No. 1 Demon General'.

After consulting the relevant information, many underground forces and martial arts families were horrified by the existence of the demon king, and quickly ordered the retreat, unwilling to take another half step.

At the same time, the big monster sent by the group of monster tribes.

Burst out at extreme speed, go far into the virgin forest, or leave the deserted ancient land.

They turned into human figures, or shrank their bodies, and sneaked into aviation planes in the airports of many bustling cities, and traveled thousands of miles overnight to the land of Luowu.

A new round of bloody storm is brewing, and dozens of big monsters have fallen in the land of Luowu. This matter is destined not to be covered up peacefully.

There was a gossip that the old demon planned to kill a group of demons in order to collect blood essence and practice some kind of evil method.

All of a sudden, dozens of big monsters from various ethnic groups decided to visit Luowu Mountain in person to investigate the truth.

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