Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 52 Preparing For Gifts: Guests Come From Afar

At the foot of the mountain, Ye Yu wiped the blood off the blade with a pair of bright eyes.

She is heroic and stands proudly. Around her, several law enforcement officers are cleaning up the corpses on the ground.

As the old man expected, they ambushed here, monitored the visitors who entered the mountain, and successfully hunted and killed nine evil cultivators.

It is different from ordinary warriors sharpening themselves and traveling north and south; every evil cultivator has more or less murders, hides in the dark, and roams around, causing great harm.

The existence of law enforcement is naturally to kill evil cultivators, eradicate unstable factors, and protect Yuichi Fang Ping's safety.

At this time, Mr. Zhong also left and returned to gather with everyone.

A law enforcement officer respectfully presented the electronic list, handed it to the old man, and said: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life, all the evil cultivators killed tonight are here, please have a look."

Elder Zhong took a brief glance and was quite satisfied in his heart. He asked Ye Yu beside him, "Is everyone not injured?"

"Those evil cultivators are not strong, we worked together to kill them, and the casualties in the team were zero." Ye Yu said softly.

After thinking for a while, she said again: "The big families of Yanhong, some warriors in Tianyu City, and other forces from all sides have heard the news and entered the mountain for a short time. I will not set up any obstacles."

"After about an hour or so, I saw that Shuxiu returned without success and warriors fled away. You are always in the mountains, have you met them?"

Zhong Lao smiled without saying a word, just shook his head, he knew the intentions of those martial arts families and underground forces very well.

Thinking it was the birth of Lingbao, they flocked to get a piece of the pie, but they were chased away by the demon generals, which is also their own fault.

"I know a thing or two about the vision in the mountain. It's just happened here. There's nothing special about it."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted, "Drip!! Drip!! Drip!!!" The communicator in the old man's pocket vibrated violently.

Elder Zhong took out the communicator to check suspiciously. The next moment, dozens of bloody photos came into view. The strange creatures in the photos made his scalp tingle.

In an instant, his face changed drastically, like a powder keg that exploded, and his aura became extremely sharp.

The law enforcers around him obviously felt the old man's anger, and they didn't understand what made the usually calm old man lose his composure. They all had a bad premonition faintly.

Realizing that an unprecedented storm of crisis was spreading and the situation was urgent, the old man's eyes were gloomy, and he said in a cold voice, "Everyone, return to the city immediately with me!"

In the early morning, at the top of the mountain, Xu Che sat cross-legged, exhaling and practicing, with aura lingering all over his body.

The sky is full of red clouds, and the sun is just rising, like a furnace of boiling molten steel, gushing out with dazzling golden light, drowning the thin figure of the young man.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xu Che adjusted himself to the most peak state.

The majestic and invisible power is hidden in the body, and the terrifying roar of blood is like Jiang Liu who is galloping and roaring.

Last night, the old demon crossed the catastrophe, seeking death to survive, and the continuous cloud of catastrophe traversed the entire night sky, which made him feel a little bit.

In the mortal world, the power of heaven is boundless, if you want to transcend yourself, you need to go through calamity and bear down the punishment of heaven.

However, even if it evolves into a flood dragon, its physical strength is unprecedentedly strong, and it is hard to find an opponent in the world. The old demon will only die after being punished for two days.

There has never been a constant standard for the catastrophe, but it is set according to the situation of the person who crosses the catastrophe. The power above the limit can crush and kill the person who crosses the catastrophe.

If there is no extremely strong desire to live, if you are caught in the sky full of thunder, it is extremely talented, but it will disappear in a short time.

The old demon has enough desire to survive, but he is constrained by his old body, his blood is withered, and he is no longer in his prime.

Xu Che had no doubts at all, it was decades younger, and could even pass through three Heavenly Punishment Thunderbolts in one breath, and ascended to the realm of the Demon King.

It's a pity that all kinds of regrets in the world don't follow people's wishes.

Xu Che got up and looked at the sea of ​​clouds with a calm expression.

Now his road to foundation building has come to an end, but his body still needs to be tempered and needs to be polished to perfection through brutal fighting.

Not far away, under an ancient tree, the transformed Xiong Mang looked at the back of the young man in astonishment.

The feeling that Xu Che gave him was almost the same as that of the old snake who roamed the Jieyun before.

After a night of driving, there were no warriors or art practitioners in the mountain, he didn't look tired, but his face was distressed, and he hesitated to speak.

Even without turning around, Xu Che could easily sense the unease in the breath behind him, so he asked, "What's the matter? Demon general."

Hearing this, Xiong Mang's body trembled. Facing the sudden question, he slowed down his thoughts and said nervously: "My lord, just now my subordinates got the news that many great monsters have left their lairs from the ancient place last night and are rushing to my king's house." manor."

A toad spirit who had a good friendship with him, who lived deep in the clan, took great risks to reveal the news through the sound transmission stone.

Xiong Mang was particularly tormented, at a loss as to what to do. The big monster he had killed came from a powerful tribe, and now he was seeking revenge.

"Well, I see." Xu Che's eyes were indifferent.

"It is rumored that there are dozens of strong men in total. Do we need to make preparations earlier?" Xiong Mang said hesitantly, his voice slightly depressed.

Xu Che turned around and said to him, "Why are you afraid? It's just a mob."

"It's you who are restless, are you afraid of being liquidated?"

"You are a demon general under the demon king's throne, and I am sitting here, who can hurt you?"

Xu Che smiled slightly, there was an undeniable taste in the peaceful words, and the panic in Xiong Mang's heart eased.

"A few big monsters, if you kill them, you don't have to worry about it. Natural selection, the weak prey on the strong. When you were ignorant, didn't you also hunt and kill many creatures to satisfy your hunger? Why, now you are tied up."

"The subordinates are stupid and timid by nature, and they failed to find out the confusion. Listening to the words from the heart of the adults, I suddenly became enlightened, and I am very grateful."

Xiong Mang sighed, the deal is done, he can only let nature take its course, and face the coming group of monster tribes with less fear.

In terms of fighting and fighting, if there is no change in the later stage, no one can do anything to it.

"Go down the mountain with me, and prepare some gifts for the guests from afar."

Afterwards, Xu Che brought the little snake and the bear demon to the foot of the mountain, surrounded the entire Luowu Mountain, set up formation horns at thirty-six places, and carved formation patterns.

When the group of monsters come together and enter the mountain, then activate the formation, break the general trend of the sky, and connect them into a closed world. At that time, no one will be able to leave.

Different from the light blue barrier last time, this time it was a permanent formation with a strong sealing effect, which consumed a lot of Xu Che's spiritual power.

The enchantment is invisible and invisible. Once the demon clan steps in, it is absolutely impossible for the demon king and below to come out again.

For the human race who entered by mistake, there is a maze at the foot of the mountain, preventing them from going up the mountain, they can only wander around the mountain pass, and there is no restriction on leaving.

Xiong Mang watched the young man write formations one after another, and after a while, the densely packed formations had been arranged. Thirty-six auras rushed into the sky, and they were fleeting, which shocked him unceasingly.

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