Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 6 Three Books In The Study

At night, at nine o'clock, in the kitchen.

Standing in front of the boiling clay pot, white steam rises, and the strong aroma of medicine comes to the nostrils.

Xu Che weighed that the ointment was almost ready, then he turned to the figure in the bathroom with the sound of rushing water, and said, "Are you alright?"

There was no response, but after a while, the bathroom door opened.

Because of the wound, Xuan Che couldn't touch the water, so she simply washed up and wiped off the dirt all over her body with a wet towel.

Putting on new clothes and getting out of the bath again, at this moment, she was so beautiful that she was almost a fairy.

Wearing a black dress, her clean short hair is full of heroism, and the wet hair is scattered on her snow-white neck. Under the bridge of her handsome nose is a pair of thin lips with a rosy luster. A little cold, but still full of aura.

Out of silt but not stained, clean and clear but not demonic, it probably refers to this desolate temperament.

"Phew! It's over."

After turning off the stove, Xu Che also heard the commotion outside, without turning his head, he said: "After the ointment cools down, you can apply it to the wound. The scab will fall off in two days at the earliest. You can apply it directly later."

"I won't help you, lest you attack me again."

"I also cleaned up the study for you. All your things are put on the desk for you."

After Xu Che finished speaking, he returned to his room before Xuan Che could say anything.

"Zhi..." Xuan Che opened his lips slightly, wanting to say something, but had no choice but to go to the kitchen.

With curiosity and not afraid of the scorching heat, she pinched the lid of the pot, opened it, and found that it was full of a dark green gelatinous substance inside. Shock, what a miracle drug.

She glanced at Xu Che's tightly closed door, and there was a hint of tenderness in her eyes. Without saying anything, she took the clay pot back to the study.

In Xu Che's room, he was lying on the bed, looking a little tired, staring blankly at the ceiling, but the pictures in his eyes were scenes from unknown ages.

He saw a person who looked almost the same as him, in the battlefield where the flames were everywhere, holding a woman covered in blood, the woman was dying, her eyes were closed, she was very similar to Xuan Che.

"I will take you, live!"

The young man said hoarsely, he was standing under the setting sun with bruises all over his body, the fighting on the ancient battlefield never stopped for a moment, he was in the center of the battlefield, there were corpses lying everywhere, and there was still a steady stream of soldiers attacking.

He roared, and his exhausted blood surged up again, struggling to kill the enemy.

The screen shattered and came to another scene.

The young man charged into the palace with his sword, the sword energy was vast and destructive, everywhere he went, the corpses of thousands of forbidden soldiers lay lying down, and thick blood stained every corner of the main road leading to the hall.

In the main hall, the civil officials led by Gao Guanbo were silent, and the veteran generals did not dare to move forward. Even the worldly emperor, who is so talented and ambitious, feels fear when he sees him, and feels like sitting on pins and needles on the dragon chair.

Looking around at all the civil and military officials, staring at the emperor on the seat, he didn't say a word, his eyes were cold and the picture fell into the boundless darkness. Xu Che vaguely heard the woman's cry.

Another scene emerged. In the silent valley, the young man with white hair was sitting in front of a grave, he was looking at the distant sky, smiling bitterly, as if he was relieved or relieved.

On the bed, Xu Che looked at these chaotic scenes without any sense of familiarity. His thoughts were complicated. This may have happened a long, long time ago. He had appeared in front of him more than once, and he rescued the female killer of unknown origin. , also partly for this reason.

Bored, he decided not to think about it anymore, picked up the mobile phone beside him, and opened it to play.

Study room, Xuan Che looked at this small room, with a bed that was not too big or small, a bookcase full of ancient books, and a desk stacked with many things, she felt quite satisfied.

When I came to the desk, there was a framed photo on it, in which a boy with a bright smile was sitting in the arms of his grandfather, holding a rabbit puppet and a water gun in his hand. Both the grandfather and grandson were very happy.

Beside the photo frame, there were some talisman papers with mysterious inscriptions, a few bones of unknown creatures, and a brush stained with scarlet liquid.

Xuan Che looked up at the bookcase, densely packed with classics and ancient books, suddenly, a few books in bright colors caught her attention, and she stretched out her hand to pull them out.

Taking a closer look, they are all abnormal books, such as: "Ninety-nine Strategies on How to Get Rich Women in One Month", "Detailed Teaching of Ten Types of Kissing Skills with Girlfriends", "In the Pursuit Process, Say Three Ways" One word, warm her all day! "

Xuan Che flipped through the books in his hand, his face changing back and forth, after a long time, he put the book back, and smiled coldly: "Oh, it's all crooked."

At this time, she noticed other things on the desk, which were a note and a brand new mobile phone.

"This is your mobile phone. I have opened a mobile phone card for you. You can use it casually. Remember to add my WeChat after turning it on."

Behind a string of number symbols, there is still an expression of Ultraman emitting light. Xuan Che looked suspicious and frowned: "This guy, still likes to watch Ultraman?"

After thinking for a while, Xuan Che decided to apply the medicine first.

She took off her clothes carefully, and bit by bit removed the bandages covering the wound. Her complexion changed slightly due to the pain, and she slowly applied the ointment evenly. Her arms were very long, and even the wound on her back was can be easily touched.

Finally, she finished painting soon. At this moment, she picked up the phone and started it.

After simple settings, she opened WeChat, searched for Xu Che's account, and immediately found a person with a cat's head portrait, and the signature below was: Purchase talismans for various purposes, please contact in advance.

Suddenly, Xuan Che had a flash of inspiration and thought of a "good idea." He wanted to play tricks on Xu Che.

She quickly changed her data card, and soon, the new identity came out.

New nickname: Please call me Jagged Warrior.

Sex: Male.

Avatar: (A fighter plane shuttles through countless bullets in the sky)

Xuan Che clicked "Add to Address Book" again. In order to make Xu Che more sure, she also wrote in the friend application message: friend introduction.

The simple four words shortened the distance all of a sudden.

The friend request was successfully sent, and Xuan Che's mouth curled into a smile, but unfortunately, no one could see the momentary smile.

At the same time, Xu Che's mobile phone received two messages at the same time, one was a friend request from WeChat, and the other was a text message from a familiar number.

Two messages appeared on the top of the phone screen one after another. However, Xu Che ignored the WeChat message and clicked on the text message first.

Above is just a short sentence: "Come to live."

Seeing this, Xu Che smiled slightly, and was about to start work again. What interesting tasks will there be this time?

Without delay, he got up and walked out of the house.

In the study, Xuan Che who heard the sound of closing the door was puzzled, why didn't that guy agree to my friend request?

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