Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 7 Deadwood Tavern

South Old District, Hua'an Street, No. 126.

This is a remote tavern with old decorations and a dim light sign with the word "Deadwood" crookedly engraved on it.

In front of the door are two lifelike human-shaped wooden sculptures. Although the door is half-opened and half-closed, there is no scene in the tavern, which reveals a strange feeling.

There are some foot massage shops around, and there are quite a lot of people who go out to shop at night, but they all subconsciously avoid this place.

But all the elderly residents in this area know the rumor that the drinkers served in this tavern are not living people, but ghosts.

Someone once saw ghosts here at night, and those who came in and out were weird people hiding in the shadows and wearing long and narrow black robes. As for the truth, no one knows.

At this time, the tavern ushered in its guests.

After receiving the news, Xu Che rushed over by taxi. Standing at the door of the Deadwood Tavern, looking at the pitch-black door, he walked in without the slightest hesitation.

At a food stall nearby, someone saw this scene, and said in a low voice, "Is that guy not a local? How dare he enter such a wicked restaurant? It's really terrible."

"Damn, that ghostly place is really dark. The few times I passed by during the day before, it was gloomy."

"Don't talk about this, to save yourself from bad luck, come on, buddy, continue to have two drinks."

Inside the tavern, the space is not large, and the decoration is particularly retro. The lighting is still wax oil lamps. There are only a dozen scattered wine tables, and there are two wax oil lamps on each table.

There were no customers in the store, and there was only an old man sitting in front of the bar.

Xu Che didn't see him either, he found a bench and sat in front of the old man.

"Come here? Try my new wine—Red Arrow." The old man smiled lightly, and gently pushed over a glass of wine, which was full of dark red liquid.

When Xu Che saw it, he took it and drank it down his throat. A spicy burst burst in his mouth immediately.

"How?" asked the old man.

After tasting, Xu Che couldn't help but praise: "He Bo's wine is still so delicious."

The old man chuckled, poured a few more glasses of wine and pushed them over, started to get down to business, and said directly: "This month, I have a few good commissions, and I think they are more suitable for you."

"The commissions are 400,000, 450,000, and 600,000. Which one do you want to hear first?" The old man also poured himself a glass of spirits and tasted it slowly.

Just three years ago, Xu inquired about the small news and learned of the business outlet of Deadwood Tavern, so he quit his job and came here to receive task orders and make profits to meet his daily needs.

In the blink of an eye, the impulsive youth three years ago who was still a qi refining young man has matured a lot now, and even his realm has undergone earth-shaking qualitative changes.

"It's okay, Uncle He, you can talk freely, I'll listen slowly, and have a few more glasses of wine." Xu Che smiled slightly.

He knows better than outsiders how precious the wine here is. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no market for it. Some ingredients for making wine are surprisingly expensive, and even ordinary people can't find them at all.

"You boy." The old man glanced at Xu Che and couldn't help but smile.

Among the hunters here, this kid is the youngest, and his personality and temper are more like him when he was young, so the old man also likes this little guy Xu Che very much.

The operating income of the Deadwood Tavern mainly comes from the agency fee of the employer and the handling fee of the hunter, both of which are collected at a rate of 5%.

For example, there is a matter that the employer needs to solve. If the employer offers a reward of 1 million, an additional 50,000 agency fee needs to be paid to the elderly.

When the hunter completes the task, the hunter will be charged 5% of the 1 million bounty as a handling fee, so the hunter gets 950,000.

If it cannot be completed, the hunter needs to pay a 20% commission for hiring.

For the convenience of the hunters, He Bo has never charged a deposit. He believes that the hunters can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

For many years, this rule has been used for some pleasing or powerful hunters, as well as employers who often place orders.

He Bo will give more favorable prices, and both parties will only charge 3% of the fee.

And Xu Che happens to be one of the small number of people who can enjoy this discount.

There are no less than dozens of underground offices like Deadwood Tavern in Yanhong City, and the fee rate they charge is generally around 10%.

"Well, the 600,000 order is for a businessman to go to Dongpu for business talks. After ten days, the trip will be five days. It is specifically specified that warriors are needed to accompany him throughout the journey to protect his life."

The old man said slowly, he is old, and a sip of alcohol is enough.

"The order of 450,000 is a sexual mission. The daughter of a rich man has recently offended some powerful dudes. He is afraid that his daughter will be retaliated, so he wants to hire a master to look after her for a month. If you want, you can do it tomorrow able to apply for employment.”

"There is also the last order of 400,000 yuan. A private mental hospital in the outskirts of the city has been messed up recently. According to the employer, many patients have been brutally murdered. They have been left sluggish and need a warlock to clean it up. If you have time, you can act at any time, but you must go there in three days at the latest."

Similar to warriors, warlocks are also alternative powerhouses hidden among ordinary people. Compared with warriors, they have a long history and are not inferior at all.

Even as warlocks, although their physical strength is not as good as that of warriors, they are far superior in the cultivation of spiritual strength, and their skills are more complex and changeable.

The basic realms are: Concentration, Meditation, and Freedom.

Concentration-level warlocks have initially stepped into the threshold of practicing spells, pure and focused, read a large number of ancient books, and get used to mysterious and complex spells.

Engraving all kinds of talisman papers with its own weak magic power has the effect of expelling and deterring dark and evil things.

As for the meditation level, the use of spells is more fluid and smooth, and one can sense the thin aura between heaven and earth.

Open up a fairy platform between the eyebrows, absorb spiritual energy and transform it into mana, not only can write more powerful talisman paper, but also can cast spells, outline formations, and suppress evil spirits.

As for being unrestrained, it is even more terrifying. As the name suggests, "unrestrained", Xiantai is bright, and the body has gradually undergone qualitative changes after years of spiritual cleansing.

Not only the lifespan is greatly extended, but also the yang energy on the body is hot. Wherever it goes, the filthy and evil things will stay away.

The above is the information about warlocks that Xu Che had obtained from He Bo.

Because the cultivation system he walks is completely different, even though he has been in contact with it several times before, it is still difficult for Xu Che to judge. The self who has improved rapidly in the past two years probably corresponds to which level of warlock.

When He Bo finished all the entrustments, Xu Che already had his own answer. He smiled lightly: "Just the last one. I don't have time for the first two. You might as well arrange for others."

After finishing speaking, Xu Che picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down in one gulp, feeling full of blood all over his body.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you right away, and I'll let you know when the time comes." He Bo smiled kindly. He was always so approachable and friendly to all hunters.

"Come on, let me have a few more drinks with the old man and talk about interesting things. I just happen to get you some other wine."

He Bo got up, brought several large jars from the wine cabinet behind him, and prepared to have a good drink with this young man surnamed Xu!

"Okay! Then I'll take advantage of your old age." In the dim tavern, the bold and clean voice of young people resounded, one old and one young, toasted and drank together in front of the wax oil lamp.

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