Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 70 Gouging Out Arms And Killing Weirdly

Yanhong City, the outskirts.

The fighter plane landed, and below it was a mysterious base.

As the hatch opened, Mr. Zhong walked out slowly, followed by several law enforcement officers in black suits.

At the same time, at the end of the horizon, a young man walked, and the distance of thousands of meters was only a few steps away for him.

Facing the sudden appearance of Xu Che, the surrounding security guards and law enforcement officers all looked alert, just when they were about to use their guns to prevent potential danger.

Elder Zhong stopped them in time, and signaled them to back down, and turned to the man, "Senior, welcome to our research and development base."

This scene shocked the people present.

Elder Zhong, who is almost equal to the person in charge of the base, is so polite to him? Also called senior? !

Could it be that the people from the headquarters couldn't help but shuddered, and didn't dare to continue thinking.

"Let's go."

Under the leadership of Mr. Zhong, Xu Che traveled smoothly all the way.

When passing through various areas, busy researchers, endless equipment, and huge energy pools came into view one after another.

Those grand laboratories that could only be seen in books or movies when he was young are now fully revealed, which makes Xu Che feel novel.

After a while, he finally arrived at the healing room.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, the depressed Lei Mo slowly raised his head, but saw Mr. Zhong and a familiar figure walking towards him.

"It's him?!"

A ghost-like bronze mask reappeared in front of his eyes, making Lei Mo unable to calm down for a long time, and he would never forget that person no matter what!

It was the martial arts master who hunted and killed many evil cultivators outside the ruins of the warehouse!

The thunderous, devastating power still reverberates in his mind to this day, it is difficult to erase!

At this time, Zhang Linger also noticed the two of them, and she lost her voice: "Mr. Zhong?! Senior?!"

After entering the treatment room, I saw Zhang Linger and Lei Mo were here together.

Xu Che was also quite surprised, isn't this the law enforcer he met during the "Meteorite Trip"? He roughly guessed who the injured person was.

Sure enough, the next moment, when he approached the hospital bed, he saw Ye Yu who was dying.

His whole body was covered with bloodshot eyes, and half of a hideous blood-brown vine had grown from the wound on his right shoulder. The violent, twisted, and foul aura enveloped Ye Yu, and Ye Yu would surely die within a short while.

Even if it was the first time he saw the appearance of a strange plant, Xu Che felt a palpitation for no reason.

Although he didn't know the source of this thing, his intuition told him that it must be handled properly, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Elder Yan beside the hospital bed was also puzzled by the mysterious man who had just arrived, so he whispered to Elder Zhong, "Your Excellency, is that?"

"An expert who has traveled the world, I found it after all kinds of difficulties. With him, Xiaoye may be saved." Zhong Ming lowered his voice, allowing only Elder Yan to hear.

After investigating, Xu Che asked the two old men, "How much do you know about this strange substance?"

"At present, the analysis has not been completed, and we know very little, but after comparing with the gene pool, it is found that it is a substance that has never been recorded."

Zhong Ming frowned, and said: "In many ancient places, tropical rainforests, inaccessible places, humid and dark environments where the sun doesn't even shine."

"It will also breed all kinds of terrible viruses. After millions or even tens of millions of years of evolution, they are hidden deep in places that have not been visited by humans, and they are also not recorded in history."

"So, you mean, this incident was caused by human beings?" Yan Lao said.

"There is a high probability. Of course, I can't rule out the possibility that the weird plant did come from the deep space of the universe. Before there is enough evidence, I can't judge."

Elder Zhong sighed. After sweeping the whole area, he still couldn't find where the strange creature's mother body was.

It always felt like a time bomb was starting a countdown by his side, but he knew it but couldn't dismantle it.

Seeing Xu Che thinking a bit, Elder Zhong asked cautiously: "Senior, dare to ask Xiaoye's situation, what's going on?"

"There is still a glimmer of life, I can try to save it." Xu Che said calmly.

These words were good news to the elderly Zhong Ming, his eyes were moist and he said tiredly: "Senior is a great kindness, this junior will never forget it."

"No problem, I happen to be looking for it too, everyone, please avoid it first."

The two old men said anxiously, "Senior, I'll leave it to you."

They turned and walked out of the treatment room, instead of watching Ye Yu wither and die, they might as well give it a go and pin their hopes on this person.

"Senior, it's time to work."

Zhang Linger and Lei Mo also left one after another.

In the closed ward, in order to avoid being disturbed, Xu Che not only set up an enchantment at the entrance, but also released spiritual power to shatter all the electronic cameras around him!

Outside the door, a law enforcement officer hurried over and said in a hurry: "The monitoring in the treatment room has been destroyed, Mr. Zhong."

The old man was suffering greatly, and his energy and spirit were weaker than ever. He said with difficulty: "It's nothing, let's go down."

"Old friend, can he really do it?" Yan Lao asked worriedly.

Zhong Ming glanced at him, didn't say anything, just smiled wryly, and everything was according to the destiny.

Treatment room.

Xu Che manipulated the spiritual power precisely, continuously tempered it, and then condensed it into a blade. He held a long and narrow dagger in his hand.

Looking at the festering wound and the ugly vines, a streak of disgust flashed across the young man's indifferent eyes.

"A good method, relying on the flesh and blood of others to strengthen your own body, and then occupying the magpie's nest, what is your real body?"

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Perhaps the instinct of the creature felt threatened, the blood-brown vine twisted crazily, and the countless holes on it also wriggled their fangs.

"Hoo!" The vine instantly extended several meters, like a violent snake, and ruthlessly attacked the young man's arm.

"You are waiting for an opportunity, why am I not?"

Xu Che sneered, the majestic spiritual power poured down directly, as if a pair of invisible hands of gods, immediately joined together, the vines shattered and turned into powder.

Just when the weird plant wanted to imitate the gecko and escape by disconnecting its tail, it retracted into Ye Yu's body.

The young man was faster than Kuai, the dagger went straight into the wound, went around to the root of the vine, firmly grasped it with his backhand, and spun it around once, pulling out the large piece of festering flesh and the vine together.

A large amount of stinky and corrupt blood was splashed, which is highly polluted waste blood. If it stays in the body, it will only accelerate Ye Yu's mutated death.

The dagger made of spiritual power firmly pinned the vine, no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless.

The blade spread out like a liquid, turning into a spherical barrier, sealing the vines, and the young man's eyes turned cold: "Thunder Prison."

Hundreds of thunderbolts roared in the spirit ball, drowning the figure of the vine, smashing it into dross, leaving only a drop of gray liquid in the end, which was collected by Xu Che in the test tube.

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