Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 71: Burning By Day

After killing the weird plants, it's not over yet, Ye Yu still has a lot of weird substances in his body.

Looking at the sticky and smelly waste blood all over the place, Xu Che waved his hand, "Peng Wow!" Dao fire rose up, burning away the filth.

The bloody streaks all over Ye Yu's body faded a little, and the strange substance was hidden in his body and was gathering rapidly, trying to regenerate vine roots.

However, Xu Che would not give it a chance to breathe. Seeing that the waste blood was almost drained, he immediately sealed Ye Yu's wound with his fingers.

Afterwards, the young man took out a jade bottle from his bosom, dripped a few drops of dark red blood essence into Ye Yu's lips, and the rich blood flowed to her limbs and bones.

Then, Xu Che lightly grasped Ye Yu's withered left hand, his eyes were dark, and he placed a layer of restraint on her body so that all the strange substances could not escape.

Next, he will use one of the supernatural powers in "The Tale of Ascension to the Great Desolation"-Day Burning.

Before the ancient times, the strong people of the human race used this method to wipe out all the evil spirits.

There are even more powerful people who use this technique in one underworld to instantly kill millions of alien races.

However, in terms of Xu Che's current cultivation at the peak stage of foundation establishment, it is still far from reaching that level.

The young man calmed down, his spiritual power was being consumed rapidly, and a crimson light rose slowly in front of his chest, dazzling like a great sun.

Faintly, this tiny ray of light conveyed a supreme, ancient vicissitudes of life, as if it wanted to domineeringly annihilate all the substances that repel it in the world.


Sensing something was wrong, the thick and strange substance gushed out of Ye Yu's body frantically, but it was restrained and trapped, no matter how it boiled and roared, it couldn't overflow at all.

The original body of flesh and blood has now become a prison for killing. The red light sinks into Ye Yu's body, and countless strange substances howl.

Struggling violently, fleeing, and in the end, they could not escape the fate of extinction.

In the endless darkness, Ye Yu's body was pierced by more than a dozen chains, and he was already tied to the cross dripping with blood.

Surrounded by monsters roaring and roaring, tormenting her mentally for a moment, I don't know how long it has passed.

Just when Ye Yu's consciousness was about to disappear, suddenly, a glaring light fell from the sky, tearing apart the entire dark world.

The chains collapsed and the black mist receded. Ye Yu slowly opened her eyes. In her hazy vision, she could vaguely see a ghost-like bronze mask.

"It's you?"

After performing the supernatural power, Xu Che consumed nearly one-third of his spiritual power, and he was a little tired.

But seeing Ye Yu wake up smoothly, he couldn't help feeling: Day Fen is really domineering.

The strange substance had disappeared, but Ye Yu was blessed by misfortune, with the power of day burning remaining in his body, which was an extremely terrifying yang energy.

With this protection, if you encounter strange substances or various kinds of evil spirits in the future, you don't have to worry about your body being polluted and corroded.

The strange smell of blood in the mouth echoed on the taste buds, and the body seemed to be full of strength and warmth, and the blood energy was recovering at an unimaginable speed.

Ye Yu looked at Xu Che weakly, just when she was about to ask something.

The young man spoke first: "The weird substance has been wiped out, and you are safe, just pay attention to self-cultivation."

"Really? Thank you so much." Ye Yu showed a sincere smile, and his pale face became rosy.

The previously festered skin has recovered, and even the ugly blood-colored threads have completely disappeared.

"It's a small matter. It was an old gentleman who went through many difficulties in order to save you, so he found me and asked me to help you." Xu Che said.

"Is that so?" Of course Ye Yu knew that it was Mr. Zhong who did it.

This respected old man has a very good relationship with her grandfather, and she also takes care of herself in various ways, and now she is causing him trouble again. Thinking of this, she inevitably blames herself a little.

Seeing that Ye Yu was fine and his spirits improved, Xu Che said politely, "I still have something to do, see you later."

After that, he turned and left.

"Can I have a contact method? Another day, I want to thank you." Ye Yu asked to stay.

Seeing that the young man did not pause, she said again: "I don't like to owe others."

Hearing this, Xu Che had no choice but to stop, turned around and approached her, told her her contact information, and left.

At this time, Ye Yu, who was lying on the hospital bed, finally showed a sly smile.

Waving away the restriction on the door, Xu Che walked out in one step, and several expectant eyes came to him instantly.

Elder Zhong couldn't bear it first, and asked, "Senior, what's the matter?"

While everyone was waiting nervously, Xu Che smiled slightly and said, "I'm awake."

The light and fluttering word has great magic power, which makes everyone excited and tears come to their eyes!

"Captain! Are you rescued?!" Zhang Ling'er couldn't believe it, she quickly thanked Xu Che, and then rushed into the treatment room.

Immediately came her shocking cheers!

Lei Mo looked at the young man across from him with sobs, and said, "Thank you senior!"

The two elders, who were already grateful, also thanked Xu Che together, and even bowed down to salute.

Xu Che quickly helped them up and said, "There is no need to do that."

"Mr. Ye, I have been fighting with evil cultivators all year round. I have taken the lead in fighting against evil spirits, being heroic and courageous, and maintaining the peace of the whole family. What I have done is nothing more than a little effort, not worth mentioning."

"Senior, do you know Xiaoye?" The elder was surprised.

"We met once." Xu Che told him frankly.

"Is there any strange substance in Xiaoye's body?" Zhong Ming asked hesitantly.

"there is none left."

"That's great." The old man let out a long sigh of relief, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

Then, he said to the two people beside him: "Go in first, I have something to talk to senior about."

Seeing this, Elder Yan and Lei Mo left wisely.

"Senior means Tongtian, and this junior sincerely admires it. I wonder if senior has discovered anything about that strange substance?"

Xu Che didn't hide it, took out a test tube, which contained a drop of gray liquid, and said: "I still don't know the whole picture about it, but I have this thing."

"Even if it escapes to Cape Tianya, I can still find it."

"This is?!" Elder Zhong said in shock.

"The flesh and blood of the weird plant is concentrated. I extract it into a liquid. As long as I trace the source a little, I can know its origin and where the mother is hiding."

Xu Che said calmly, he was going to wait until his spiritual power recovered, sweep the whole city tonight, and kill them all in one go!

"Senior, if you want to crusade against that strange creature, this junior also wants to do your part, and I hope that senior will do it!" Zhong Ming said respectfully.

"Really? Yes."

Xu Che smiled lightly, did not refuse, said: "This battle may be very dangerous, you can come alone, the rest may join rashly, and their lives may be in danger."

"Junior understands, thank you senior!" Zhong Ming said solemnly.

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