Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 75 The Demon King Comes To The World, Willing To Be The Master Of Luowu

Each stone pillar is 100 meters long, engraved with various runes and images of gods and spirits.

The thick magic power surrounds the column body, forming a light golden wall, like a heavenly weapon, unshakable.

"You and I will shoot together later, just cut them all off, and I can break through the mirror."

The demon bat said to Xu Che, it flapped its wings, was concentrating its soul power, and was preparing to perform its ultimate move.

"it is good."

Xu Che replied, his aura was at its peak, and he could act at any time.

His eyes scanned the altar. To deal with this kind of pillar, using spells is not the best strategy. It is the most effective to smash it to pieces with pure strength.

"Twelve stone pillars are connected together, and I can destroy three at most."

The demon bat speaks human words, its eyes are dark, and it has been imprisoned for thousands of years, and it is broken at this very moment.

"Fellow Daoist, are you sure you can destroy the other nine roots?"

It was in a state of mind at this moment, like a traveler who was walking in the desert and almost dried up by the scorching sun. When he was dying, he encountered a cool desert oasis.

"Yes, senior, please don't be impatient."

Xu Che smiled, and suddenly thought of some kind of bold attempt.

I don't know if here, can rely on the spell to summon the clone?

The moment his thought came into being, he decided to give it a try and establish a connection with the spell outside the mirror.

The next moment, a gloomy glow fell from the sky, Xu Che caught the spell and held it tightly in his hand.

The runestones that had been irrigated by the blood energy had been fully activated, and a shadow slowly appeared in the horrified eyes of the monster bat.

This is an evil young man who looks exactly like Xu Che, and the murderous aura behind him is almost solidified.

"This is?! Your magical powers?!"

The demon bat asked in shock, the two people in front of them had completely opposite auras.

But no matter which one it is, it makes it feel extremely uncomfortable. With the current state of the remnant soul, it is definitely not an opponent for any of them!

"Senior thinks too much, he's just a side door Zuo Daoer."

Xu Che smiled slightly, then, he looked at the wicked young man and said, "Come and fight with me."

The twelve stone pillars were immediately locked by a demon and two people.

The demon king and the amulet clone are each responsible for destroying the three stone pillars on the left and right sides of the front.

As for the six stone pillars on the back, Xu Che could smash them all by himself.

"Are you ready, you two!" Xu Che asked boldly.

Part of the soul power turned into a dusty bone and was held in his hand.

After the demon king had finished charging, three turquoise demon halberds floated in front of him, and there was a terrifying killing intent, and the sharp demonic aura set off a storm.


The old voice revealed a sense of madness.

"I can do it too."

The evil youth held a fierce sword, the purple awns were shining brightly, the power of thunder was entwined in it, and the aura of destruction was hard to suppress.

"Okay, fight out with me!"

As the words fell, Xu Che made a bold move, delivering a peak blow.

The vast sword light was nearly a thousand meters away, and swept across six stone pillars in an instant, causing a violent explosion, and countless broken stones flew across.


The demon king roared, and with all his soul power, the three demon halberds filled with killing aura blasted away, like three invincible streamers.

Violently pierced through the light golden protective layer of the stone pillar, let its magic power boil, and the golden light shone, breaking it in half.


The evil youth looked at the three stone pillars from a distance, and slashed out the most powerful sword domineeringly.

The thunder wrapped around the sword light, and with one blow without any suspense, all three stone pillars were shattered into pieces!


Twelve stone pillars collapsed, the altar was shaken, several huge cracks appeared, and the world in the mirror began to collapse.

"It turned out! It really succeeded! Hahahahaha!!!"

The demon king watched this scene, wept with joy, looked up to the sky and laughed, and suddenly felt the stuffiness in his chest, vomited heartily.

After completing his task, the evil young man dissipated again, turned into a cloud of shadows, and burrowed into the runestone.

"Follow me out!" Xu Che said.

"Hahahaha!!! This king is here!! The world still needs it, so fear me for another three hundred years!!!"

The demon king had an arrogant posture, spread his wings, and flew towards the depths of the sky.


The surrounding world is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The altar is shattered, the ground is cracked into an abyss, and the sky is falling like pieces of bombarded glass.

One person and one monster left at the fastest speed.

Outside the mirror, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, and as expected, the ancient mirror in his hand was seriously damaged and cracked into countless pieces, almost impossible to put together again.

At this time, a phantom condensed not far away, it was the demon bat, and it looked at everything around it in disbelief.

Dense forests, towering old trees, clear streams, and sunlight shining through the branches and leaves.

Thousands of years later, when he came back to the world, the demon king was very excited, his breath was short of breath, and his eyes greedily stared at these long-lost things.

Finally, it couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a long howl, piercing the sky!

Fortunately, there was a large formation separating them, otherwise the terrifying roar would shake the entire Mount Luowu.

"Senior, how about the taste of freedom?" There was a faint smile on the corner of Xu Che's mouth.

The demon bat said with relief: "This really makes my soul tremble. I never thought that one day, I will come back alive."

It transformed into a human form and walked towards it with gratitude in its eyes. It solemnly said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist."

"This world is about to change drastically. I hope that senior will fulfill his promise and become the Demon King of Luowu Mountain."

"Fellow Daoist's life-saving grace, I will never forget it, so according to what you said, I will stay here."

"When I recover from my injuries and rebuild my physical body, within a hundred years, I will pay you back. The power to shake the demon world!"


The old man's brows are confident and flamboyant, without a trace of decadence, this is the confidence of being a demon king!

"Then it's a deal!"

Xu Che smiled. He looked sideways at the sky, and thought of his old friend in his heart. Look, old friend, Mount Luowu is getting stronger and stronger.

One day, this place will become the strongest ancient land of the demon race, and I will get back all the justice you lost.

"This king is not a person who doesn't understand etiquette. Dare to ask that amazing and talented junior, where is he buried in the mountain?"

"Please tell fellow Taoists that I will avoid disturbing its rest."

The white-haired old man cupped his hands and said, with a respectful expression, and was extremely polite to his savior.

"It, body and soul completely disappeared between heaven and earth, and I can only set up a tomb for it."

Having said that, Xu Che sighed, a look of sadness flashed across his eyes, and then he told the white-haired old man the location of Juyin Lake.

"So that's the case, it's a pity. If we meet, I will definitely drink with it." The old man said regretfully.

"It's getting late, let's go, I'll take you to the top of the mountain." Xu Che said.

"Oh? The fief palace, built on the top of the mountain? It's so bold!"

The young man just smiled mysteriously and didn't say much.

Putting away the broken mirror in his palm, waved his hand to disperse the barrier, and then walked towards the top of the mountain, the old man walked with him.

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