Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 76 The First Meeting Of The Second Demon King And The First Demon General

Walking in the forest, the white-haired old man couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "The twelve great demons and the demon generals are the former subordinates of that junior?"

"No, my friend is withdrawn by nature, and I don't like to be with the monster race."

"Now the big monsters in the mountains are all suppressed by me."

"Oh? Looking at your face, this king is not a vicious person. Is there a reason for doing such a thing of enslaving others?"

The white-haired old man was puzzled. The feeling Xu Che gave him was completely different from the powerful humans he encountered in ancient times.

Maybe he is not as powerful as them, but his casual nature far surpasses them.

It can be said that he has a peaceful mind, kindness and benevolence, but he is soft and strong, and he is decisive in killing.

The mountain road is rugged, weeds and thorns are everywhere, Xu Che said while cleaning up, "When my friend crossed the catastrophe, many big monsters came here."

"If you want to kill, seize the opportunity."

"That night, more than a dozen big monsters came, all of them were wolfish and ambitious."

"All of them were suppressed and killed by me. There was only one big monster, who knelt down sincerely. I thought it was not easy for him to practice, so I simply spared his life."

"Just one day later, the monster clans from all over the world have sent their strong men to come to Luowu Mountain to ask for an explanation."

"There are more than 30 big monsters, they can be said to be menacing, and they have the appearance of destroying the entire mountain."

"What?! So many?!" The white-haired old man was shocked.

This is even more than the amount of big monsters who ruled the tribe in his peak period!

Hearing this, the old man already had a terrible guess, could it be

"Later, a great battle broke out. Unexpectedly, the big monster who surrendered temporarily did not retreat, and loyally protected each other."

"But it's okay, it's just a group of mobs. I will set up formations in advance in the mountains, seal their retreat, and then fight fiercely."

"Some big monsters are dead, and there is not even a corpse left."

"Some big monsters survived and became envoys to the mountain. They only need to guard the mountain for ten years before they can leave."

The more he heard the back, the more shocked the white-haired old man was.

This kid is really domineering! In just two days, more than 30 big monsters were beheaded! He also enslaved more than ten big demons.

"Fellow Daoist, are you not afraid of the demon kings in their clan seeking revenge?"

Xu Che looked composed, and said calmly: "I have heard that the last demon king in the world died of old age seven hundred years ago."

"What's more, the Luowu fiefdom, once it comes, will be buried. Even if the demon king comes personally, I will not be afraid."

"Arrogant enough, it suits my appetite. When I recover, I will discuss it with fellow Taoists."

The white-haired old man laughed loudly, he really appreciated the person in front of him more and more.

"The old gentleman is so elegant, and I am willing to accompany you at that time."

"By the way, as for those ancient monster races, how do you plan to deal with them?" the white-haired old man asked.

"I don't have time recently, so I just let the Twelve Towns Mountain Envoys inform all the tribes."

"If there are any more intrusions, I will definitely cross thousands of mountains and rivers, and I will also go to their ancestral lands to make a big mess."

"In addition, the demon generals are not strong enough, they are only in the middle stage of transformation, and among the twelve great monsters, most of them are in the late stage of transformation. I am afraid that if I am not around, they will not be able to deter them."

"That's why I need your help, old man."

After some sincere conversations, the white-haired old man had a better understanding of the current situation.

He promised: "Fellow Taoist, please don't worry, I will be in charge of this mountain in the future, and they will not be able to make any waves."

"In this era when the demon king is not out, even with only the remnant soul, I can suppress the existence below the demon king."

Xu Che nodded, and said: "Old man, as long as you have the heart, this matter is not urgent for the time being, you just need to recover well."

The two walked at a normal speed, and before they knew it, they reached the top of the mountain in the evening!

The mountaintop in front of me has undergone earth-shaking changes after a renovation in the afternoon.

A huge awning was built, underneath was a richly decorated wooden house, and a very powerful generator was placed in front of the door.

There are many solar street lights around, and even solar water heaters. A tall water tower stands behind the wooden house.

Pushing away the wooden house, the interior decoration is rich, and there are all kinds of modern human furniture.

A burly man was lying on a soft sofa. The air conditioner on the wall was set at 16°, blowing strong air, which made him look happy.

When he saw Xu Che coming in, Xiong Mang was stunned, and said, "My lord?!"

"Little life is going well, you general." Xu Che joked.

"Hey, it's all thanks to you, my lord." Xiong Mang said shyly, rubbing his hands.

Since he surrendered to the lord, the treatment he has enjoyed in all aspects is completely incomparable before, and it is almost too late for him to meet each other.

Seeing the white-haired old man next to the young man, skinny as a stick, looking like a ghost, Xiong Mang asked a little cautiously: "My lord, what is this, old man?"

"Demon King." Xu Che said softly.

"What?!" Xiong Mang trembled with fright, his face changed drastically, and when he thought of the previous offense, he only felt a chill down his spine.

"Hmph! Are you the so-called demon general? Why are you so afraid of me?"

The white-haired old man's gaze sharpened, and the mountain-like coercion immediately overwhelmed him.

Xiong Mang only felt that he was about to be out of breath. He vaguely saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerging from behind the old man, and he almost knelt down and surrendered.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Xu Che smiled lightly, breaking the tense atmosphere, and said, "Demon General, it's not Old Snake."

"It's the future, the second demon king of Luowu Mountain."

"Huh?! Isn't he the Demon King?! He, he, he is the Demon King?!"

Xiong Mang was so frightened that he could speak incoherently.

The white-haired old man withdrew his coercion, and said with a smile: "Young generation, you don't look very smart."

"Well, the future situation will become more complicated."

"I am afraid that many monster clans will sooner or later give birth to a monster king-level powerhouse. For this reason, I specially invited this old gentleman to sit in Luowu."

"Oh! So that's what happened." Stupid Xiong let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, he bowed to the white-haired old man again: "Subordinate Xiong Mang, I have seen Lord Demon King, and I am willing to do my best for you."

"Okay, got it." The white-haired old man replied with a frown.

"The palace here is very short, but it's not down at all. It's a good place, but there are so many novelties."

Hearing the demon king's emotion, Xiong Mang hurriedly said: "This is sent by the humans at the foot of the mountain, my lord, let me introduce to you what these are."

"No need, from now on, you just follow me." The white-haired old man said firmly.

"Xiao Mang, do you know the origin of this old gentleman in front of you?"

Xiong Mang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his ferocious face was full of tension, he shook his head blankly, looked at the young man intently, not daring to miss any half of the next sentence.

"It is the demon king who ruled the demon world a thousand years ago. It will be of great benefit for you to practice with him in the future." Xu Che said slowly.

"What?!?!" At this moment, Xiong Mang's expression was as if struck by lightning, and he couldn't believe his ears at all!

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