Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 82 Fierce Battle, Splash Of Blood And Flesh

"Arrogance!" The six-armed man was furious, and said, "You skinny old ghost, how dare you speak so shamelessly?"

Since his successful evolution, he has hunted and killed many human warriors, and he has never really had anyone who can compete with him.

"It seems that they don't accept your favor." The giant winged man looked at the black-robed woman indifferently, waiting for her arrangement.

"Really? Both of you." The black-robed woman asked Xu Che and Zhong Ming one last time.

However, what he got was ignorance, and Mr. Zhong said with a smile: "After beheading them, senior, are you interested in going to my place for a little gathering?"

"I have my own delicious food and wine to welcome my seniors."

Hearing the words, the young man said: "Since the old gentleman has treated you warmly, then I will not be disrespectful."

"Hmph! Do you really think you can leave alive?"

The giant winged man fanned his wings and soared into the sky, his eyes were cold.

"Struggle, wait until you are killed, and then, the entire city will be infected by you yourself."

The voice of the black-robed woman cooled down, and she took off her coat to reveal her true face.

She is about two meters tall, with a large number of black markings covering her whole body, and a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, containing terrifying and strange energy.

"Stop talking to these humans, just kill them." The six-armed man grinned ferociously.

Then, his size skyrocketed, and he reached about six meters in an instant, turning into a killing machine.

"Three against two? How unfair, bullying others, right?" the young man said playfully.

The strange woman looked cold and said, "Yes, what can you do?"

"There are more than three." The giant winged man smiled coldly.

He uttered strange words, and more than a hundred parasites fell into a state of madness in response.

Among the corpses, there are not a few infected people who are comparable to late-stage warriors after tempering, and there are even a few of them, exuding a terrifying aura, even a martial arts master can fight against them.

"Human beings, tremble!" the six-armed man laughed loudly.

Zhong Ming smiled wryly, the people in front of him probably didn't know Xu Che's horror at all.

A man who is on par with the demon king, controls the twelve great demons, and is respected by the demon generals.

Even if he didn't make a move, if he summoned the twelve demon generals, he could directly push the corpse lair of the strange creatures.

"As a person, I can't stand unfair treatment, so I'd better strike three times three times."

After the words fell, a shadow came from nowhere, condensed into a human form, and stood beside Xu Che.

Looking at the two people with the same appearance but diametrically opposite auras, the strange woman's face was solemn, and she felt an unprecedented crisis.

When the six-armed man looked at the evil young man, his scalp felt numb and his blood almost froze.

Under the gaze of the other party, the killing intent was almost substantive, stinging the senses and making his heart feel timid.

"Looks like a bloody battle will be inevitable." Juyi Man locked his eyes on Zhong Ming.

He is the weakest of the weird trio, so he can only choose the old man as his opponent based on his feeling.

"Senior, this is?!"

For the sudden arrival of the evil young man, Zhong Ming just glanced at it, and shuddered as if he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

This person's cultivation level seems to be not much different from Xu Che's, but his killing intent is stronger, and all kinds of negative emotions are gathered and intertwined, and his combat power is absolutely terrifying.

Most importantly, he has the same appearance as Xu Che. Could this be the legendary dharmakaya?

At this point, Mr. Zhong already has the answer.

His conjecture was immediately verified, and Xu Che smiled faintly: "He? He is also a part of me."

Then, the young man took a step forward, pinched the formula in his hand, and said: "Restrain the spirit binding, get up!"

In an instant, an invisible barrier rose up in the barren area with a radius of hundreds of meters, closing and locking the entire factory, with no way out.

Seeing the change, the weird woman looked at Xu Che angrily, and said, "Are you trying to hunt me down?"

"Otherwise?" The young man held the bone of dust tightly in his hand.

"You eat the weak one by one, shouldn't you accept this result?"

At this time, Zhong Ming also stood up and said: "Killing my compatriots, intending to stain the mountains and rivers with blood, and mess up our society."

"Today, you will be crushed and ashes, to comfort the spirits of the dead in heaven."

"Slay that six-armed monster." Xu Che said to the Dharma Body with cold eyes.

The evil young man nodded, and drew out a sword of blood demon from his back. His eyes were icy cold, and he locked on the six-armed man's position.

With a sound of "Boom!", the Dharma Body killed him, even if there were three people in front of him, he was not afraid.

"I'm coming too!" Zhong Ming shouted, not to be outdone, and charged at the giant winged man.

How could the strange woman allow them to be so provocative, and angrily said: "Dare!"

"call out!"

The figure of someone disappeared, and when it reappeared, Xu Che had already grabbed the strange woman's neck with one hand.

"You!" The strange woman was startled and angry, and was about to resist.


With an indifferent expression, Xu Che picked her up and slammed her on the ground.

"Do you really think that you have evolved and transcended? It's just a puppet."

At the same time, a big explosion occurred on the side, and the speed of the dharma body was extremely fast. Under the domineering force, the six-armed man was defeated all the way, and was pushed back tens of meters, unable to fight back.

But within a breath, he had three arms cut off, a large amount of dark black blood was spilled, and wailing resounded through the factory.

However, what greeted him was still a sword.

The dharma body nailed it to the ground, stepped on the six-armed man's head, and looked down condescendingly.

A dark purple thunderbolt is condensing in the hand, with the power of destruction.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the lightning turned into a spear and pierced straight through the six-armed man's head.


Spilled and shattered flesh and blood turned into dozens of round blood bubbles

Suddenly, Dharma Body frowned and disappeared.

The next moment, "Boom!!!" The bubble burst, and a large amount of venom was splashed.

On the other side, the giant winged man fought fiercely with Zhong Lao, and his hard armor was chopped to pieces.

The old man's eyes are indifferent, and his fighting spirit is indomitable. He has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his killing skills are far superior to the giant winged man who has strength but no fighting consciousness.


After dozens of fights with a firm upper hand, the old man seized the only momentary opening, and with a single blow, the blade was indestructible, facing the giant winged man's chest and directly cutting open.


The giant winged man roared ferociously, his eyes were red, and he fell to the ground. The severe pain made him run wild and out of control.

The knife aura remained on the wound, preventing the crazily squirming flesh and blood from healing the wound, and ugly and rotten internal organs could be seen inside.

"Stop him for me!"

With an order, hundreds of infected people frantically rushed towards the old man.

"Do you think that yelling, anger, and losing control can make you reverse your disadvantages? Childish!"

Seeing these heterogeneous people who are neither human nor ghost, Mr. Zhong sighed, after all, we are still compatriots, so let me end your muddled lives.

As his eyes became sharper, the old man's mood was like water, and he brandished the sword.

With a single blow from the peak, the golden sword glow dozens of meters away killed many infected people in front of them to flesh and blood! Disappeared!

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