Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 83 - Killing Three Weird People In A Row

Just when the sword light was about to hit the giant winged man, a large number of vines intertwined and entangled, turning into a long wall, resisting stubbornly.


The blade light exploded, and the lasing blade energy crazily destroyed the blood-brown vines, and the wall of plants was riddled with holes.

"Want to kill me? Human, you are delusional!"

The giant winged man let out a long cry, opened his bloody mouth, and the terrifying energy quickly condensed, and a dark brown beam of light shot out instantly.

This blow made the old man's face change, and he quickly dodged sideways.


A violent explosion occurred in the rear, causing the ground to collapse and smoke billowing everywhere. The dilapidated factory building was now in ruins.

Fortunately, there was a barrier to block the giant winged man's attack from reaching the outside world.

The strange and difficult opponent, the long-lost fight, made Zhong Ming's blood boil hotter, and his energy and spirit suddenly increased a little.

"The next cut will be your wings."

The old man said slowly, he stroked the blade lightly, and poured a huge amount of martial arts strength into it.

The cold light on the blade became brighter and more dazzling, and the knife energy contained in it was extremely terrifying, as if it was about to shatter mountains and seas.

The giant winged man's face was ugly, and it turned black like the bottom of a pot. He never imagined that this human being would be so good at fighting, and he was repeatedly pushed into desperation.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to ask for help, he saw a horrifying scene.

The six-armed man was beaten particularly miserably. Several arms were severed, and there was a big hole on his head. His flesh and blood could be seen. He was almost on the verge of death.


With a sinister roar, countless strange auras escaped, and the strange woman abruptly broke through Xu Che's suppression.

Standing up staggeringly from the ground, he looked at the young man in front of him with palpitations.

"You, why are you so powerful!?"

Xu Che didn't answer her question, holding onto the bone of dust, he raised his hand with a sword.

The majestic sword energy crushed the past, and the weird woman was terrified, she chose to dodge immediately!

Countless vines are also rushing in, forming several defensive walls, trying to fight for her this short moment of life and death.

However, it was still half a beat slower.

The wall of plants was like a fake, pierced by the sword energy like paper, and directly hit half of the strange woman's body, causing it to explode on the spot, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

The dilapidated building behind him was instantly shattered into powder.

Suffering from this overbearing sword, the weird woman was severely injured in an instant, dragging half of her body covered with bloody cracks to kneel on the ground, lingering on her last breath.

"How is it possible!?" She was stunned and couldn't believe it.

The gap between the two would be so great, despair filled her whole body, making her despair.

I obviously evolved rapidly and realized the all-round improvement of life form, but under the attack of the opponent, I was like a fragile young grass, powerless to resist.

"Aren't you human too?"

A terrible conjecture appeared in the weird woman's mind, prompting her to blurt out.

"A frog at the bottom of a well can't talk about the sea, and an insect in spring and summer can't talk about ice and snow." The young man said calmly, "You seem to know nothing about human beings, this beautiful lady."

"It's time for the farce to end. As soon as you and I hit it off, let me see you off."

After the words fell, with a sound of "咻!", Xu Che activated the teleportation spell.

Coming behind the strange woman, a sword swung out, like the first ray of light at dawn, cutting through the endless darkness.

A huge head rolled down from the body, a large amount of dark blood splashed out, and half of the dead body fell powerlessly and began to melt.

Soon, a pool of black water appeared on the ground.

"Bang", the strange woman's head exploded into a blood mist, which melted into the air and permeated everywhere. The smell of stench and rot was disgusting.

"Interesting, are you coming out?" The young man looked alert, his eyes focused on the black water.

I saw that the black water continued to shrink in size and converge toward the center.

In an instant, a drop of black liquid was suspended in mid-air, which was the source of strange creatures, unknown and ominous.

At this moment, the fierce battle in the distance came to an end.

Seeing the strange woman being killed to death, the six-armed man was driven into a panic, and with a roar, his life was burned.

As his flesh and blood continued to shrink, the evil eye released the most ferocious light.

Thousands of purple rays of light, as dazzling as a nuclear explosion, killed in all directions.

Dharma Body's eyes were lowered, facing this ultimate ultimate move, he didn't show any color change.

He grabbed the blood fiend sword and went to meet it.

Slashing with a sword, the majestic blood-colored sword light wrapped around the blazing black flames, resembling a roaring dragon, fiercely piercing through the endless purple awns!

Unstoppable, under the regretful eyes of the six-armed man, a scarlet sword pierced his throat, and his life was lost quickly!

"no no!"

The six-armed man's pupils dimmed. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.


With a wave of the dharma body's hand, the sharp blade cut across the head of the item, destroying it completely!

The headless corpse fell down and lay on the ground, gradually melting to form a pool of black blood.

Sensing that something was wrong, Dharma Body immediately pinched the secret of the Dharma, and said: "Shalei Prison Kill!"


Dozens of dark red lightning bolts with the thickness of wrists fell straight down and smashed into the black water, causing a violent reaction.

The black liquid boiled and shrunk into a ball, allowing the thunder to wreak havoc, but it was still unharmed, like a living heart, beating slowly, with a strange rhythm.

At the same time, seeing his companions fall one after another, the giant winged man looked flustered and didn't know what to do.

"In battle, it's not a good thing to be distracted! Are you underestimating this old man!"

A majestic shout interrupted his thinking, and the next moment, the figure of the old man pierced through the air like a shooting bullet, holding the Taidao, and slashed fiercely.


The giant winged man roared and struggled, his wings pressed tightly against his body.

"Ka Ka Ka!!!"

The wings covered with thorns, the defense is terrible, and the old man's sword, constantly contending.


Zhong Ming fought to the point of rage, his killing intent rose wildly, squeezing all the strength in his body, and the strength in his hands continued to increase.

"No! Impossible!"

The giant winged man could hardly stand it any longer. With a sound of "Boom!", the front part of the wings was cut through by the old man.

The sharp blade plunged into the chest, and the blade's energy strangled every inch of flesh and blood.

"You want to kill me? Then you will die together!" The giant winged man looked ferocious and laughed loudly.

Death is a foregone conclusion right now, even if he survives under the hands of the old man, there are still two terrifying powerhouses present.

There was no possibility of him escaping from birth at all. At this point, the giant winged man clenched the sword on his chest, his smile was terrifying, and his eyes were bloodthirsty.


In the next moment, the giant winged man inflated like a balloon.

Zhong Ming frowned. With the dignity of a warrior, he was absolutely unwilling to give up his weapon and escape in embarrassment.

The whole body's martial arts strength is blessed on the outer battle armor, and the cold eyes reflect the man with a crazy face.

With a sound of "Boom!!!", it exploded.

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