Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 84 Race Of The Ancient Years

The terrifying force of the explosion shattered the ground within a radius of 100 meters, and many buildings collapsed.

The surrounding vines were not spared, and were evaporated in an instant! Rotting blood filled every corner.

A gust of wind blew slowly, and in the shadow of dust and smoke, an old man knelt on one knee, holding a Taidao straight into the ground, coughing endlessly.

The transformed golden battle armor on his body was already in tatters.

After resisting the giant winged man's self-destruction, Zhong Ming suffered serious injuries. His face was pale, his blood was turbulent, and his physical strength was less than 30%.

However, the flesh and blood of those shattered stumps mutated again!

It turned into a black liquid, wriggled on the ground, and finally condensed into a drop, slowly moving towards the old man.

"call out!"

Instantly, the drop of black liquid erupted with the most incomparable speed, trying to pierce through the old man's eyebrows and pollute it parasiticly.

Zhong Ming also sensed this extremely dangerous blow, and he was about to resist.

"Cough! Cough!", the injury in his body became serious.

The internal organs seemed to be overwhelmed, and the old man was dizzy for a while, and could hardly hold the Taidao.

Just at the very moment, someone shot, Xu Che teleported here, Chen Gu pointed directly at the black liquid.


Under the terrifying sword energy, the black liquid's plan to seize the house was stopped, and it roared and retreated.

In an instant, it turned into hundreds of tiny black water droplets and fled away, merging with the other two black liquids.

On the ruins, the black mist never dissipated, and the vines all over the place withered, continuously overflowing wisps of blood-brown strange gas, floating into the air.

Three extremely black liquids intertwined and intertwined crazily, and a large amount of strange aura came and mixed them.

Xu Che and the dharma body stood beside the old man. After killing the three strange people, it seemed that everything was not over yet.

"What the hell is this, cough cough?" Zhong Ming stood up with difficulty, dispelled his armor, his eyes were slightly tired.

Xu Che looked solemn, and said: "It is it that creates strange creatures."

"Even the three of them just now were originally ordinary plant creatures. It was only under their influence that they evolved rapidly, developed spiritual intelligence, and became ominous monsters."

"What?!" Hearing this, the old man's scalp was numb and he was sweating uncontrollably.

Surviving after the catastrophe, he couldn't help but rejoice that Xu Che made a move.

Ordinary plants are so terrifying after being infected. Once they have just been polluted, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"This thing is hard to deal with." Xu Che said truthfully.

It was the first time in the human world that he encountered such a strange liquid, and he had no idea. It might not be difficult to defeat it.

But preventing it from escaping in an unimaginable way, or completely annihilating it, seems difficult to do.

"Senior, what should we do? Do you have a way to kill it?"

Speaking of this, Zhong Ming was already worried, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, but he was helpless and suffering from powerlessness.

Looking at the cloud of black liquid in the air, Xu Che said solemnly: "There are so many, I'm afraid it can pollute no less than 100,000 people."

"Mister, you retreat first, I'm going to fight it to the death."

"In a while, this area may be destroyed and annihilated. You are injured, so it's better to retreat for now."

Considering that his state is indeed extremely poor, his combat power has dropped sharply.

With a deep guilty look on the old man's face, he blamed himself and said: "Sorry, senior, I dragged you down."

Xu Che smiled lightly, looking at Zhong Ming's moist eyes, he knew the old man's heart.

So, comfortingly said: "Mr., why is this so?"

"You have done your best, killed Weird, and indirectly saved many people, so you don't have to blame yourself."

"Not to mention, the old man has guarded Yanhong for many years, and it's time to rest. This time, let me do it."

These sincere words fell into Zhong Ming's ears, making his expression moved and he couldn't be calm for a long time.

Then, just when the old man was about to say something, Xu Che took a step forward and pointed at the center of his brow.

The spiritual consciousness invaded Zhong Ming's mind for hypnosis, and washed away the relevant memories of his appearance.

The old man passed out, and the Dharma Body supported him.

Xu Che glanced at the wicked young man and said, "I'll leave it to you, take him away safely."

The dharma body nodded, carried the old man on his back, turned into an aurora, and left the ruined factory in an instant.

In the middle of the air, the black liquid and the blood-brown strange breath were fused together, revealing its true form.

It was an indescribable monster with strange lins, tentacles, fangs, bone spurs, and a tail. It was extremely ugly and disgusting, and it roared with weird syllables.

A pair of empty eyes stared at Xu Che quietly, and then, the monster started to mimic him! Turned into a human form!

This is a strange young man, his body is full of black air, his complexion is pale, and his eyes contain the indifference of looking down on all living beings.

"If you stop me like this and set up restrictions, are you preparing a grave for yourself?"

His voice was mechanical and stiff, like a broken tape recorder that has passed through a long time.

"Although I don't know if you came from the depths of the star sea, or crawled out from some unknown secret place."

"However, wantonly infecting humans and turning them into their own puppets, Your Excellency, there is a way to kill."

The strange young man has a constant aura, and his strength is far above the previous three. He said calmly:

"My family lived on this planet before the ancient times. Just like you slaughtered livestock to satisfy your hunger, I infected human beings, and I did it instinctively."

"When you were still monkeys, ignorant and ignorant, our family was already prosperous and prosperous, and we were the masters of this star."

"Among you, some even worship us as gods and pray for protection."

"Isn't it normal to raise livestock and kill them wantonly?"

Listening to these words, Xu Che did not investigate the truth or falsehood, he just said indifferently: "I understand your behavior, and I don't have to say some high-sounding words."

"Talking about righteousness and harmony is not suitable for me. Between you and me, there is only fighting."

The weird boy smiled and said, "You are such an interesting human being."

"The methods of pollution and parasitism are too low-level, you deserve my assimilation."

"Really? To be appreciated so much, I can't help wondering, what's the difference between the two?" Xu Che asked.

"The former is just livestock food, such as the previous three."

"In the latter case, you will have your own consciousness, and you will be equal to us, and you will be a clan."

"However, I also know that words alone cannot take down a human being like you who has a firm belief in his own race."

"The best way should be to smash your head through with your fists and completely kill you before you can assimilate."

To his provocation, Xu Che just smiled lightly and said, "Perhaps your cleverness is in the wrong place, you can give it a try."

"My dear clansman, wait for me for a moment, and I will immediately free you from this rotten and useless body."

At this moment, the strange boy's eyes became extremely sharp, and the majestic power was stirring, exuding an astonishing aura.

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