At the same time, in Room 3 of Cangqiong, the young woman in blue was drinking brewed tea.

She was a little surprised by the counterattack of the number one '6.4 million'. She didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so strong, but it was within the acceptable range after all.

The countdown on the electronic screen turns red, 10, 9, 8

Putting down the teacup, the young woman's eyes showed a cold light, and she had played enough tricks to torment the other party's mentality.

So, he made a bold move and bid '7 million' for the auction!

Just when the host thought it was over, the congratulatory words were stuck in his throat, and when he was about to say it, the electronic screen refreshed again!

The price of 7 million reached the top, and everyone in the audience was shocked!

In Room 4 of Lingyun, the time has passed, the expected mechanical sound did not sound, and the old man slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the price that was 60 higher than his own, knowing that he had lost, his heart was full of bitterness, he sighed lightly, and then let go.

The old man looked at the auction platform below with a gloomy gaze, and said calmly: "Forget it, there are still a few strands of fate missing, so let's stop here."

In Cangqiong No. 2 room, the girl looked excited and said proudly: "Look, I'm right!"

"Okay, my little sister is really talented, really amazing." The middle-aged man couldn't help but praised, looking at the youngest sister dotingly.

"It's because of my brother's mistake, I feel ashamed."

In the arena, the host looked at the latest data in disbelief, and someone actually bid 7 million yuan for a handful of pitifully small sand that was still full of unknowns.

Many distinguished guests in the wing room were also uneasy, and couldn't help but sigh, whether they had misjudged themselves or the other party was too crazy.

"Interesting, the number one offer is probably one of the few powerful families in the city."

"Perhaps only the capable people and strangers in their clan know a little bit about how to deal with this star sand."

"It's a pity that I have neither the fate nor the ability to wait. I really envy others."

"If the rumors are true, this deal will only make money but not lose money"

However, the No. 4 wing of Cang Qiong was uncharacteristically, and there was a disrespectful laugh.

"Which family wrote it, for the illusory rumors."

"It's so ridiculous to spend so much money to buy this useless sand and gravel that has no appearance."

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of each wing room is extremely good, otherwise, if these words spread, it would easily lead to disputes between the two families.

Who here is not one of the most powerful forces in Yanhong City?

Although the seats and rooms are not the same, it is really difficult to compete with each other in terms of strength and family background.

Owning a sky-level wing room can only prove that your total consumption in Cangyu is firmly in the forefront, and it has no necessary connection with the strength of the forces behind each other.

Soon, the countdown came to 30 seconds.

The young woman in blue was in a good mood, and she was sure of winning. Her bid swept the audience, and there was no one to resist.

"If nothing else, this round will be over." She said softly.

"Statistics, how much money is left."

The entourage in Tang suit didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and quickly replied: "Patriarch, there are still 47 million."

The young woman in blue nodded lightly, everything was in her plan, and said: "This time I have gained a lot."

"Shoot a few more items, and it will be considered a complete success. As for the finale, let the first, second, and fourth rooms fight for it."

There are still ten seconds left in the countdown, and she narrowed her eyes slightly, should it be done? !

However, accidents still happened.

Seeing the silence in the audience, it was not difficult for Xu Che to deduce that they had already given up, and his only remaining opponent was only one side.

"7 million? Let me see if this is your limit."

The young man's fingertips flicked across the screen, drawing a number.

The red 6-second font of the countdown stopped abruptly, and instantly refreshed, changing to blue 59 seconds.

As for Xu Che's quotation - '7.2 million', in an instant, it reached the top!

No more, no less, just the minimum price increase of 200,000, full of provocation.

The host's face changed slightly, and he was very surprised. Seeing that it was about to end, the id number in the fourth rank was catching up!

From 1.68 million to 3 million, from 3 million to 7.2 million, the person in the mysterious side room only made two shots, but they were all at critical moments.

Raise the price at one time, cause a price battle, and eliminate potential opponents;

Once he showed his sharpness, he overwhelmed his opponent with a price higher than 200,000. It seems that there is still room to regain control.

In Room 4 of Lingyun, the old man secretly rejoiced that he had calmed down, looking at the familiar ID number.

He couldn't help wondering: "Which family's old fox is it? The city is so deep, I'm afraid everyone's heart is dark."

In the other room, the girl was stunned. Unexpectedly, Xu Che's forces would come back to life, unwilling to give up Xingchensha.

"Why is this happening?"

The middle-aged man was not too surprised, and said calmly: "In this kind of game, there are always variables. Until the last moment, you will never be able to tell who is the winner."

"Those guys sitting in the various rooms represent the various forces, how can there be ordinary people?"

"What you are facing are all old fritters that have lived for decades, even sixty or seventy years."

"Although we are the seats of the sky class, we must not take it lightly when facing any other wing room, do you understand?"

Hearing her brother's admonition, the girl couldn't find any reason to refute, so she pouted and said, "Oh, I see."

"It's okay, let's continue reading, soon, it will be our turn to what we want."

"Don't be distracted at that time, observe carefully, and see how I fight these old foxes."

In room No. 3 of the sky, a murderous intent flashed across the eyes of the blue young woman, and the teacup she was holding tightly turned into powder in an instant.

"Do you regard me as a tool? It's easy to calculate."

The icy words made the attendant in Tang suit shudder uncontrollably.

He is well aware of the disposition of his patriarch, who appears to be gentle and graceful on the surface, but in fact it is not. Whenever something goes against his will, he will become domineering, indifferent, and unkind.

Even though there were thousands of doubts in his heart, at this moment, the envoy did not dare to express it.

Wisps of icy blue chills surrounded the young woman, she scanned the auction platform below, and remained silent.

The price of '7.2 million' just overwhelmed her. The woman raised her hand several times to increase the price, but she suppressed it with her own reason.

At this time, if you use your emotions, you may not be able to win against the opponent. Besides, Elder Mo's advice is to stop at 7 million.

As a shrewd businessman, she naturally wanted to maximize her profits, and a loss-making business was nothing less than a shame to them.

In just a few seconds, time seemed to freeze.

In the end, she chose to swallow this breath, but her eyes were terribly calm, looking at the ID number on the electronic screen.


The mechanical electronic sound sounded, and the host raised his voice: "Congratulations to this mysterious guest, who sold Star Sand at a price of 7.2 million!!"

The audience was in an uproar, upon hearing this, Xu Che showed a victorious smile.

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