Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 95: Mysterious News

Soon, the auction session continued, and ancient wonders emerged one after another.

In many hidden rooms, pairs of eyes with plans are spying on the outside world, and the masters behind them are fighting openly and secretly, refusing to give in to each other.

"Congratulations to this guest, who got the Heart Refining Red Feather Fan at a price of 14.8 million!"

"Congratulations to this guest, who got the bone marrow repair cream at a price of 9.2 million!"

"Congratulations to this guest, who got the Ice Soul Frost Snow Sword at a price of 6.9 million!"

The excited voice of the host continued to rise and fall, time passed quickly, and more than 20 collections were auctioned off smoothly.

In Room 2 of Lingyun, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a knock on the door.

Xu Che was sitting at the dining table, enjoying the food leisurely, when he heard the voice, "Come in."

The door opened, and there was a tall, luxuriously dressed middle-aged man.

He is a high-level executive of the auction house, carefully holding the jade plate in his hand, walked over, and said: "Hello, at Xia Cangyu Auction House—Hou Ye, it's an honor to serve you!"

"This is your lot: Star Sand, please check it."

Hou Ye respectfully presented the jade plate, which contained a touch of silver-gray gravel, which was beautiful.

Xu Che put down the knife and fork, took the jade plate, carefully checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, said: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Since you still have 12 million in our account, we will settle the auction consumption directly for you. Please forgive me."

"In addition, you have not participated in our auction in recent years."

"After several years, for your coming again and your trust and support, our office has made a 10% discount for you, with a total consumption of 6.48 million."

Hearing this, Xu Che was not surprised.

As a resident guest of the auction house, Deadwood Tavern naturally has its own exclusive account here.

He Bo once mentioned it to him, but he didn't explain in detail about the account balance.

After exchanging pleasantries, looking at Hou Ye, Xu Che asked, "Mr. Hou, I have something, could I trouble you to send it to me?"

"If it is arranged temporarily, the publicity is insufficient, and there is no buyer matching. Your item may fail to be auctioned, or the price is too low. Please think again."

"However, if you insist on sending the photo, I will arrange it for you." Hou Ye reminded, with a faint smile on his face.

Although the guest who came this time was not the old man he served many years ago, he still respected the young man hiding under the black robe in front of him.

This is not only the sophistication of the world, but also the quality that he should have in a high position.

Xu Che has enough confidence in his own work, he said with a smile: "It's okay, I believe that everyone here will be interested in it."

"Really? It's really exciting. Thank you for making our auction even better." Hou Ye couldn't help but said.

The young man took out three talisman papers from his bosom, handed them to Hou Ye, and said, "This is an unrestrained overhaul. Although it's not a formal product, it's not much different from what I made in practice."

"Mr. Hou, please check one or two."

Having said that, these talismans are all refined by Xu Che a year ago. They are of average power and can be completed with a few strokes, so they are considered inferior products.

Hou Ye was holding the talisman in his hand blankly, a little surprised, a trace of imperceptible shock flashed in his eyes.

He is a martial artist in the late stage of tempering. Facing this object, he actually sensed a deep threat, which would easily lead to his death.

"I don't know what are the specific effects of these talismans?" Hou Ye asked carefully, he attached great importance to the things in front of him.

The previously dilapidated Xuanming ancient clock was auctioned for a high price of 21 million just because it was used by Wuzhi Daxiu.

If these pieces of talisman paper were really drawn by Wu Zhi Daxiu himself, and they contain divine power, then their value is self-evident.

Xu Che said patiently: "The light red one is a fire-type talisman, which can release nine giant chains of fiery lava to defeat powerful enemies and sweep away evil spirits. It is called Yanxiao."

"The purple one is a lightning-type talisman. After it is burned, dozens of thunderbolts will splash out, but with a flick of a finger, it can suppress and kill a practitioner at the peak of enlightenment. Its alias is Sifang Xuanlei."

"As for the last dark green one, it's a wood-type talisman."

"It is quite different from the previous two. It is the main defense. It will form a round shield around the body. It cannot be broken by non-martial arts masters and unrestricted major repairs. It is called Mu Yu."

"It's not difficult to use them. You just need to hold them in your hand, and you can move your mind and send them instantly."

After listening to the introduction, Hou Ye couldn't calm down for a long time. He didn't expect that what he was holding was such a terrible weapon.

He could imagine that once this item was sent for auction, it would be very popular, and even compared with the finale item, it would be inferior.

After pondering for a moment, Hou Ye became selfish, looked at the young man sincerely, and said, "This item is very valuable. If you are willing, our auction house is willing to pay a high price for it, how about it?"

"Then Mr. Hou, what price can you offer?"

"15 million each, plus a piece of news about your Deadwood Tavern." Hou Ye said slowly.

Xu Che did not agree, and asked instead: "Mr. Hou, do you think that outside customers will not be willing to pay more than 20 million yuan to buy this thing?"

"The auction is nearing the end, and the finale has not yet been released. Presumably, most people still have sufficient funds. Under such fierce competition, your talisman is undoubtedly a better choice."

Hou Ye smiled helplessly, and said, "I can't deny this fact, but a businessman is not just looking for profit, I'd rather be a friend with you."

"Fifteen million is already the highest price I can give, and I don't need to pretend."

"As for the news about the gift, I think it will be very helpful to you and can avoid a lot of losses."

Hearing this, Xu Che smiled and said, "Then I might as well look forward to hearing from you."

Hearing the young man's words, Hou Ye knew that the matter was over, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your forgiveness, please send hello to Elder He for me."

"Oh? Good, I will definitely deliver it."

As for the price of the talismans, Xu Che's psychological expectation is 12 million per piece. In fact, as long as the price is met, he is willing to sell.

The test just now was just to see if the other party lowered the price, and there was also a message attached. It can be seen that the sincerity of Cangyu Auction House is really good.

Then, Hou Ye took the talisman, walked quietly to the side of the young man, approached his ear, and said a secret word in a very low voice.

Xu Che's eyes immediately turned cold. He never imagined that there are so many ambitious people who are eyeing the Deadwood Tavern and are planning to launch a siege.

Facing the unpredictable young man in front of him, Hou Ye patted the young man on the shoulder and reminded him, "Be prepared as soon as possible. I wish you good luck and safety."

Xu Che smiled strangely, and said, "It's time to prepare well, thank you, Mr. Hou."

The middle-aged man didn't have much joy on his face, and he also took a huge risk to reveal the news so frankly under the dual factors of interests and friendship.

He stretched out a strong palm and sighed: "Happy transaction!"

Xu Che shook hands with him, eyes dim, and said calmly: "Pleasant transaction."

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