Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1786: 第七 〇 七

Once again, everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly: "If you want to form a cloud and mist that envelops the entire planet, first the planet must have water and enough water.

At the level of saints, the satellite nebula is really too small. To describe it in a common saying, it is: How can golden scales be a thing in the pool!

There are at most three quasi-sages in the Carp Nebula. Of course, I am talking about the state of natural law. Even because it is too barren, it is very difficult to give birth to a quasi saint; even if a quasi saint can be born, it will be very weak.

But I think that this question has long been understood by quasi-sages like Lord Seven Stars and Lord Xuantian Tian. That's why everyone didn't hinder the tossing of Dayang Group and Tianyuanxing civilization.

I guess, they will wait for you to hit the wall, then come back and clean up you. "

This guess... Zhang Hao nodded slowly, 100% true!

Yes, the Dayang Group's astronomical observation technology is very good now. There are already eight large galaxies discovered within a radius of tens of millions of light years. But, Nima, look at that distance. The closest is Gaia World, 2.8 million light-years away!

Dayang Group and Tianyuanxing Civilization have explored the Carp Nebula at a distance of 80,000 light-years. They have tossed for more than 50 years, and only the second exploratory fleet has been sent out. As for immigration, it is still hanging on the website.

Zhang Hao pondered for a while, and then asked: "Then teacher, if you use the Star Computer? Can you give birth to more quasi-sages within a limited range?"

Jiang Yun nodded: "Dayang Group's irrational number technology is really good, and may be able to promote more quasi-sages. Moreover, there is no problem of mutual interference and exclusivity of laws in the natural state.

Of course, the influence of the quasi-sage cannot be ignored. If I operate the law now, I can at least interfere with the computer's calculation of the irrational number of the "cloud", which will affect my perception.

Therefore, from this point of view, the Dayang Group's immigration to the Carp Nebula is a long-term consideration. The Carp Nebula is barren and unsuitable for the birth of a quasi-saint under natural conditions. But it is exactly suitable for the birth of the "artificial quasi-sage"!

The Carp Nebula is 80,000 light-years away from the big world. As long as it is not too public, the big world will not feel what happens there. Even if it can be discovered, it will be 80,000 years later. "

Zhang Hao finally showed a smile on his face: not because of the praise of Binghe Tianjun, but because the Dayang Group finally broke through.

Yes, break through!

After so many years of development, Dayang Group has always been a human being with its tail sandwiched. Although many established empires look at Dayang Group with envy and hatred, only Zhang Hao knows the difficulties of Dayang Group.

The glory of Dayang Group is built on hard-to-calculate efforts! From the beginning of its development, to the present, there are always such and such strong men who lie on the Dayang Group to **** blood. Now it's even more ruthless, and the quasi-sages are all coming up.

The transformed star cluster established by Dayang Group in the Sky Demon World was originally prepared for its own family, and it is amazing to provide a little convenience for Thunder Xingfeng. Now, I can only haha.

Who do you tell the grievances of Dayang Group?

No! Even if it is Lei Xingfeng, facing the heavenly quasi-sages, he can only shut his mouth. The only thing Dayang Group can do is to immerse itself in development-bleeding while developing.

Under such tremendous pressure, it is still impossible to make a half-step difference, and even to carefully respond to the ever-changing requirements of the quasi-sages. Especially those quasi-saint disciples always have all kinds of demands.

Regardless of the fact that Dayang Group’s products have been sold to the entire Zhoutian World, in fact, many areas are ‘agents’! Yes, Dayang Group only supplies goods, and the rest... are not within your jurisdiction; however, you have to pack them after sale!

Thanks to Dayang Group's strong technology and high profitability of high-tech products, otherwise it would really not be able to support so many vampires.

Now listening to Jiang Yun say this, Zhang Hao is really joyful from the heart: finally broke through! Not easy.

Lei Xingfeng understood Zhang Hao's smile. But he could only sighed slightly, but he also changed the subject by the way, "Jiang Yun, do you think, how far is the current cultivation base from the peak of Zhunsheng?"

Jiang Yun thought for a while, and said, "It's hard to tell. If you say it, it's the control of a single law. Since the holy pattern can appear, it means that the level of the control law has reached the pinnacle level of the quasi-sage. For this, we must thank Dayang. group."

With that, he nodded to Zhang Hao. He continued, "But the fighting power of the quasi-sage is not only related to the law, but also related to accumulation, realm, and supernatural powers.

The veteran quasi-sages have a delicate control over the laws, and they even have ways to increase their power and form various powerful magical methods. But now, I can only understand a little bit, and cannot fully control the law.

For the time being, this law is just a data imprinted on my consciousness. There is still a long way to go if I want to completely transform the data into my combat effectiveness. "

Lei Xingfeng, Li Wuxin, and Binghe Tianjun nodded.

But Mr. Zhang shook his head.

Ok? The eyes of the four quasi-sages and the quasi-sage disciples immediately focused on Zhang Hao. About the matter of quasi-sage nodding, Mr. Zhang, you shook your head...Are you a little arrogant?

But Zhang Hao really isn't. "Teacher, if you are simply familiar with the law, the application of the law, etc., it is actually an understanding of data. These can be achieved with the help of computers.

I think there is always a context to convert irrational number data into magical powers and attack methods. We can all calculate irrational numbers, and design some magical powers.

We can completely allow the computer to freely combine calculations to form countless fixed templates. The teacher selects some templates from them and can use them with a little polishing.

Even if it is not perfect, it should be able to form combat effectiveness in a very short time. "

The four quasi-sages glanced at each other, and they all saw the surprise in their eyes-the shock was gone, everyone was used to it.

The four quasi-sages thought for a while, and what they deduced with a computer is precisely the strength of the computer. As long as certain basic data and principles are input, the computer can output tens of thousands of templates in a few minutes.

If the practitioner is allowed to study a magical power on his own, it may take years or even longer; it may take hundreds of years to polish it to perfection. If it is a quasi-sage type of supernatural power, it may take thousands or tens of thousands of years, because it involves deep issues such as different laws.

But for a computer, it is a process of stacking building blocks.

Jiang Yun spoke again: "Then I will discuss some basic templates and laws of supernatural powers with Ge Dong and others. In fact, it is simple to say. In the technical terms of Dayang Group, it is to superimpose the laws, peaks and valleys, voltage levels, Field energy range and other issues.

When used in practice, it is about the fluctuations of spiritual energy, the fluctuations and frequency of true essence and soul. There are personal habits and the like. "

Ge Dong next to him immediately said: "If so, maybe there are many scientific research templates available in Dayang Group. Star movement, weapon design, research on earthquakes in geology, ocean waves, etc. There are too many data.

As for the combination of energy and the human body, Dayang Group has done more research.

It's just that we didn't know the specific connection between magical powers and laws in the past. Maybe this point requires trouble with seniors. "

Ge Dong spoke a little straight. However, no one at the scene cared. Most of the scientific research personnel of Dayang Group were of this nature.

Zhang Hao turned into a problem baby: "I still have a question. Why does the holy pattern appear in the late stage of cultivation?"

For the time being, only Jiang Yun could answer this question. "I think it may be the state of the unity of nature and man. At this time, the human body gradually detaches from the three-dimensional attributes, and one foot enters the four-dimensional attributes. And this holy pattern is a manifestation of... the law. Yes, we are the embodiment of the law. !

Then, as the incarnation of the law, it's normal to have such a performance. "

But Zhang Hao considered more: "In other words, Saint Rune is actually the correct symbol and way of writing the irrational number ‘cloud’?"

Jiang Yun's eyes lit up, "What did you think of?"

"We used to think of using artificial symbols to replace irrational numbers. For example, we often use Pi. But now, it may not be correct. Irrational numbers have their own way of writing!

Such a holy pattern, a bit like a totem.

If, I mean, if we can collect all the natural writing of irrational numbers, can it form a language of God?

At that time, as long as we recite the language of God, we can be immediately sanctified! "

Everyone stopped talking. Needless to say, everyone was shocked by Mr. Zhang's brain. Although Dayang Group had such a vision before, the actual implementation found many difficulties.

But now, Zhang Hao has found the right way!

It can be seen that many things are said to be difficult, but the correct way to open it is not found.

After a long silence, Jiang Yun said: "Your idea is indeed feasible. However, the holy pattern on my forehead is not complete, because irrational numbers cannot be exhausted, so my holy pattern is not perfect.

The most important thing is that the holy pattern has only graphics and no pronunciation. How do you determine its pronunciation? "

Zhang Hao frowned slightly. Everyone is also thinking about it, but this question seems to really count on Mr. Zhang. The question of brain holes, or the general direction, really needs Zhang Hao to finalize it.

Zhang Hao thought for a while, then slowly said, "Master leads the door to practice in the individual. We do not pursue one step of success, but can develop little by little.

Let's make some holy patterns first. There is one thing about this thing, and a little accumulation can really succeed. The big deal is to build a database behind every holy pattern. Just like the current ‘cloud’.

In addition, the pronunciation problem can actually be solved temporarily. The first sentence of Taoism is: I don't know its name, the word means Tao. Meaning, I don’t know its name or even the correct way to write it. But I recorded it as ‘Tao’ and the pronunciation is also.

It is not clear what the Taoist scriptures describe, but countless people can get started based on it. This shows that many things do not necessarily need to be described accurately. We only need to give the latecomers a guide to getting started.

As for the true writing and reading of this ‘Tao’, it needs the entire cultivation civilization to interpret it. Ha, it seems that this ‘Tao’ is also an irrational number. In other words, it should be called the set of irrational numbers.

There are thousands of cultivators, but there is no one who is the same! Even with the same exercise and the same teacher, the accomplishments vary greatly.

No, the biggest irrational number is actually ‘0’! "

Zhang Hao suddenly stunned, "The Taoist scripture says that no one is born. 0 is nothingness, but it is also the beginning, but it is also the end. Nothing is the smallest and the largest. Its small has no inside, and its big has no outside!

Oops, it's far away. I'll talk about this later. Ok……"

Zhang Hao finished his "nonsense", but he didn't want the four quasi-sages to fall into thought.

However, Jiang Yun's breath flickered slightly, and then Jiang Yun's breath became more plain. But there are all people who are successful in cultivation, and the ordinaryness, especially the ordinaryness in cultivation, means ‘returning to nature’.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, and there were endless surprises in his eyes, "Zhang Hao, thank you! After the calculation of the irrational numbers in the cloud and the justification just now, I have a deeper understanding of irrational numbers.

Now that I have absorbed the concept of ‘0’, I feel that my thoughts have become more rounded. I also have an idea now:

An irrational number is infinite and non-cyclic. What about multiplying those two irrational numbers?

For example, the square of √3 is 3, which is perfect. Of course, irrational numbers in the laws of nature are not that simple, but since an irrational number is hard to exhaust, why not get more irrational numbers.

Although the practice is pure. But there is also a saying that the three flowers gather at the top. In the real world, it is often said that a single tree cannot grow into a forest.

We need to be pure in looking for directions. But we need two legs to walk; we need limbs to live.

I think we can use an irrational number as the core to assist other irrational numbers. In this way, a perfect ‘Tao’ can be created! "

Once again, it was cold.

Well, it can't be said to be a cold spot, but everyone was shocked again. Today’s harvest is a bit big.

While everyone was silent, Zhang Hao took out a few cards, "Several teachers, brothers and sisters, this is the secret key to the supercomputer in the base. All the data from Jiang Yun's practice has been migrated here. Everyone uses this Card login, you can browse data.

But for the time being, I can only browse and cannot participate in the deduction together.

Xingchen Computer will arrange reconstruction immediately. "

Speaking of Star Computer, Jiang Yun was a little embarrassed: "I didn't control my breath. Thanks to Zhang Hao's decisive decision, and also thanks to Lei Xingfeng's quick response."

Lei Xingfeng smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Hao said that it should be. And teachers don’t have to worry, the damage is actually old technology and flaws. In perfect condition, there is no problem. This can be regarded as a test, as a technical accumulation for the future construction of the Star Computer.

Zhang Hao is not talking nonsense. Through such ‘intensive’ testing, the damaged chip can be found, and then tracked to the production line, technology, etc. through logistics information, and technical problems can be reviewed from the source.

Of course, those who perform perfectly will also be tracked to see what is better. The relevant personnel will also be rewarded.

Yes, the damaged ones will only study technical issues and will not be held accountable. After all, it was originally a qualified product, so we have to be held accountable, and we can't do the work below. But if you do well, you must be rewarded. This is to encourage everyone to keep improving.

The discussion came to an end for the time being; Zhang Hao began to arrange research on magical deductions and the collocation of multiple irrational numbers. The immigration issue of the Carp Nebula has also been officially put on the agenda.

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